Dear European Union Satellite Centre,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
The SatCen is one of the key institutions for European Union’s Security and Defence policy.
I request all correspondence with the Irish Ministry for Defence over the last three years.
As well as all correspondence with the European Defence agency regarding data referring to Ireland over the last three years.
I would also like all correspondences with the Irish Environmental Protection Agency over the last five years.
And all correspondence regarding Fishing in Ireland over the past three years.
Yours faithfully,
Eamon Donoghue
Please find the requested information, available upon subsequent request.
Eric Jeurissen
Coordination Support Manager EU SatCen
00 34 91 678 6022
Dear Eric Jeurissen,
Regarding the following correspondence; 7/5/2013 Reminder of call for contributions to the SatCen 2013 Operational Budget Head of Finance MoD Ireland.
I would like to see the actual copy of the correspondence? rather than just a summary.
Yours sincerely,
Eamon Donoghue
[Subject only] RE: FW: Official correspondence between the SatCen and the Irish MoD
Eamon Donoghue left an annotation ()
Being provided with summaries of correspondence rather than the actual correspondence required