This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Meetings of Director-General John Berrigan with organisations'.

Ref. Ares(2023)26143 - 03/01/2023
FISMA/15067 - J.P. Morgan on Asset Management
Meeting date and place
Meeting held on 17/11/2022 16:30 Director General Office
Participating organisation(s) representative(s)
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Main issues discussed
The Director General of DG FISMA met with J.P. Morgan representatives to exchange thoughts on the European asset 
management landscape and broader priorities for the financial services industry. J.P. Morgan expressed their interest on
the current priorities of the Capital Market Union and the legislative proposals that would be tabled later this year (
Corporate Insolvency Directive, proposal to review the European Market Infrastructure Regulation and the new Listing 
Act). In addition, the parties discussed the upcoming retail investment strategy and the AIFMD review, with particular 
focus on delegation arrangements.
Directorate or unit
Internal participants
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Author(s) of minutes
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