Use and/or costs of Sponsored Posts in Social Media
Dear Communication (COMM),
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
Regarding the Offical Facebook and Twitter accounts of the institutions of the European Union, I request records of the payment for the promotion of Facebook posts to reach a larger audience and the sponsorship of Tweets sent out by those accounts, if they are in existence.
I request details of costs of promoting informational material on social media through sponsored posts on the Facebook and Twitter accounts of:
Council of the European Union
European Commission
European Parliament
Yours faithfully,
Rachel McLaughlin
Dear Ms McLaughlin,
Thank you for your request to access information about the amounts for
Facebook promotion on the Facebook page of the Commission.
The corporate Commission Facebook page was used for promoted posts for the
following campaigns in 2013:
• Europe in My Region: €13,000
Photo competition designed to illustrate the local impact of investments
made by the European Structural Funds and the European Social Fund across
• ‘The Missing Part’, anti tax-evasion campaign: €8,870
Fight against tax fraud and tax evasion is one of the priorities at EU
level. This campaign targeted general public with a YouTube video and
online promotion emphasizing that avoiding taxes means that 'something
might be missing' in the lives of many.
• European Year of Citizens 2013 (Facebook polls and 'the
European Story' photo competition), cost until 25/11/2013: €15,778
In the framework of the European Year of Citizens, 11 polls on areas
ranging from citizens' rights to starting a business were published and
promoted on the European Commission Facebook page. The findings from the
polls will be included into the final evaluation of the thematic year. In
November 2013, 'the European Story' photo competition was held, asking
people to submit pictures portraying their lives as Europeans.
The European Commission has not used any promoted tweets.
I trust this information will be useful.
Kind regards,
Document Management Officer (DMO)
European Commission
DG Communication
Unit DG.02.002
L-56 5/088
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 29 88597
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