Gender Equality in the European Parliament
Dear European Parliament,
I am writing to submit a Freedom of Information request regarding gender equality in your institution of the European Union. In order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my query as specifically as possible.
Please note, I define employees as including all staff employed within the institution, including but not limited to, directors, managers, translators, secretaries and support staff, including temporary workers.
I would like to know the following information
(a) The percentage of male and female employees of the European Parliament
(b) The average pay of male and female employees of the European Parliament
If you need further clarification, please contact me by email. My preferred format to receive the information is electronically, but I can accept hard copies.
Some parts of this request may be easier to answer than others, and in such case I would ask that you release available data as soon as possible rather than delay the entire request.
If FOI requests of a similar nature have been asked already, please include your responses to those requests. If the costs of processing this request exceed the limit in the Act, please advise what information you are able to supply within the cost limit.
I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request. I look forward to your response within 20 working days, as outlined by the statute.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Stanley
[postal address]
[postal address]
Dear Mr Stanley,
We acknowledge receipt of your request to the European Parliament on
gender equality.
Please note that Parliament is bound by Regulation (EC) 1049/2001:
You will receive a reply within 15 working days.
Kind regards,
EPRS - European Parliamentary Research
Directorate for the Library
[3]Public Register webpage
[4][email address]
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4. mailto:[email address]
Dear Mr Stanley,
The Citizens’ Enquiries Unit of the European Parliament (EP) has been
asked to reply to your request for information concerning gender equality
in the EP.
We would inform you that the overall ratio of staff members in the
European Parliament is currently 57% female to 43% male.
With regard to the salary of employees, we would refer you to Article 66
of the [1]Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment
of Other Servants of the European Economic Community and the European
Atomic Energy Community, available in the Official Journal of the European
For further information regarding gender equality in our institution, the
Directorate-General for Personnel has produced the publication [2]Women in
the European Parliament, which gives an overview of the work being done to
achieve gender balance within the European institutions, and provides
statistics on the ratio of men/women in the different functions and
We thank you for your interest in the European Parliament.
Yours sincerely,
Citizens' Enquiries Unit
Please note that the information given by the Citizens' Enquiries Unit of
the European Parliament is not legally binding
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