Ceci est une version HTML d'une pièce jointe de la demande d'accès à l'information 'Meeting between SG and organisations'.

Ref. Ares(2021)1707304 - 09/03/2021

First of all, I wanted to compliment the European Commission for addressing methane
emissions in the EU via the Methane Strategy. Despite the fact that there are no
concrete targets yet, this strategy is a step in the right direction! It is important that
agriculture is included in the strategy, because it plays an important role in reducing this
greenhouse gas.
In order to achieve a significant emission reduction within agriculture, it is important to
reward the farmer and the food value chain for emission reductions (CO2 and methane),
for example through the upcoming "EU Carbon Farming Initiative".
DSM and other have some concrete solutions that we would like to discuss further with
you. We believe this might help to create more common ground between farmers and
the EU climate targets, so we hope you would have 30 minutes for us in the beginning of
2021. Would 13, 14 or 15 January suit you? Please let us know.
Thank you very much in advance and kind regards,