Access to all documents revolving the additional €30 million funding to the Philippine Government

Sandra Blenner Rasmussen made this access to documents request to Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection

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The request is waiting for clarification. If you are Sandra Blenner Rasmussen, please sign in to send a follow up message.

Sandra Blenner Rasmussen

Dear Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- Access to all documents revolving the additional €30 million funding to the Philippine Government given to further boost to the European Union's reconstruction assistance in the wake of Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan. More specific I request access to documents describing the beneficiary and the EU's demands for disbursing the funds.

If possible, I'll also request for audit reports for the aid/funding.

About the funding: The €30 million funding came from the European Commission's development budget. It was aimed at supporting post-Yolanda/Haiyan reconstruction through the availability of essential medicines, improved quality of health services, and support to the post-typhoon reconstruction plan of the Philippines's government.

Yours faithfully,

Sandra Blenner Rasmussen
Tullinsgade 6,
1618 Copenhagen V

Dear Sir or Madam,

We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your request for access to documents
sent on 18/09/2023 and registered on 18/09/2023 under the case number

We will handle your request within 15 working days as of the date of
registration. The time-limit expires on 09/10/2023. We will let you know
if we need to extend this time limit for additional 15 working days.

To find more information on how we process your personal data, please see
[1]the privacy statement.

Yours faithfully,

Secretariat-General - Access to Documents
European Commission


Visible links

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Blenner Rasmussen,

Please find attached a message requesting clarifications concerning your
request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case
number 2023/5366.

Kind regards,

DG ECHO Access to Documents

European Commission

Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid
Operations (ECHO)

Unit E3 Contracts and Finance

Rue de la Loi 86 (L-86 04/10)

B-1049 Brussels, Belgium

Tel. office: +32 (0) 2 29 80193