CVs of EU Commission cabinet members

The request was partially successful.

Dear Secretariat General,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

I respectfully request that you provide me copies of:

- the complete list of the European commissioners of the Barroso I (22/11/2004 - 31/10/2009) commission, the Barroso II (10/2/2010 - 31/10/2014)commission and the ongoing Juncker I commission,

- the complete list of the members of the cabinets for each of the commissioners of the three aforementionned European commissions. (Barroso I, Barroso II and Juncker I)

Furthermore, or all the three aforementionned European commissions (Barroso I, Barroso II and Juncker I), please provide me with:

- copies of the curriculum vitae of all the European commissioners and all the members of theirs respective cabinets at the time they started assuming their duties.

Thank you in advance for the time you will take to work on my request.

Yours faithfully,

Thomas Seymat

Secretariat General of the European Commission

Thank you for your request for access to documents. Unfortunately you have not indicated your postal address that is required for registering and handling your request in line with the procedural requirements. Please send us your full postal address at your earliest convenience. Pending your reply, we reserve the right to refuse the registration of your request.
You may, of course, use directly the electronic form for entering your request:

You have lodged your application via the website. Please note that this website is not under the European Commission's management, therefore the European Commission cannot be held accountable for any technical issues or problems linked to the use of this system.


European Commission
Secretariat General
Unit SG.B4 – Transparency

show quoted sections

Dear Secretariat General,

My apologies for forgetting to include my postal adress.

Please note that it is

Thomas Seymat
c/o euronews
60, chemin des Mouilles, BP 161
69131 Lyon Ecully Cedex

Please note I would also appreciate if you can send digital, exploitable (ideally not .pdf) copies of the requested documents to the following e-mail thomas(dot)seymat(at)euronews(dot)net

Thank you in advance for your time.

Yours faithfully,

Thomas Seymat

Secretariat General of the European Commission

Dear Mr Seymat,

Thank you for your email dated 29/01/2015 registered following your submission of your postal address. We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents, which was registered on 02/02/2015 under reference number GestDem 2015/669.

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, you will receive a response to your request within 15 working days: 23/02/2015.

If this deadline needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course.

Please note that you have lodged your application via the website. Please note that this website is not under the European Commission's management, therefore the European Commission cannot be held accountable for any technical issues or problems linked to the use of this system.

Best regards,


European Commission
Secretariat General
Unit SG.B4 – Transparency

show quoted sections

Secretariat General of the European Commission

Dear Mr Seymat,

Part 1-2 of your request has been registered under a different number: GestDem 2015/775. Part 3 remains undre GestDem 2015/669.

Thank you.

Best regards,


European Commission
Secretariat General
Unit SG.B4 – Transparency

show quoted sections

Secretariat General of the European Commission

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Seymat,

We refer to your e-mail dated 29/01/2015 in which you make a request for access to documents registered on 02/02/2015 under the above mentioned reference number (GestDem 2015/669).

I would like to inform you that the list and the CVs of the European Commissioners of the ongoing Juncker Commission are available on Europa website at the following address:

Please click on each Commissioner's name to find 'biography' - 'CVs'

Please find attached the complete list of the European commissioners of the Barroso II (10/02/2010 - 31/10/2014) Commission and the Barroso I (22/11/2004 - 31/10/2009) Commission and the Zip files which contain the curriculum vitae of all the European commissioners, which you requested.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of HoU Sonja Ziemer


Secretariat General of the European Commission

Dear Mr. Seymat
Subject : Your request for access to documents - GESTDEM 2015/775  -
Holding reply
I refer to your request sent by mail on 29/01/2015.  This request for
access to documents was registered under n° GESTDEM 2015/775.
Your request for the documents regarding "the complete list of the
European commissioners of the Barroso I (22/11/2004 - 31/10/2009)
commission, the Barroso II (10/2/2010 - 31/10/2014) commission and the
ongoing Juncker I commission, and the complete list of the members of the
cabinets for each of the commissioners of the three aforementioned
European commissions. (Barroso I, Barroso II and Juncker I)" is currently
being handled.
However, we will not be in a position to complete the handling of your
application within the time limit of 15 working days, which expires on
Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in
accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding
public access to documents. The new time limit expires on 16/03/2015.
We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.
Yours sincerely,
For the Registry Director
Martine DEPREZ
European Commission
Secretariat General/Head of Unit  SG.A.1 (Registry)
Tel. +32 2 29 62236

Secretariat General of the European Commission

Subject:        Your applications for access to documents of 29 January
Reference:      Gestdem n° 2015/775
Dear Mr. Seymat,
Thank you for your e-mail, requesting access to documents under Regulation
No 1049/2001 (1) regarding public access to European Parliament, Council
and Commission documents.
You have requested access to the documents/information:

 1. the complete list of the European commissioners of the Barroso I
(22/11/2004 - 31/10/2009) commission, the Barroso II (10/2/2010 -
31/10/2014) commission and the ongoing Juncker I commission,


 2. the complete list of the members of the cabinets for each of the
commissioners of the three aforementionned European commissions.
(Barroso I, Barroso II and Juncker I)

For the composition of each cabinet, please select a Commissioner and
then, click on the rubric "My team or Cabinet" 

* The list of the Commissioners and the composition (members/team) of
each cabinet of the Barroso Commission (2004 - 2009) is available at
the following address:


* The list of the Commissioners and the composition (members/team) of
each cabinet of the Barroso Commission (2010 - 2014) is available at
the following address:


* The list of the Commissioners and the composition (members/team) of
each cabinet of the ongoing Juncker I commission is available at the
following address:

Yours sincerely,
For the Registry Director
Martine DEPREZ
European Commission
Secretariat General/Head of Unit  SG.A.1 (Registry)
Tel. +32 2 29 62236
(1) OJ L 145, 31.05.2001, page 43


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