Ref. Ares(2020)2544559 - 14/05/2020
Directorate A - Energy policy
A.1 – Strategy and Policy Coordination
ENER.A.1/PP/AV(2020) 2889242
By registered letter with acknowledgment
of receipt
Lala Hakuma Dadci,
Corporate Europe Observatory
Rue d’Edimbourg 26
1050 Brussels
Advance copy by email:
Dear Ms Dadci,
Your application for access to documents – Ref GestDem No 2020/1962
We refer to your e-mail dated 07/04/2020 in which you make a request for access to
documents, registered on 07/04/2020 under the above-mentioned reference number.
You request access to:
Minutes of the following meetings:
-23/03/2020 Video-conferencing between Kadri Simson and Equinor ASA (EQNR) on
Security of operations under current circumstances (covid-19), oil market developments,
off-shore wind and hydrogen
-3/04/2020 video conferencing between Kadri Simson and ENTSOG on Secrity of energy
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111
Office: DM24 08/153 - Tel. direct line +32 229-20815
Your application concerns the following documents:
Ares reference
Ares(2020)1726075 23/03/2020
Meeting minutes with
Cabinet Commissioner
Ares(2020)2097319 03/04/2020
Meeting minutes with
Cabinet Commissioner
I am glad to inform you that we can give you access to the two documents listed above,
subject only to the redaction of personal data.
A complete disclosure of the identified documents is prevented by the exception concerning
the protection of privacy and the integrity of the individual outlined in Article 4(1)(b) of
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, because they contain the following personal data:
the names and contact details of other natural persons.
Article 9(1)(b) of the Data Protection Regulation does not allow the transmission of these
personal data, except if you prove that it is necessary to have the data transmitted to you
for a specific purpose in the public interest and where there is no reason to assume that
the legitimate interests of the data subject might be prejudiced. In your request, you do not
express any particular interest to have access to these personal data nor do you put forward
any arguments to establish the necessity to have the data transmitted for a specific purpose
in the public interest.
Consequently, I conclude that, pursuant to Article 4(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001, access cannot be granted to the personal data contained in the requested
documents, as the need to obtain access thereto for a purpose in the public interest has not
been substantiated and there is no reason to think that the legitimate interests of the
individuals concerned would not be prejudiced by disclosure of the personal data concerned.
In case you would disagree with this position, you are entitled, in accordance with Article
7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, to submit a confirmatory application requesting the
Commission to review this position.
Such a confirmatory application should be addressed within 15 working days upon receipt
of this letter to the Secretariat-General of the Commission at the following address:
European Commission
Unit C.1. ‘Transparency, Document Management and Access to Documents’
BERL 7/076
B-1049 Brussels,
or by email to:
Yours sincerely,
Head of Unit
Electronically signed on 13/05/2020 19:52 (UTC+02) in accordance with article 4.2 (Validity of electronic documents) of Commission Decision 2004/563