Ethics guide for staff
Dear Home Affairs (HOME),
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting any guidance note, briefing paper etc issued to HOME staff which advises on how to improve ethics and/ or deal with potential conflicts of interest within the DG.
Yours faithfully,
Vicky Cann
Ref: just.srd.02(2012)608102
Dear Ms Cann,
In reply to your e-mail request of 2 April 2012 for documents issued to DG
HOME staff related to ethics, we are sending you the following documents:
1. Code of Good Administrative Behaviour
This is a document distributed to staff in the Commission, and is
also available on the DG HOME intranet.
2. Code on Professional Ethics in DGs HOME and JUSTICE
This document is given to all newcomers in DG HOME and is also
available for download through the local intranet. All newcomers to DG
HOME receive an email with a link to download it from the intranet.
3. Articles on ethics from the internal newsletter of DG HOME
On a regular basis, articles on topics related to ethics are
published in the internal newsletter, which is sent by email to all staff
The articles are also published as news items on the homepage of
DG HOME's intranet.
4. Intranet: page on ethics and news items related to ethics
The ethics page contains information and reference documents on
ethics in the Commission for all DG HOME staff.
All newcomers are given the link to this page when they join the
The intranet news articles are published on the homepage of the
intranet, which is the default homepage for all staff when they open their
intranet browsers.
5. List of internal training sessions on Ethics offered for DG HOME staff
Since its creation, DG HOME has offered six internal
training sessions on Ethics and behaviour.
During these courses, participants review the relevant
sections of the staff regulations and discuss hypothetical cases linked to
ethical questions.
Best regards,
Acting Head of Unit
European Commission
DG Home Affairs & DG Justice
Shared Resource Directorate
Unit 02 – Human Resources
Address : LX46 04/007, B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32 2 29 95 757
Email: [1][email address]