European Parliament Election - Budget 2010 and 2014 and expenditure 2010
Dear Budget (BUDG),
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting machine readable documents which contain the following information:
2010 Election
Budget and actual expenditure for the European Parliament 2010 Election, general and broken down per country and per region in each country. Please in xlsx or csv format.
For Spain, procedure of allocating the budget of the 2010 European Parliament Election to each autonomous community, amounts allocated and documents to prove how the money was distributed, in as much detail as possible.please in xlxs or csv format.
2012 Election
Budget for the next European Parliament 2012 Election, general and broken down per country and per region in each country. Please in xlsx or csv format
For Spain, procedure of allocating the budget of the 2012 European Parliament Election to each autonomous community, amounts allocated, bodies, position and names of people responsible for supervising budget expenditure. Please in xlsx or csv format.
I look forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Ms C. Catalan
Dear Ms Catalan,
Unfortunately we are not able to answer your question as it concerns the European Parliament, and not the European Commission.
Please contact the relevant services in the European Parliament for an answer to your query.
Kind regards,
DG Budget Information and Communication