European Commission contract directly with Microsoft for service and support

The request was successful.

Dear Informatics (DIGIT),

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

The last framework contract for the acquisition of Microsoft software products and licenses, under an Inter-institutional Licensing Agreement (ILA), was LAR 2011 in which 53 European Institutions and Agencies were involved.

I am aware that apart from that framework contract, the European Commission signed a contract directly with Microsoft for service
and support.

I would like to have access to the contract mentioned above.

Yours faithfully,

Jorge Castro


2 Attachments

Dear Sir,


Please find attached a note on behalf of Mr Santiago del Pino.


Yours faithfully,


Secrétariat DIGIT.R.1


European Commission


Unit DIGIT.R.1


B-28 07/152

B-1049 Brussels/Belgium

' +32 2 299 54 97


[1][email address]




show quoted sections


3 Attachments

Dear Sir,

Please find attached the reply to your above mentioned request on behalf of Mr Stephen Quest, Director General DG DIGIT.

This will be sent by email only.

Yours faithfully,
Isabel Coimbra

show quoted sections

Dear Informatics (DIGIT),

Thank you very much for your response. I respect the reasons you gave me for not disclosing the content of the contract since that would undermine the protection of the commercial interests of Microsoft. However I must say that I am not completely satisfied with your response.

I would like to ask you again for the content of the document, but this time without any disclosure of any information that you may find critical. In particular, and if it is possible, I would like to know the exact duration, as well as the overall price and the exact object of the contract.

Yours faithfully,

Jorge Castro


1 Attachment

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your e-mail and for your interest in the activities of the
Commission's Directorate-General for Informatics.
I understand that your intention was to make a confirmatory application
under Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 requesting the
Commission to review the initial position adopted in Mr Quest's letter of
3 June 2013. Your request will therefore be processed by the Commission's
Your e-mail contains additional requests for information.
Concerning your request "to know the exact duration (…) of the contract”,
I can inform you that the contract was signed on 28 June 2011 for a
duration of 3 years.
Concerning your request “to know (…) the overall price and the exact
object of the contract", I would refer you to the contract award notice,
where you may find the maximum volume estimates earmarked for the
performance of the contract in the participating EU Institutions, Agencies
and Other Bodies (point VI.2) and a detailed description of the services
covered by the contract (point IV.1.1). This notice and its corrigendum
are available at the following URLs:
I trust you will find this information useful.
Kind regards,
Deputy Head of Unit
European Commission
Directorate General for Informatics
Directorate for Resources
Unit "Planning, Human Ressources and Logistics"
B-28 07/107
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 296 31 24
[3][email address]

show quoted sections


1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    Picture Device Independent Bitmap 2.jpg

    0K Download

Dear Mr Castro,
I hereby acknowledge receipt of your confirmatory application for access
to documents dated 6^th June 2013, sent by mail, and registered on 7^th
June 2013 (Ares(2013)1845483).
In accordance with Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, you will receive an
answer to your request within 15 working days (28/06/2013).

Yours sincerely,
Cellule 'Accès aux documents'
European Commission
SG/B/5 - Transparence

BERL 05/330
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 296 09 97
[1][email address]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 5:36 PM
To: 'Jorge Castro'
Subject: GESTDEM 2817/2013 - RE: Internal review of access to information
request - European Commission contract directly with Microsoft for service
and support
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your e-mail and for your interest in the activities of the
Commission's Directorate-General for Informatics.
I understand that your intention was to make a confirmatory application
under Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 requesting the
Commission to review the initial position adopted in Mr Quest's letter of
3 June 2013. Your request will therefore be processed by the Commission's
Your e-mail contains additional requests for information.
Concerning your request "to know the exact duration (…) of the contract”,
I can inform you that the contract was signed on 28 June 2011 for a
duration of 3 years.
Concerning your request “to know (…) the overall price and the exact
object of the contract", I would refer you to the contract award notice,
where you may find the maximum volume estimates earmarked for the
performance of the contract in the participating EU Institutions, Agencies
and Other Bodies (point VI.2) and a detailed description of the services
covered by the contract (point IV.1.1). This notice and its corrigendum
are available at the following URLs:
I trust you will find this information useful.
Kind regards,
Deputy Head of Unit
European Commission
Directorate General for Informatics
Directorate for Resources
Unit "Planning, Human Ressources and Logistics"
B-28 07/107
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 296 31 24
[4][email address]

show quoted sections

Pam Bartlett,

Subject: RE: GESTDEM 2817/2013 - RE: Internal review of access to
information request - European Commission contract directly with
Microsoft for service and support
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 15:52:02 +0000
From: [1]<[email address]>
To: [2]<[FOI #514 email]>
CC: [3]<[email address]>, [4]<[email address]>

Dear Mr. Castro,
Your confirmatory request, under reference, has been already registered
with Secretariat General of the Commission.
Having studied your request and the exchange of correspondence you had
with Directorate General for Informatics, in particular the underneath
answer of Mr. Santiago Del Pino, I would like to ask you if you still
maintain your request for the document at issue.
I note that your questions, "[…] In particular, and if it is possible, I
would like to know the exact duration, as well as the overall price and
the exact object of the contract" were answered by the replay below.
I would be very grateful for your prompt replay.
Thank you in advance and kind regards,
Marek Koska
Marek Koska 
Tel +
Policy and Legal Officer - Transparency Unit
European Commission
Secretariat General
Office BERL 05/288
B- 1049 Brussels
Email: [5][email address]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 5:36 PM
To: 'Jorge Castro'
Subject: GESTDEM 2817/2013 - RE: Internal review of access to information
request - European Commission contract directly with Microsoft for service
and support
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your e-mail and for your interest in the activities of the
Commission's Directorate-General for Informatics.
I understand that your intention was to make a confirmatory application
under Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 requesting the
Commission to review the initial position adopted in Mr Quest's letter of
3 June 2013. Your request will therefore be processed by the Commission's
Your e-mail contains additional requests for information.
Concerning your request "to know the exact duration (…) of the contract”,
I can inform you that the contract was signed on 28 June 2011 for a
duration of 3 years.
Concerning your request “to know (…) the overall price and the exact
object of the contract", I would refer you to the contract award notice,
where you may find the maximum volume estimates earmarked for the
performance of the contract in the participating EU Institutions, Agencies
and Other Bodies (point VI.2) and a detailed description of the services
covered by the contract (point IV.1.1). This notice and its corrigendum
are available at the following URLs:
I trust you will find this information useful.
Kind regards,
Deputy Head of Unit
<< OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >>
European Commission
Directorate General for Informatics
Directorate for Resources
Unit "Planning, Human Ressources and Logistics"
B-28 07/107
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 296 31 24
[8][email address]

show quoted sections


1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    Re RE GESTDEM 2817 2013 RE Internal review of access to information request European Commission contract directly with Microsoft for service and support.txt

    0K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr. Castro,
I refer to my email to you sent on 11 June 2013 and delivered to you on 13
June 2013 (please see below).
To date, and unless we are not mistaken, we did not receive any answer
from you.
We presume that this might indicate that you are satisfied by information
provided by Directorate General for Informatics on 6 June 2013 and thus we
are about to close the case at reference. We intend to do this on 21 June
2013. If this is however not your intention, please let us know your
position by this Friday 21 June 2013, at the latest.
Thank you in advance for your response.
Kind regards,
Marek Koska
From: KOSKA Marek (SG)
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 5:52 PM
To: 'Jorge Castro'
Subject: RE: GESTDEM 2817/2013 - RE: Internal review of access to
information request - European Commission contract directly with Microsoft
for service and support
Importance: High
Dear Mr. Castro,
Your confirmatory request, under reference, has been already registered
with Secretariat General of the Commission.
Having studied your request and the exchange of correspondence you had
with Directorate General for Informatics, in particular the underneath
answer of Mr. Santiago Del Pino, I would like to ask you if you still
maintain your request for the document at issue.
I note that your questions, "[…] In particular, and if it is possible, I
would like to know the exact duration, as well as the overall price and
the exact object of the contract" were answered by the replay below.
I would be very grateful for your prompt replay.
Thank you in advance and kind regards,
Marek Koska
Marek Koska 
Tel +
Policy and Legal Officer - Transparency Unit
European Commission
Secretariat General
Office BERL 05/288
B- 1049 Brussels
Email: [1][email address]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 5:36 PM
To: 'Jorge Castro'
Subject: GESTDEM 2817/2013 - RE: Internal review of access to information
request - European Commission contract directly with Microsoft for service
and support
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your e-mail and for your interest in the activities of the
Commission's Directorate-General for Informatics.
I understand that your intention was to make a confirmatory application
under Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 requesting the
Commission to review the initial position adopted in Mr Quest's letter of
3 June 2013. Your request will therefore be processed by the Commission's
Your e-mail contains additional requests for information.
Concerning your request "to know the exact duration (…) of the contract”,
I can inform you that the contract was signed on 28 June 2011 for a
duration of 3 years.
Concerning your request “to know (…) the overall price and the exact
object of the contract", I would refer you to the contract award notice,
where you may find the maximum volume estimates earmarked for the
performance of the contract in the participating EU Institutions, Agencies
and Other Bodies (point VI.2) and a detailed description of the services
covered by the contract (point IV.1.1). This notice and its corrigendum
are available at the following URLs:
I trust you will find this information useful.
Kind regards,
Deputy Head of Unit
<< OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >>
European Commission
Directorate General for Informatics
Directorate for Resources
Unit "Planning, Human Ressources and Logistics"
B-28 07/107
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 296 31 24
[4][email address]

show quoted sections