EGMC dispensation

European Aviation Safety Agency has replied saying you have to contact another public body.

Dear European Aviation Safety Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:with reference to Aerodrome EGMC 001 certificate:
The certificate states type of approaches as CAT 1, with an aerodrome reference 3c, also stating that 757-200 and 737-800 aircraft require a higher reference code.
I request the following information:
1. (in full ) Inform me of any dispensation that may have been awarded to the above named aerodrome that would cover the above named aircraft.
2. (in full) inform me where any dispensation documentation can be read ( or supply me with a copy)
3. (in full) Inform me on what grounds any dispensation has been granted
4. (in full) Inform me of the detailed risk assessment that would support such dispensation.
5. (In full) Inform me of the details from any documentation from the responsible aerodrome operator/ representative that they have supplied to EASA that would allow the decision for dispensation to be awarded. (meaning full disclosure of any self-assessment documentation)

Yours faithfully,

a pernn

info, European Aviation Safety Agency

3 Attachments

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email.

We have forwarded your request to our experts and we will do our best to reply as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we invite you to visit our website and the related FAQs section at
You can also subscribe to EASA Updates at

Kind regards,
Communication Department
European Aviation Safety Agency<>


Tel.: +49 221 8999 000
Postal: Postfach 10 12 53, 50452 Cologne, Germany
An agency of the European Union [cid:image003.jpg@01D0B4E4.E347EFB0]

info, European Aviation Safety Agency

Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your email.
We will forward your request to our experts and do our best to reply as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we invite you to visit our website and the related FAQs section at
You can also subscribe to EASA Updates at
Kind regards,
Communication Department
European Union Aviation Safety Agency<>


Tel.: +49 221 8999 000
Postal: Postfach 10 12 53, 50452 Cologne, Germany
European Union Aviation Safety Agency [cid:image006.jpg@01CF962A.8EC93EA0]

You can subscribe to EASA Updates at

COSGROVE Orna(EASA), European Aviation Safety Agency

1 Attachment

Please find attached document Ares(2020)4508337 from ROSTREN Stephanie (EASA.ED.2) dated 31/08/2020.

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2020)4508337 de ROSTREN Stephanie (EASA.ED.2) daté du 31/08/2020.