Request for Privacy Shield Records

The request was partially successful.

Dear European Data Protection Supervisor,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

I request all reports, correspondence, and memorandum on the Privacy Shield framework. I would like to you search for records from October 1, 2015 to the present.

I request to be provided these records free of charge, because it is in the public interest to release these records. If any part of this request is denied, I request to be informed of the decision and the reason why.

Thank you,

Rachael Tackett

European Data Protection Supervisor

4 Attachments

Dear Ms Tackett,


We acknowledge receipt of your request which was registered in our system
on 20 February 2016. In accordance with Article 7 (1) of Regulation (EC)
No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council, and
Commission documents, you will receive a reply within 15 working days
(i.e. by 13 March 2016).


Your case has been registered with case number 2017-0202.


Yours sincerely,


 [1]cid:image001.png@01D08819.F93340B0 EDPS Secretariat 

Tel. +32 2 283 19 00 | Fax +32 2 283 19 50


[2]Description: Description:
Email [3][EDPS request email]

European Data Protection Supervisor
Postal address: Rue Wiertz 60, B-1047 Brussels
Office address: Rue Montoyer 30, B-1040 Brussels

[4]Description: [6]Description: Description:
Description:   Website [7]
Twitter [5]@EU_EDPS


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or confidential. Unauthorised access, use or other processing is not
permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please inform the sender
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Visible links
3. mailto:[EDPS request email]

European Data Protection Supervisor

4 Attachments

Dear Ms Tackett,


In relation to your access to documents request, some of the documents
identified at the EDPS are publicly available. Please see the links below:


The EDPS Opinion on the EU-U.S: Privacy Shield draft adequacy decision:



Keynote speech at the International Privacy Conference:



Speech at the Council of Europe International Conference:



The Article 29 Working Party Opinion on the EU - U.S. Privacy Shield draft
adequacy decision:



The Commissions draft adequacy decision:



Communication from the Commission:



Policy Resolution by the TACD on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Proposal:



Regarding the other documents, we will come back to you under separate
cover in compliance with the deadlines in Regulation (EC) 1049/2001.


Yours sincerely,


 [8]cid:image001.png@01D08819.F93340B0 EDPS Secretariat 

Tel. +32 2 283 19 00 | Fax +32 2 283 19 50


[9]Description: Description:
Email [10][EDPS request email]

European Data Protection Supervisor
Postal address: Rue Wiertz 60, B-1047 Brussels
Office address: Rue Montoyer 30, B-1040 Brussels

[11]Description: [13]Description: Description:
Description:   Website [14]
Twitter [12]@EU_EDPS


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or confidential. Unauthorised access, use or other processing is not
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Visible links
10. mailto:[EDPS request email]

European Data Protection Supervisor

4 Attachments

Dear Ms Tackett,

We refer to your e-mail dated 18 February 2017 in which you make a request
for access to document, registered on 20 February 2017, under the above
mentioned case number.


Your application is currently being handled. However, we will not be in a
position to complete the handling of your application within the time
limit of 15 working days, which expires on 13 March 2017.

An extended time limit is needed as your application concerns a large
number of documents and since part of the documents requested originate
from different third parties which has been consulted.

Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in
accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding
public access to documents. The new time limit expires on 3 April 2017.

We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.

Yours faithfully,


 [1]cid:image001.png@01D08819.F93340B0 EDPS Secretariat 

Tel. +32 2 283 19 00 | Fax +32 2 283 19 50


[2]Description: Description:
Email [3][EDPS request email]

European Data Protection Supervisor
Postal address: Rue Wiertz 60, B-1047 Brussels
Office address: Rue Montoyer 30, B-1040 Brussels

[4]Description: [6]Description: Description:
Description:   Website [7]
Twitter [5]@EU_EDPS


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intercepted, amended, and infected with viruses. The EDPS therefore cannot
guarantee the security of correspondence by email.






Visible links
3. mailto:[EDPS request email]

European Data Protection Supervisor

17 Attachments

Dear Madam,


Please find attached a scanned version of a letter (+ annexes) sent to you
only by e-mail.


Best regards,


 [1]cid:image001.png@01D08819.F93340B0 EDPS Secretariat 

Tel. +32 2 283 19 00 | Fax +32 2 283 19 50


[2]Description: Description:
Email [3][EDPS request email]

European Data Protection Supervisor
Postal address: Rue Wiertz 60, B-1047 Brussels
Office address: Rue Montoyer 30, B-1040 Brussels

[4]Description: [6]Description: Description:
Description:   Website [7]
Twitter [5]@EU_EDPS


This email (and any attachment) may contain information that is internal
or confidential. Unauthorised access, use or other processing is not
permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please inform the sender
by reply and then delete all copies. Emails are not secure as they can be
intercepted, amended, and infected with viruses. The EDPS therefore cannot
guarantee the security of correspondence by email.






Visible links
3. mailto:[EDPS request email]

European Data Protection Supervisor

8 Attachments

Dear Madam,


Please find attached a scanned version of a letter (+ annexes) sent to you
only by e-mail.


Best regards,


 [1]cid:image001.png@01D08819.F93340B0 EDPS Secretariat 

Tel. +32 2 283 19 00 | Fax +32 2 283 19 50


[2]Description: Description:
Email [3][EDPS request email]

European Data Protection Supervisor
Postal address: Rue Wiertz 60, B-1047 Brussels
Office address: Rue Montoyer 30, B-1040 Brussels

[4]Description: [6]Description: Description:
Description:   Website [7]
Twitter [5]@EU_EDPS


This email (and any attachment) may contain information that is internal
or confidential. Unauthorised access, use or other processing is not
permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please inform the sender
by reply and then delete all copies. Emails are not secure as they can be
intercepted, amended, and infected with viruses. The EDPS therefore cannot
guarantee the security of correspondence by email.








Visible links
3. mailto:[EDPS request email]