Greens-EFA "transparency and Democracy" initiative and financial report
Cher Parlement européen,
Au titre du droit d'accès aux documents dans les traités de l'UE, élaboré dans le Règlement 1049/2001, je demande les documents contenant ces informations:
Le groupe des verts européens/EFA a alloué mi 2015 un budget sur plusieurs années pour leur priorité "Transparence et démocratie"
J'aimerais connaître
1) le budget total alloué (et pour quelle durée) par le groupe greens-EFA pour ce projet
2) Le nombre d'équivalents temps plain engagé sur ce projet/budget et pour quelle durée
3) Le coût salarial comparé au budget global du projet.
4) Le budget consacré aux activités externes, de networking avec des ONG actives dans le domaine de la transparence, la participation citoyenne et à la lutte anti corruption
5) le budget restant pour de telles activités en 2017
6) le budget prévu et dépensé pour des activités de support à des initiatives citoyennes ou d'ONG
7) Si une demande de prolongation du projet après sa fin en mi 2017 sera t elle introduite par le groupe greens-EFA
8) les coordonnées et email des personnes engagées sur ce projet.
Jamais également recevoir en pièce jointe à ce courriel, les rapports d'activités et financiers de cette initiative.
Je vous prie de croire, Monsieur/Madame, à l'assurance de mes salutations distinguées,
robin vanwoud
Dear European Parliament,
The european parliament GREENS-EFA group did not respond within the 15 legal days to my request about how was their transparency-project budget spent according to the project expectations.
It would be very ironic that the greens were not transparent about the money they spent on transparency projects, is'n it ?
Therefore i am requesting an internal review to obtain the documents and answer as soon as possible
Yours faithfully,
robin vanwoud
Dear Mr Vanwoud,
Following a routine check in Parliament's "AccesDocs" mail box, an e-mail
from you sent on 7 March has been found in the Junk mail tray.
You refer to a request sent on 13 February which was never received by
Parliament, regarding the Greens-EFA "Transparency and Democracy" project.
In this context we would like to recall that Parliament does not hold
documents related to initiatives undertaken by political groups in
connection with their political strategy, outside the institutional
activities of the European Parliament. In fact political groups manage
the funds allocated to them under budget item 400 independently.
Therefore the information you request can only be provided by the
concerned group:
In particular, for the "Transparency and Democracy project", you could
Bartlett Quintanilla
Transparency and Democracy Campaigner
We hope this information is useful to you.
Kind regards,
PRES | Directorate General for the Presidency
Directorate for Interinstitutional Affairs and
Legislative Coordination
[3]Public Register Webpage
[4][email address]
Visible links
4. mailto:[email address]
Dear Mr. Vanwoud,
Your request of 13 February asking for information about the Greens/EFA
transparency and democracy priority has been forward to me. I apologise
for the delay in replying and for the fact that this request took longer
to process than it should have done!
I would just like to clarify that political groups are not covered by the
terms of Regulation 1049/2001 on public access to documents. However, in
the interests of transparency, and given that access to information is a
fundamental human right, we are more than happy to respond to your
I have listed each of your questions below in order to answer them
individually. Each heading is your original question in French, and
underneath that you'll find the response in English. Please let me know if
you'd prefer to have the answers in French instead.
1) le budget total alloué (et pour quelle durée) par le groupe greens-EFA
pour ce projet
--> The budget for the Transparency and Democracy priority is allocated on
an annual basis. The priority began in 2015. For the years 2015, 2016 and
2017 the budget is of max 80,000€ per year.
2) Le nombre d'équivalents temps plain engagé sur ce projet/budget et pour
quelle durée
--> 1 person employed full time. First contract was September 2015 –
September 2017. Second contract to be confirmed.
3) Le coût salarial comparé au budget global du projet
--> The person employed full time is a Contract Agent, Group Function III,
Grade 8, Step 1. Here, in Article 93 (page 216) of the Conditions of
Employment of Other Servants of the European Union, you can find a table
of all the salaries:
. These salaries are updated annually so, currently, the basic salary for
a Contract Agent, Group Function III, Grade 8, Step 1 is of €2619,87.
4) Le budget consacré aux activités externes, de networking avec des ONG
actives dans le domaine de la transparence, la participation citoyenne et
à la lutte anti corruption
--> All 80,000€ is for the external activities of the priority. This
includes costs [2]to attend networking events, to [3]organise conferences,
to commission studies (e.g. [4]on lobbying), to [5]create online
transparency tools, to commission external legal advice (e.g. [6]on
whistleblower protection), etc.
5) le budget restant pour de telles activités en 2017
--> For 2017, we have a budget of 80,000€ maximum for the year.
6) le budget prévu et dépensé pour des activités de support à des
initiatives citoyennes ou d'ONG
--> We don't usually fund NGOs and citizens' projects with this budget,
unless they perform a service that they then invoice us for (e.g. a study
on lobbying, a training on the Aarhus Convention). In general, NGOs will
not accept money from political groups, and any funding from the
Greens/EFA group to NGOs and citizens' initiatives must be clearly marked
with our logo anyway.
7) Si une demande de prolongation du projet après sa fin en mi 2017 sera t
elle introduite par le groupe greens-EFA
--> Yes, it was agreed that this priority would stay in place until the
European elections in 2019. But we do not have to request formal
permission from the European Parliament for this – each group decides on
their own priorities and activities.
8) les coordonnées et email des personnes engagées sur ce projet
--> Pam Bartlett Quintanilla, Transparency and Democracy Campaigner for
the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament:
[7][email address]
Extra information:
--> Work plan 2016:
--> Work plan 2017: attached
I hope I've answered your questions satisfactorily, but should you wish to
request further information or any clarifications, do not hesitate to
write to me.
You can also call me on +32 228 42353 during office hours.
Many thanks in advance, best regards,
│[9]Logo du Groupe │The Greens | European Free Alliance │
│[10]│in the European Parliament │
│ │Transparency and Democracy Campaigner │
│ │ │
│ │[11]*[email address]│
│ │> PHS 55A050 > LOW T04085 │
│ │Rue Wiertz 60 Allée du printemps │
│ │B-1047 Bruxelles 67070 Strasbourg │
│ │' (+32) 228 42353 ' (+33) 3881 73691 │
From: AccesDocs
Sent: 09 March 2017 17:38
To: '[FOI #3986 email]'
<[FOI #3986 email]>
<[email address]>
Subject: Your e-mail concerning Greens-EFA "Transparency and Democracy"
Dear Mr Vanwoud,
Following a routine check in Parliament's "AccesDocs" mail box, an e-mail
from you sent on 7 March has been found in the Junk mail tray.
You refer to a request sent on 13 February which was never received by
Parliament, regarding the Greens-EFA "Transparency and Democracy" project.
In this context we would like to recall that Parliament does not hold
documents related to initiatives undertaken by political groups in
connection with their political strategy, outside the institutional
activities of the European Parliament. In fact political groups manage
the funds allocated to them under budget item 400 independently.
Therefore the information you request can only be provided by the
concerned group:
In particular, for the "Transparency and Democracy project", you could
Bartlett Quintanilla
Transparency and Democracy Campaigner
We hope this information is useful to you.
Kind regards,
PRES | Directorate General for the
Directorate for Interinstitutional
Affairs and Legislative Coordination
[14]Public Register Webpage
[15][email address]
Visible links
7. mailto:[email address]
8. https://greeningthecities.files.wordpres...
11. mailto:[email address]
15. mailto:[email address]