CerealPath (674964) Periodic Financial Report and Final Summary financial statement

The request was refused by Research Executive Agency.

Dear Research Executive Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

1) CerealPath (674964) Periodic Financial Report and Final Summary financial statement

Arguments overriding the Protection of commercial interests of natural and legal persons by public interest:

I would like to bring forward arguments to justify the existence of an overriding public interest in releasing the requested document. My arguments are as follows: Google search the term “eu agricultural mafia” and you will get many interesting articles about how non-transparency is destroying the EU's agriculture. One article title for example: “The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions”. Not only the EU's agricultural food production stability is at stakes but the EU's integrity itself. According to the nature of the agricultural systems, the future generation's food security needs to be strategically built in the present. A stable EU is a public interest but lack of transparency in the EU funding favours the EU destabilising activities. In the EU, bodies protected by commercial interests are not even afraid to commit public murder anymore. Hence in cases where irregularities have been identified, for example in this case irregularities regarding grant agreements, working contracts and missing deliverables any document request refusals based on protection of commercial interests should be overridden by public interests. Brussels should show an example by their actions. What are your kids and or grandkids going to eat? Poor man's liver?

Thank you for your answer!

Yours faithfully,

Gergely Izrael

ve_rea.rea access documents (REA), Research Executive Agency

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[4]Ares(2021)114482 - AOR - access to documents request - CerealPath
(674964) Periodic Financial Report and Final Summary financial statement

Sent by ve_rea.rea access documents (REA)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be sent to this
email address.
Envoyé par ve_rea.rea access documents (REA)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses doivent être
effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr Izrael,


We hereby acknowledge receipt of your e-mail dated 05/01/2021 and
registered on 06/01/2021 where you requested the disclosure of documents
CerealPath (674964) Periodic Financial Report and Final Summary financial
statement, documents that were listed in REA's reply  to your initial
application sent to you on 15/12/2020, reference Ares(2020)7622026.


In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your request will
be treated as a confirmatory application under Article 8 and it will be
handled within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on 27/01/2021.
In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due


Kind regards,




show quoted sections

ve_rea.rea access documents(REA), Research Executive Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Izrael,

Please find attached REA reply signed by M. Tachelet (Ares(2021)663490) to your Confirmatory application regarding project CerealPath registered by the Research Executive Agency (REA) under reference number Ares(2021)106605.

Please acknowledge receipt of this e-mail by replying to [REA request email]

According to standard operational procedure, the reply could also be sent to you by registered post. Please note, however, that due to the extraordinary health and security measures currently in force during to the COVID-19 epidemics, which include the requirement for all Commission non-critical staff to telework, we are unfortunately not in a position to follow this procedure until further notice.

Best regards,

(on behalf of M. Tachelet)

Dear ve_rea.rea access documents(REA),

Oh, Hi Marc,

Long-time no write, sorry for that. I hope you didn’t miss me too much. Because of the inter EU randomised border ON/OFF control in the name of covid safety measures I had to postpone my CerealPath deliverable. As I already indicated before in my previous correspondences the deliverable consists of an act against the corruption in the European agriculture and the manual retrieval of the Final summary financial statement of the CerealPath (674964) programme. It is also a European social experiment examining whether an unemployed homeless has any other options than being a mafia slave.

You refused to make the financial report of the CerealPath project available to the public by reasoning that it would harm the healthy competition of the participating institutes. By this mean you can use the excuse of healthy competition to anything. When it is about the wealth gathering of those who are upper in the hierarchy then it’s just a healthy competition. Destroying of other people’s life, destruction of all the essential systems namely healthcare, education, research and agriculture are all just a healthy competition. But when the consequences in the society of such a destructive behaviour becomes widely visible then the narrative is immediately changed into “we are all in this together”, we all have to pay more for the greedy bastards. Your reasoning why the financial report can’t be public is faulty in at least two things. First, it is about the spending of the public funds what was acquired from the tax paying citizens compulsorily by the law and not through healthy competition. This means that the spending of public funds must be transparent and public. It never was the CerealPath consortium’s money. Their accountability towards the European people should be self-evident. I guess but not according to you. Second, what you call healthy is not even healthy. If for you stealing money and years from the ESRs, missing working contracts and grant agreements is healthy then you are the one who is non-healthy. (I have a new blog post describing more into detail the healthy competition phenomenon: https://digitalsandwich713036224.wordpre...)

The problem with an unhealthy competition is that the product of such a competition is unhealthy. The concept can be better understood through a biological example. In biology the most famous competition is when the sperm cells are running for the egg. Now, when this competition would be affected with similar cell behaviour like the corruption within the European institutes that would mean like cancerous sperm cells in the biological world. Out of regulation, lost contact with the environment and excessive limitless resource hunger are all similar traits to the cancer disease. The product of the egg fertilised by a cancerous sperm could be best described with the Necronom by H.R. Giger (https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-edit...). This means that people winning their everyday competition with corruption, theft, fear and destruction of the others are giving birth to the Alien and sitting in their position like an Alien resting on its human skulls. I know that your alien is whispering into your ears just before you fall asleep at night.

I find the managerial setup of the programmes run by the REA very wasteful. Nicely represents the whole functioning of the Brusselian programmes. For example, it was me and my knowledge supervisor a postdoc student who had any idea about the research topic, following in the hierarchy the official supervisor a professor, the project manager, the project coordinator, the project officer, the project officer officer and you the director were just sitting here fooling around with your illicit documents. Moreover, my knowledge supervisor wasn’t even mentioned in the official papers to give him credit for his work, what a pity. This setup means two persons trying to do the job and 6 actors playing the theatre of wealth gatherers. When someone can do something then the alien parasites are immediately rushing there in the name of the healthy competition. I am sorry to say but it seems like the motivated people trying to build a better Europe can’t keep alive such a setup to much longer. Unfortunately, in the name of the healthy competition nothing is enough for you. I wonder what such an Alien human beings can understand from the world around him/herself. You have a generous money inflow just because the location of your birth, but you have no idea where that money comes from, and the information about the world around you written down on your papers, now well known to the public, are corrupted.

I’ve read your input about the study conducted by the European Democracy Consulting dealing with the topic about why central and eastern Europeans are missing from top leaderships (https://sciencebusiness.net/news/central...). Why you didn’t tell your honest opinion? That for eastern Europeans different law and treatment is applied by the EU institutions. That you need as much poor slaves as possible for your unhealthy competition. That those positions are inherited within the western European inbred criminals. That poor eastern Europeans can’t even be ESRs, not directors.

One thought about the justice system what you have suggested to me to turn to in case I wasn’t satisfied with your healthy competition game. If I understand your way of thinking correctly, you are saying, that the European top-managers or leaders are allowed to do anything without any barriers because at the justice system the entities who got damaged during the healthy competition can initiate a proceeding to evaluate if the competition was healthy or not - legal or not. This means that first comes the destruction than the correction by the justice system. The problem with such a path is that in the end the evil wins. The last crime within your suggested healthy competition simply needs to be the destruction of the justice system. Therefore, I am not advising to rely on our present justice system as a behavioural safety net because by its architecture it is not evil-proof. Moreover, according to the Nuremberg trials - just because a certain type of behaviour is legal according to the actual establishment it is not inherently unjudgable.

Do you remember my poster what I wanted to present to the European public in front of the REA and my knock-knock joke that the eastern Europeans are coming? In this poster one of the pictures what was a wheat field infested with Ferraris, the wheat field was actually taken by a Ukrainian photographer from east Ukraine. I hope she is still alive and well. Your refusal of letting me publicly present my poster to warn the European people about the state of the agriculture tells a lot about the REA’s stance and therefore Brussels stance towards the European agriculture. Your fake theatre puts everyone who is relying on the information presented by your organisation into danger. Meanwhile the wheat price just doubled in the last two years. You and other people in leading positions are so much surrounded with corrupted information that your ability to make relevant predictions and decisions are corrupted as well. This puts in danger every European citizen who are dependent on the output of the European institutions. Now the global food supply is at risk and the eastern Europeans are coming. As you can see it is possible to foresee such events, I just simply extrapolated from the behaviour and communication what I discovered within the CerealPath management and in the REA’s stance towards the irregularities in its own programmes and also from the works of journalists reporting about corruption. On a side note: When the Covid started I didn’t understand the EU covid defence strategy but then I remembered the CerealPath management and the functioning of the REA. Perhaps very similarly thinking people are sitting in different managerial position and suddenly everything was clear about the mess, delay and corruption.

I surprised how your kind loves to disobey the law, even if it is totally useless, just to make your point that you are standing above it. Your public disclosure of my private address goes against the GDPR law, the law what Brussels is so proud of. And yet, you still weren’t able to disclose CerealPath’s final summary financial statement which also goes against the law about transparency. You are a very nice representation of the people sitting at the top of the Brusselian institutes. You and your friends really should have all the money from the European tax payers to make a better world for us and for the next generations.

Yours sincerely,

Gergely Izrael