Head of Division
Brussels, 10 Aug. 23 (2023) 8526378
Ms Ines Gentil
by electronic mail
Subject: Your requests for access to documents of 21 July 2023 and of 3 August 2023
EEAS ref: 2023/104
Dear Ms Gentil,
I would like to thank you for your requests for access to documents relating to “
all public
documents that deal with the problem of disinformation and foreign influence, from
01/01/2020 until today" and
“all public documents that deal with the problem of
disinformation and foreign influence since 2014 + speeches by all the former HR/VP
Catherine Ashton, Federica Mogherini and incumbent Josep Borell”.
Please note that we have not conducted an examination of your request in the framework of
Regulation (EC) No 1049/20011, since the object of your request relates to documents which
are already available to the general public. Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 sets the conditions
and limits on the basis of which EU Institutions should grant access to documents which are
held by them.
Nevertheless, I am pleased to forward to you links to the documents of your interest in
attachment to this letter.
As regards public documents dealing with the problem of disinformation and foreign
interference, the list of links reflects your initial request for public documents as of 1 January
2020. As regards public documents dating back until 2014, I wish to point you to online
sources, which are kept up to date both by the EEAS and other EU Institutions.
In this regard, you may find particularly useful to conduct a search by topic in the EEAS
Public Register
( which contains documents
produced by the EEAS since 1st January 2015. The EEAS Public Register includes also
1 Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (hereafter the "Regulation").
European External Action Service – B-1046 Brussels – Belgium – Tel.: (32-2) 584 11 11
Office: EEAS PARC 06/560 – e-
mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxxx.xx
documents which are not downloadable due to their special regime, to which you may request
to be granted access to on the basis of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001.
I hope that you will find this information useful.
Yours sincerely,
Nereo Penalver Garcia