EP intervention
Dear European Parliament,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain:
Information about the European Parliament's decision to intervene in the Case Access Info Europe v Council of the European Union, Czech Republic, Greece, Spain and the UK (Case C-280/11 P).
I would also like to request a document detailing the results of the vote which made the Parliament's decision to intervene official. Namely, who voted in favour and who voted against.
If possible, please send me this information in electronic format.
Thank you very much.
Yours faithfully,
Access Info Europe
Dear Access Info,
We acknowledge receipt of your request.
For future requests, could you please use the relevant electronic forms
in order to facilitate our work and the electronic processing of your
Requests for information:
Request for documents:
Thanks in advance for your cooperation
Transparency - Public Access to Documents
European Parliament
Dear Access Info Europe,
Following your request, please find for your information the
recommendation made on 10 October by the Committee on Legal Affaires for
Parliament to intervene in case C-280/11 P.
As regards your request concerning a document detailing the results of
the vote, please note that no voting by roll call (Rule 167 of the EP
Rules of procedure) was taken in this case.
We hope his information is useful to you,
Transparency - Public Access to Documents
European Parliament