Ref. Ares(2017)4715630 - 27/09/2017
Transmission of the signed Grant Agreement - for information - Action
Signed Grant Agreement - Action n° 2016-EU-SA-0009.pdf
In line with Commission Decision C(2017)2612 of 3 May 2017 and in line with possible
adjustments made during the Grant Agreement preparation a maximum co-financing of
€4,482,000 is foreseen for the above Action, for which you have signed the application
Please find enclosed a copy of the Grant Agreement n° INEA/CEF/SYN/A2016/1336268
concluded with the beneficiary.
I would like to draw your attention to the provisions of Article 22 of Regulation (EU)
No 1316/2013 of 11 December 2013 establishing the Connecting Europe Facility and notably
to the fact that Member States "
shall certify that the expenditure incurred in respect of
projects or parts thereof has been disbursed and that the disbursement was in conformity
with the relevant rules".
For this purpose, the Grant Agreement specifies:
− in Section II.23.1.1(j) of the General Conditions that the Action Status Reports
(ASR) to be submitted at the end of each reporting period shall be accompanied by
the certification by the Member State in which the beneficiary is established that
the information provided in the ASR is full, reliable and true; in exceptional cases, at
the request of the beneficiary, the certification may be provided by the Member
State in which the action is implemented";
− in Section II.23.2.2(d) of the General Conditions that, following the completion of
the action, the request for payment of the balance shall be accompanied by "
certification by the Member State in which the beneficiary is established that i) the
information provided is full, reliable and true and ii) the costs declared in the final
financial statement are real and eligible in accordance with this Agreement; in
exceptional cases, at the request of the beneficiary, the certification may be
provided by the Member State in which the action is implemented".
A copy of this letter including the Annex is sent to the Member State where the beneficiary
of the Grant Agreement is established.
Please note that the enclosed Grant Agreement is not a public document. In particular, it
contains personal data that shall not be disclosed and technical and/or financial information
that may be considered confidential.
We remain at your disposal for any additional information.
Yours sincerely,
On behalf of Andreas Boschen, Acting Head of Unit
European Commission Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)
Unit C4 – Energy and ICT
W910 01/129
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
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