Adtech lobbying on ePrivacy Regulation

European Parliament did not have the information requested.

Dear colleagues,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, provided in Regulation 1049/2001, I request documents about "IAB Europe" , from 8 October 2016 to the present day, 8 October 2018.

Note that the "IAB" in "IAB Europe" may also be spelt out as "Interactive Advertising Board".

This request for documents includes, but is not limited to, minutes; notes, whether hand written or typed; audio recordings; verbatim reports; e-mails; correspondence, telephone calls, video calls, publications; reports; presentations; telephone calls; and policy papers.

I would very much appreciate your assistance in this matter.


Dr Johnny Ryan

AccesDocs, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Ryan,


This is a reply to your application for access, under Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001, to "documents about "IAB Europe", for the period of time
running from 8 October 2016 to 8 October 2018.

"IAB Europe" is an acronym which stands for "Interactive Advertising
Bureau Europe", an ASBL, which is registered with the Transparency
Register. The Transparency Register is a public website, managed jointly
by the European Commission and Parliament, where organisations
representing private interests at EU level register and put out
information about the interest they represent.  

Please find IAB Europe's profile on the Transparency Register under the
following link:

Please also find herewith the links to all the documents mentioning "IAB
Europe" or "Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe" that were published on
Parliament's Public Register of Documents:



In view of the foregoing, Parliament considers you request as handled and
closes the application file. However, should you be interested in
accessing a specific Parliamentary document, please do not hesitate to
submit a new application.

Kind regards,




European Parliament
Directorate General
for the Presidency
Directorate for
and Legislative


[5]Public Register webpage
[6][email address]









Visible links
6. mailto:[email address]

Dear Colleague,

I note your response of 8 November 2018 to my request of 26 October 2018 for documents about "IAB Europe" , from 8 October 2016 to the present day, 8 October 2018.

Your response directed me to the Public Register of Documents, where a number of documents from 8 October 2016 to 8 October 2018 are indeed listed. However, this is incomplete. I note that your reply asked me to limit my request to a "specific Parliamentary document" in a new application. Therefore, I write with specific and general requests:


1. I request all reports, presentations, papers, or notes, handwritten, typed, or otherwise recorded, concerning the hearing on ePrivacy“The proposed rules for the respect for private life and the protection of personal data in the electronic communications in the EU”, which occurred on Tuesday 11 April 2017, between 15.00 to 18.30, at the European Parliament.

2. I request all reports, presentations, papers, recordings, or notes, handwritten, typed, or otherwise recorded, concerning the event "The impact of the proposed ePrivacy Regulation on the data-driven ecosystem" that was organised by IAB Europe and the Developers' Alliance, and which occurred on 20 June 2017, to which MEPs were invited and attended.

3. I request all reports, presentations, papers, recordings, or notes, handwritten, typed, or otherwise recorded, concerning the IMCO delegation meeting with the IAB in the United States, which occurred on 19 September 2017.

4. I request all reports, presentations, papers, recordings, or notes, handwritten, typed, or otherwise recorded, concerning the ePrivacy rapporteur’s stakeholder roundtables at the European Parliament, which occurred on on 29 May 2017


The specific request above is not exhaustive, and I am aware of correspondence and meetings that may be available to the Parliament. Therefore, I request a review of my request of 26 October 2018 for all minutes, notes, whether hand written or typed; audio recordings; verbatim reports; e-mails; correspondence, telephone calls, video calls, publications; reports; presentations; telephone calls; and policy papers related to IAB Europe, from 8 October 2016 to the present day, 8 October 2018.

Yours faithfully,

Johnny Ryan

BENTLEY Jeremy, European Parliament

Our ref.: A(2018)14898

Dear Mr Ryan,

The European Parliament acknowledges receipt of your request, registered on 9 November 2018. You will receive a reply within 15 working days.

Kind regards,


European Parliament
Directorate General for the Presidency
Directorate for Inter-Institutional Affairs
and Legislative Coordination

Public Register webpage
[email address]

show quoted sections

AccesDocs, European Parliament



Our ref.: A(2018)14898



Dear Mr Ryan,


This is a reply to your application A(2018)14427 concerning IAB Europe and
in particular four specific events in which IAB Europe was somehow
involved or interested.  


Parliament would first like to point out, as a preliminary remark, that
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 applies to the documents that are held by the
institution and that there is an organic separation between the European
Parliament and the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). MEPs'
documents only become Parliament documents where they have been submitted
to the institution under its Rules of Procedure.  It could very well be
that an MEP or several MEPs hold documents concerning IAB Europe. However,
Parliament would not be in a position to identify them and much less
assess them and disclose them to the public in application of Regulation
(EC) No 1049/2001 if they have not been submitted to the Parliament


Parliament holds records of the events which take place in Parliament as
official parliamentary activities which consist mainly of committee
meetings and plenary sittings. The minutes and recordings of committee
meetings an plenary sittings are made available on the following webpages:


- Minutes of the committee meetings:

- Recordings of the committee meetings:

- Minutes of the plenary sittings:

- Recordings of the plenary sittings:


Parliament does not hold records of Members' activities falling outside
the scope of their official parliamentary work. These events would be
organised under the responsibility of the Members concerned or of their
political group, and the staff involved in the organisation of the event
would the Member of the political group's own staff.


The same goes for the agendas, meeting,  contacts (phone calls, video
calls and emails) of Members unrelated to the activities taking place in
application of the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament. In
principle, Parliament does not hold documents related to Members' contacts
with third parties. They would be managed by the Members themselves and
their offices.  In this respect, the offices of the MEPs may possibly hold
records of contacts of Members with IAB Europe. However, due to the
organic separation between the Parliament and its MEPs, Parliament would
not be in a position to access them.   


That being said, in your application for access to documents, you make
four specific requests concerning four events.


1_The Hearing at the 11 April 2017 LIBE committee meeting


The instructions for registration, background information, the draft
programme and the video of the hearing are available under the following
link, as well as the MEPs' look at new rules to safeguard your personal
detail online and all the contributions from the speakers:


With the following links, you may also access the successive draft agendas
of the meeting find  




2_The event of 20 June 2017 co-hosted by individual members: 


This event was co-hosted by individual MEPs, but is not part of the
Parliamentary activity in itself. As a consequence, and as explained
above, Parliament does not hold any records on it. This is an external
link to the event:


For more information on the event, you might want to contact the relevant
political group or the MEPs who attended the event.


3_IMCO delegation on 19 September 2017.


In response to your request concerning the IMCO delegation visit to the
United States on 19 – 21, Parliament identified the Notice to Members
 IMCO_CM(2017)615439 with the mission report:




4_ The ePrivacy rapporteur’s stakeholder roundtables of 29 May 2017


Again, as for point 2, this is an event organised by the Member concerned
under her own responsibility. We have not been able to identify any record
held by Parliament on this event, only information on external websites:


You further suggest that there are other mails and meetings that are
available to Parliament and which concerns IAB Europe.


There is no track in the data base in which the official correspondence of
the European Parliament is recorded of an exchange of mails between IAB
Europe and Parliament. It cannot be excluded that IAB Europe had exchanges
of correspondence with MEPs, but Parliament would not be in a position to
identify them as they would only be held by the MEPs concerned.   


If the events you mention are official parliamentary events, organised in
application of Parliament's Rules of Procedure, you may find them by
launching a search on Parliament's Public Register of Documents with
different key words, for instance:






2017/0003(COD) (procedure reference): 



The link to the relevant Legislative procedural file might also be of
interest to you:



We hope this information in useful to you. Should you identify other
specific documents you would like to request access to, please do not
hesitate to submit a new request.








PRES | Directorate General
for the Presidency

Directorate for
Interinstitutional Affairs
and Legislative

[15]Public Register

[16][email address]














Visible links
16. mailto:[email address]