This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Sec Gen: TiO2 lobbying'.

Ref. Ares(2019)6720382 - 30/10/2019
Annex I – List of documents 2019/5360 
1.  Concerning your request to receive the list and information relative to the list of any 
lobby meetings held with the Secretariat General, since 8 March 2019, where the 
classification of titanium dioxide (TiO2) was discussed, please note there was no 
meeting held about this topic since 8 March 2019. 
2.   Concerning  your  request  to  receive  any  position  papers,  emails,  or  other 
correspondence  which  relates  to  the  classification  of  titanium  dioxide  (TiO2),  please 
find hereafter the list of documents and correspondence which relates to your request: 
a.  Ares(2019)5664773    Joint  Letter  -  14th  adaptation  to  technical  progress 
(ATP)  of  the  Classification  and  Labelling  (CLP)  Regulation  –  Titanium 
dioxide (TiO2)  
b.  Ares(2019)4080131   Joint letter - 14th ATP of the classification and labelling 
regulation - Titanium dioxide 
c.  Ares(2019)5687001    Titanium dioxide classification – impact 
d.  Ares(2019)4894280    [Re]  Joint  letter  -  14th  ATP  of  the  classification  and 
labelling regulation - Titanium dioxide 
e.  Ares(2019)5787843  Letter  from  Canada  to  the  European  Commission  - 
Cobalt & TiO2 - September 16, 2019