Lobby meetings between Sefcovic and cabinet on the Southern Gas Corridor

The request was partially successful.

Dear Secretariat General of the European Commission,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- the minutes of all lobby meetings from November 2014 until today between Maros Sefcovic and/or his cabinet that discussed the Southern Gas Corridor and/or any of its components e.g. the Trans Adriatic Pipeline or Trans Anatolian Pipeline

- any correspondence from November 2014 until today between Maros Sefcovic and/or his cabinet with lobbyists that discussed the Southern Gas Corridor and/or any of its components e.g. the Trans Adriatic Pipeline or Trans Anatolian Pipeline

My address is: 
Corporate Europe Observatory 
Mundo B 
Rue d'Edimbourg 26 
Bruxelles 1050

Yours faithfully,

Pascoe Sabido

Secretariat General of the European Commission

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 27/02/2018. We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents, which was registered on 28/02/2018 under reference number GestDem 2018/1237.

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application will be handled within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on 21/03/2018.

In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Carlos Remis
Berl. 05/315

show quoted sections

Secretariat General of the European Commission

Dear Mr Sabido,


l refer to your request dated 27/02/2018, registered on 28/02/2018, in

you make a request for access to documents under the above mentioned


Your application is currently being handled. However, we will not be in a
position to

complete the handling of your application within the time limit of 15
working days, which

expires on 21/03/2018.

An extended time limit is needed as the handling of your application could
not yet be

completed at this stage.

Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in
accordance with

Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
documents. The

new time limit expires on 16/04/2018.

l apologise for any inconvenience this delay may cause.


Yours sincerely,



With kind regards,


Dominika Sikora


European Commission

Directorate D - Policy Co-ordination I

SG.D.3-Resource Efficiency

Office: BERL  6/251
Tel: +32 229-57215
e-mail: [1][email address]



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Secretariat General of the European Commission

Dear Ms Sabido,


This is to inform you that the handling of your request is almost done and
you should receive the documents during this week. We apologise for the
delay that can cause any inconvenience to you.


With kind regards,


Dominika Sikora

European Commission

Directorate D - Policy Co-ordination I

SG.D.3-Resource Efficiency

Office: BERL  6/251
Tel: +32 229-57215
e-mail: [1][email address]



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]


16 Attachments

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2018)2178116 concernant "GESTDEM 2018/1237 - Reply" envoyé par M/Mme MUYLLE Jean-Yves le 24/04/2018.

Please find attached document Ares(2018)2178116 regarding "GESTDEM 2018/1237 - Reply" sent by Mr/Ms MUYLLE Jean-Yves on 24/04/2018.

Note: This e-mail was automatically generated by the European Commission's central mail registration system.
Replies by e-mail must be addressed to the original sender MUYLLE Jean-Yves (mailto:[email address]).
Remarque : Cet e-mail a été généré automatiquement par le système d'enregistrement central du courrier de la Commission européenne.
Toute réponse éventuelle par e-mail doit être adressée à l'expéditeur en personne, à savoir MUYLLE Jean-Yves (mailto:[email address]).


1 Attachment

Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping

[5]Ares(2018)3346157 - Your confirmatory application for access to
documents under Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 – GESTDEM 2018/1236

Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[SG request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[SG request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.


Dear Mr Sabido,

I refer to your email of 5 June 2018, by which you submit a confirmatory
application in accordance with Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC)
No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and
Commission documents[6]^[1] (‘Regulation 1049/2001’).

Your confirmatory application is currently being handled. Unfortunately,
we have not yet been able to gather all the elements we need to carry out
a full analysis of your request in order to take a final decision.

Therefore, we are not in a position to reply to your confirmatory request
within the prescribed time limit which expires on 28 June 2018.

Consequently, we have to extend this period by another 15 working days in
accordance with Article 8(2) of Regulation 1049/2001. The new deadline
expires on 19 July 2018.

Yours sincerely,


Martine Fouwels

Deputy Head of Unit



European Commission

Secretariat General

Unit B4 (Transparency)




[8][1]      Official Journal L 145 of 31.5.2001, p. 43.


Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D40C70.DE050B50
2. file:///tmp/cid:editdata.mso
3. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
4. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
5. https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/ext/doc...
6. file:///tmp/foiextract20211201-23715-16eprks#_ftn1
8. file:///tmp/foiextract20211201-23715-16eprks#_ftnref1

Secretariat General of the European Commission

2 Attachments

Dear Pascoe SABIDO,
Please find attached a copy of the confirmatory decision taken on your
request for access to documents registered under Gestdem number 2018/1236,
adopted on 10/07/2018 in the above-mentioned case.
Please note that the Secretariat-General of the European Commission will
proceed with the formal notification of the decision in the coming days.
This copy is solely sent for your information and is not the formal
notification of the confirmatory decision.
Best Regards,
Gitte Louise Olsen
Access to documents team
European Commission
Unit B4 - Transparency
Office address BERL 05/315
+32 2 995 63 26
[1][email address]


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]