European Schools
Dear Human Resources and Security (HR),
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
with reference to the written answer to the European Parliament by VP Sefcovic on behalf of the European Commission dated 12th November 2013, and at
1) Can you provide any documents showing that the Commission requested, (as expressly stated by VP Sefcovic in his written answer to the European Parliament dated 12th November 2013), a detailed report on the mathematics and chemistry exams from the Office of Secretary General of the European Schools.
2) Any documents in the Commission's possession that informed or otherwise influenced the making of the request referred to at 1) above
3) Any documents generated in response to the Commission request for a detailed report as set out in 1) above including the "detailed report" which VP Sekcovic states was prepared by independent experts in response to the Commission request.
4) Any documents in the Commission's possession that informed or otherwise influenced the Commission's reasoning, leading the Commission to state in the written answer of 12th November2013, that they consider that Professor Norbert Pachler and his colleague Dr Smith were "independent external experts" when preparing the report mentioned in 3) above.
5) Provide a copy of any documents containing the "recommendations [that] were made" as mentioned in the written response of VP Sefcovic detailed at 1) above.
7) Please provide any documents related to the close follow up referred to by VP Sefcovic in the written response detailed at 1) above
Yours faithfully,
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: Your application for access documents – RefGestDem No 20163/5725
We refer to your e-mail dated 14/11/2013 in which you make a request for
access to documents, registered on 18/11/2013 under above mentioned
reference number.
We enclose copy of:
-Report dated 29 June 2012 from the Institute of Education, Dr. Cathy
Smith (only available in French)
-Letter on 5^th July 2012 from the Secretary General of the European
Schools (SGES) to the pupils concerned, their parents and their teachers
-Doc. 2012-09-D-10-en-3 – Report of the Chair of the 2012 European
Baccalaureate Examination Board
Letter from Mr Moricca, Director of Directorate-General Human resources
and security at the Commission, to the Chairman of the Board of Governors
of European Schools, Mr Demaegd, and the Secretary-General of the European
Schools, Mr Kivinen, asking to add a point concerning difficulties
regarding the Baccalaureate in June 2012
-Doc. 2012-12-D-15-en-3 – Definite minutes of the enlarged meeting of the
Board of Governors of the European Schools
-Doc. 2013-04-D-18-en-3 – Definite minutes of the enlarged meeting of the
Board of Governors of the European Schools
-Doc. 2013-02-D -19-en-2 – Proposal for amendment of the Arrangements for
implementing the Regulations for the European Baccalaureate (applicable
for the 2013 European Baccalaureate session)
-Doc. 2013-01-D-46-en-3 – Proposal for amendment of the Arrangements for
implementing the Regulations for the European Baccalaureate (applicable
for the 2014 European Baccalaureate session)
where you will find information related to the matters on your mail.
Concerning the document showing that the Commission requested a detailed
report, as Mr. Sefcovic refers to in his answer to the parliamentary
question E-010390/2013, the request was expressed orally by the Commission
representatives to the Secretary General in June 2012 and the choice of
the expert was done during that meeting of the Secondary Board of
Inspectors, one of the administrative organs of the European schools
system, in which the Commission is not represented (see letter of 5 July
2012 in annex).
Best regards