Main take-aways of the Staff Meeting of 2022-11-29
Good morning everyone from Borchette Center, were the EDPS Supervision Conference is on its way; most of our S&E and I&C col eagues are busy here
today, and wil not be joining the Staff Meeting.
I would like to congratulate the laureates of the EPSO Data Protection competition, and say a word of support and encouragement to those who were not
successful this time.
Supervisor I have an announcement to make as regards the organisation chart and office structure.
Fol owing the amendment to the EDPS Rules of Procedure, which entered into force on 14 November, I have established the position of Head of EDPS
Secretariat, at the level of Secretary General.
As EDPS size and particularly responsibilities have grown and continue to grow significantly we need to adapt our internal structures to those of more mature
organisations, and bring administration’s management at the appropriate level.
This position will allow me to delegate some tasks more systematically, in accordance to the Rules of Procedure, and to have the most senior official
representing the EDPS on an equal footing as those in other institutions.
I intend to publish a vacancy among the EU institutions; the HRBA unit is working on this, to have a vacancy notice at the beginning of next year.
Until the position is fil ed, and to ensure a smooth transition, I appointed Leo in acting capacity for the post; he has competences and experience to carry
these tasks.
The new EDPS organisation chart wil be published on 1 December, and I wanted to share this information with you in advance for full transparency.
There wil be no changes in the operation of the office, in practice, for next months, and we'l see on adjustments as necessary.
Now let's hear from the teams on the past and ongoing work.
Many thanks to
for arranging the necessary for us to connect from Borschette today.
I am very happy for the col eagues who passed the specialist data protection competition. You worked very hard and you got your reward.
Equal y, I am very sad for the col eagues who did not pass because you also worked very hard and I’m sure that many of you got very closed to pass. My door
and I’m sure Wojciech’s door too is open if you would like to have a chat. You are employees of our organization and we care for you and for your careers so
don’t hesitate to reach to us if you would like to do it.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the col eagues who have been working very hard so we can have a new and top class reserve list of laureates.
Both board members and col eagues who appraised written exams. Particular thanks to
, our Board Chair, who has managed this competition
extremely wel . Muchas gracias
Many thanks to Wojciech for his renewed trust in me with this appointment as acting Head of the EDPS at the level of SG under the new RoP. I look forward
to 2023 with a lot of enthusiasm and motivation.
Many thanks to the S&E team and the I&C team for the ongoing conference and good luck to the Court team.
We wil be discussing soon the risk management exercise and the AMP for 2023 in the MM. This is a bottom up exercise so I encourage each and one of you
to participate in the discussions at the unit level. This exercise is about identifying both risks and realistic priorities so a very important one for the success of
our organization.
See the activities list report.
Next Staff Meeting 2022-12-13 at 10:00