We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mathias Schindler please sign in and let everyone know.

Work with Palantir

We're waiting for Mathias Schindler to read a recent response and update the status.

Mathias Schindler

Dear Communications Networks, Content and Technology,

Palantir Technologies, Inc. is a private company supplying products and services.

I am asking for any information related to palantir and its products and services, including

a) meeting records (drafts, memos, invitations, appointments, cancellations) involving Palantir officials and people representing Palantir and their interests

b) correspondence (including within the [Authority name] and with the European institutions concerning Palantir technologies and / or its products and services or the regulatory environment of the EU that affects their products and services. This may include policy papers, consultation input, memoranda or any other form of information.

c) invoices, tenders, service agreements, purchases, orders, procurement documents, offers etc. concerning products and services using Palantir Technologies.

Please do not transfer this request to another Autority, this is a request specifically for you. Do not exclude short-lived documents or documents considered to be unimportant under archiving rules.

Please ensure that information that is considered to be excempt for access for this request is not automatically deleted within to make sure that subsequent confirmatory applications and legal appeals as well as Ombudsman office inquiries can still access and assess them.

Yours faithfully,

Mathias Schindler

ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT), Communications Networks, Content and Technology

[1]Ares(2020)3006240 - RE: access to documents request - Work with

Sent by ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be
sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses
doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Sir ,

Thank you for your  e-mail of 8 June 2020. We hereby acknowledge receipt
of your application for access to documents, which was registered on 9
June 2020 under reference number GESTDEM 2020/3485.

For the purposes of the registration of your request the following postal
address will be used: Bundestagsbüro Julia Reda, MdEP Unter den Linden 50
11011 Berlin, Germany.
In case this postal address is incorrect or no longer valid, we kindly ask
you to inform us as soon as possible.

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application
will be handled within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on 30
June 2020. In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be
informed in due course.

You have lodged your application via the AsktheEU.org website. Please note
that this is a private third- party website, which has no link with any
institution of the European Union. Therefore, the European Commission
cannot be held accountable for any technical issues or problems linked to
the use of this system.

Please note that the private third party running the AsktheEU.org website
is responsible and accountable for the processing of your personal data
via that website, and not the Commission. For further information on your
rights, please refer to the third party’s privacy policy.

We understand that the third party running the AsktheEU.org website
usually publishes the content of applicants’ correspondence with the
Commission on that website. This includes the personal data that you may
have communicated to the Commission (e.g. your private postal address).

Similarly, the third party publishes on that website any reply that the
Commission will send to the email address of the applicants generated by
the AsktheEU.org website.

If you do not wish that your correspondence with the Commission is
published on the  AsktheEU.org website, you can provide us with an
alternative, private e-mail address for further correspondence.

 In that case, the Commission will send all future electronic
correspondence addressed to you only to that private address, and it will
use only that private address to reply to your request. You should still
remain responsible to inform the private third-party website about this
change of how you wish to communicate with, and receive a reply from, the

Yours faithfully,
DG CONNECT Access to Documents Team

European Commission
BU25 – Avenue de Beaulieu 25
B-1160 Brussels/Belgium

show quoted sections

ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT), Communications Networks, Content and Technology

1 Attachment

Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping

[5]Ares(2020)3246171 - Your application for access to documents RefGestDem

Sent by ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be
sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses
doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.


Dear Mr Schindler,


We refer to your e-mail of 8 June 2020 wherein you make a request for
access to documents pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public
access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents
(‘Regulation 1049/2001’), registered on 9 June 2020 under the
above-mentioned reference number.


Your application reads as follows:


΄΄Dear Communications Networks, Content and Technology,


Palantir Technologies, Inc. is a private company supplying products and

I am asking for any information related to Palantir and its products and
services, including:

a) meeting records (drafts, memos, invitations, appointments,
cancellations)  involving Palantir officials and people representing
Palantir and their interests


b) correspondence (including within the [Authority name] and with the
European institutions concerning Palantir technologies and / or its
products and services or the regulatory environment of the EU that affects
their products and services. This may include policy papers, consultation
input, memoranda or any other form of information.


c) invoices, tenders,  service agreements, purchases, orders, procurement
documents, offers etc. concerning products and services using Palantir


Please do not transfer this request to another Authority, this is a
request specifically for you. Do not exclude short-lived documents or
documents considered to be unimportant under archiving rules.


Please ensure that information that is considered to be exempt for access
for this request is not automatically deleted within to make sure that
subsequent confirmatory applications and legal appeals as well as
Ombudsman office inquiries can still access and assess them. ΄΄


In this regard, reference is made to your email of 10 June 2020 addressed
to Directorate-General Research and Innovation (DG RTD) wherein you
clarify that the timeframe of this request is since 2004 (when the company
was founded). With regard to the people representing Palantir and their
interests, you referred to the names listed in the EU transparency
register at
. You also noted that since a complete list of representatives is not
available, the request should not  cover only  the people listed in this


Due to the scope of your request, the work needed to deal with your
application entails multiple searches for documents involving the entire
DG CONNECT, the current Commissioner and his Cabinet as well as various
former Commissioners and their Cabinets, covering the following steps:


-  Contacts/exchanges and consultations within DG CONNECT, with the
competent Cabinet and the archive services

- Multiple searches for the identification of the documents which fall
within the scope of the request in several document management systems of
the Commission and various databases, 

 - Analysis of the documents in order to confirm whether the references to
‘Palantir’ correspond to the company Palantir Technologies,Inc.

- Retrieval and establishment of a complete list of the documents falling
under the scope of your request,

 - Scanning of the documents which are not in pdf format, 

- Preliminary individual assessment of the content of the documents in
light of the exceptions contained in Article 4 of Regulation 1049/2001,

 - For many of the documents, third party consultations under Article 4(4)
and/or 4(5) of Regulation 1049/2001, 

- Final assessment of the documents in light of the comments received,

 - Redaction of those parts of the documents to which one or several
exceptions apply,

  - Preparation and finalisation of the reply for the request,

  - Preparation of the reply and the documents for dispatch.


It is also to be noted, that, in parallel, we are dealing with another
access to documents request you have submitted (GestDem 2020/3429).


It follows from the above that the work needed for the treatment of your
request cannot expected to be completed within the normal time limit set
out in Article 7 of Regulation 1049/2001.


Article 6(3) of the Regulation 1049/2001 provides that, in the event of an
application relating to a very long or a very large number of documents,
the institution concerned may confer with the applicant informally with a
view to finding a fair solution. In accordance with the case law of the
Union Courts, the proposal for a fair solution aims to balance the
interest of the applicant against the workload resulting from the
processing of the application in order to safeguard the interests of good
administration (Judgments of 6 December 2001, Council v Hautala, Case C
353/99 P, EU:C:2001: 661, para. 30, and of 2 October 2014, Strack v
Commission, Case C 127/13 P, EU:C:2014:2250, para.27). Such solution can
only concern the content or the number of documents applied for, not the
deadline for replying (Judgment of the Court of Justice of 2 October 2014
in case C- 127/13, Guido Strack v Commission, paragraphs 26-28). This
means that the scope of the request must be reduced in a way that would
enable its treatment within the extended deadline of 15 + 15 working days.


According to our estimate at this stage there are approximately 35
documents with indications of references to the company, which need to be
further examined.


Taking this into account and based on the above-mentioned provision, we
would kindly ask you to specify the objective of your request, your
specific interest in the requested documents and whether you could narrow
down the scope of your request, so as to reduce it to a more manageable
amount of documents.


In order to help you narrow down your wide scope request please note that
the following categories of documents with references to the company
Palantir have been identified:


- Documents relating to publications, reports, studies, articles, notes,
letters -  number of documents identified: approximately 20

-Documents related to call for proposals, projects - number of documents
identified: approximately 15


Please note that at this stage we have not identified any document related
to meetings between Palantir officials and people representing Palantir
and DG CONNECT officials or the relevant Commissioners and their Cabinet


Please note also that due to the wide timeframe of your request covering a
period of more than 16 years some files may not be available any more.


Taking into account the other ‘access to documents’ requests being handled
within DG CONNECT at the same time, the global workload of the concerned
staff during the same period, the human resources available and the need
to safeguard good administration, we consider that in the remaining
timeframe we would be able to deal with a  maximum of 20 documents falling
within the categories listed above.


In order to enable us to respect the time limits of Regulation 1049/2001,
we would ask you for a swift response to our proposal for a fair solution.
Please respond within three working days, i.e. by 25 June 2020 eob, at the
latest.    Please send your response by email to the following address: 
[7][email address]


In the absence of a reply within three working days, we will unilaterally
restrict the scope of your application to those parts that can be dealt
with within the extended deadline of 30 working days counting from the
date of registration of your application.


Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 


The DG CONNECT Access to Documents Team



European Commission


BU25 – Avenue de Beaulieu 25

B-1160 Brussels/Belgium




Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D648C0.0DC39310
2. file:///tmp/cid:editdata.mso
3. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
4. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
5. https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/documen...
6. https://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregiste...
7. mailto:[email address]

Mathias Schindler

Dear ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT),

as a fair solution, I propose that you submit a list of the 35 documents identified so that I can indicate which of these documents should be processed for release. This will be the most efficient and least time-consuming method and it will allow you to move forward with the handling of this request. Please make sure to mention the ARES number of each document so that a precise reference can be made.

Yours sincerely,

Mathias Schindler

ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT), Communications Networks, Content and Technology

[1]Ares(2020)3402558 - RE: Ares(2020)3246171 - Your application for access
to documents RefGestDem 2020/3485

Sent by ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be
sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses
doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr Schindler,

We refer to your email below, dated 22 June 2020, wherein you respond to
our fair solution proposal of the same date and  you propose that we send
you the list of the identified documents.

The documents identified at this stage with indications of references to
the company Palantir Technologies, Inc. which need to be further examined
are the following:

- Email of 27/2/2020 from the National Security Commission on Artificial
Intelligence  (NSCAI)   and the attached NSCAI Interim report.
-Email of 25/3/ 2020 from the AI Transparency Institute  and the attached
Special Issue on AI Governance
-The Future of Government 2030+, A Citizen Centric Perspective on New
Government Models, Joint Research Centre, 2019
- Paper: Data ethics - the new competitive advantage,
-  Study on data sharing between companies in Europe - Case studies
- Final Report- Emerging Technologies in Electronic Components and Systems
(ECS) – Opportunities Ahead and its Annex
- Mission report from Vice-President Ansip’s and his Cabinet visit  to
Toulouse, 13 March 2019
- Briefing note on the follow-up inter-service meeting on China on 14
January 2020
-Note International WEEKLY Digital Press Review to April 9th 2020
-Letter dated 8 April 2020, from the MEP Sophie in’t Veld to Commissioner
Breton and Commissioner Reynders
-DG CONNECT Note of 24/4/2020
-Email from the Delegation in USA, 17/4/2020 
- Article: Data democracy – increased supply of geospatial information and
expanded participatory processes in the production of data, International
Journal of Digital Earth (2015)
- LT- Innovate Report 2013 - Status and Potential of the European Language
Technology Markets.
- Email of 5/7/2013 from Digidentity to Commissioner Kroes  and DG
CONNECT’s reply
- 4 reports drafted by third parties (iDATE, European Round Table of
Industrialists -ERT,  Ministry of Digital Affairs in Poland, Task Force
set up by the French Government) and attached to emails
-Letter from ETH Zurich of 21/1/2014
- One document related to the final report of the study ref. SMART
- One document related to a deliverable of the project CYSPA
-Two documents related to deliverables of the project Big Data Ocean
-Two  documents related to deliverables of the Summa project
-One document related to a deliverable of Aegis project
- One document related to a deliverable of the Icarus project
-Two documents related to deliverables of the e- Side project
- Two documents related to the proposal for calls H2020-ICT-2019-3

Please note that you may find further information about the projects in
CORDIS at [2]https://cordis.europa.eu/en.

We kindly ask you to specify the documents you are interested in and up to
a maximum of 20 documents. According to our estimate this is the maximum
of what can be dealt with within the remaining timeframe as indicated in
our fair solution proposal.

In order to enable us to respect the time limits of Regulation 1049/2001
we would ask you for a swift response and by Wednesday 1 July eob, at the
Please send your response by email to the following address:
[email address]

In the absence of a reply within the given timeframe we will unilaterally
restrict the scope of your application to those parts that can be dealt
with within the extended deadline of 30 working days counting from the
date of registration of your application.
 Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

 The DG CONNECT Access to Documents Team

European Commission
BU25 – Avenue de Beaulieu 25
B-1160 Brussels/Belgium

show quoted sections

Mathias Schindler

Dear ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT),

thank you for the list. Here is the list of 20 documents selected for release processing.

- Email of 27/2/2020 from the National Security Commission on Artificial
Intelligence (NSCAI) and the attached NSCAI Interim report.
-Email of 25/3/ 2020 from the AI Transparency Institute and the attached
Special Issue on AI Governance
-The Future of Government 2030+, A Citizen Centric Perspective on New
Government Models, Joint Research Centre, 2019
- Paper: Data ethics - the new competitive advantage,
- Study on data sharing between companies in Europe - Case studies
- Final Report- Emerging Technologies in Electronic Components and Systems
(ECS) – Opportunities Ahead and its Annex
- Mission report from Vice-President Ansip’s and his Cabinet visit to
Toulouse, 13 March 2019
- Briefing note on the follow-up inter-service meeting on China on 14
January 2020
-Note International WEEKLY Digital Press Review to April 9th 2020
-Letter dated 8 April 2020, from the MEP Sophie in’t Veld to Commissioner
Breton and Commissioner Reynders
-DG CONNECT Note of 24/4/2020
-Email from the Delegation in USA, 17/4/2020
- Article: Data democracy – increased supply of geospatial information and
expanded participatory processes in the production of data, International
Journal of Digital Earth (2015)
- LT- Innovate Report 2013 - Status and Potential of the European Language
Technology Markets.
- Email of 5/7/2013 from Digidentity to Commissioner Kroes and DG
CONNECT’s reply
- 4 reports drafted by third parties (iDATE, European Round Table of
Industrialists -ERT, Ministry of Digital Affairs in Poland, Task Force
set up by the French Government) and attached to emails
-Letter from ETH Zurich of 21/1/2014
- One document related to the final report of the study ref. SMART
- One document related to a deliverable of the project CYSPA
-Two documents related to deliverables of the project Big Data Ocean

Yours sincerely,

Mathias Schindler

ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT), Communications Networks, Content and Technology

1 Attachment

Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping

[5]Ares(2020)3427483 - Holding reply-Your application for access to
documents RefGestDem 2020/3485

Sent by ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be
sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses
doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr Schindler,


We refer to your e-mail of 8 June 2020 wherein you make a request for 
access to documents, registered on 9 June 2020 under the  above-mentioned
reference number.


Your application is currently being handled. However, we will not be in a
position to complete the handling of your application within the time
limit of 15 working days, which expires today.


An extended time limit is needed as your application concerns a large
number of documents held by different services which must be consulted.
Furthermore part of the documents originate from third parties which must
be consulted.


Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in
accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding
public access to documents. The new time limit expires on 22 July 2020.


We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.


Yours faithfully,


DG CONNECT Access to Documents Team 



European Commission


BU25 – Avenue de Beaulieu 25

B-1160 Brussels/Belgium




Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D64EF3.D339AC40
2. file:///tmp/cid:editdata.mso
3. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
4. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
5. https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/documen...

ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT), Communications Networks, Content and Technology

1 Attachment

Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping

[5]Ares(2020)3868941 - Your application for access to documents -
RefGestDem 2020/3485

Sent by ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be
sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses
doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr Schindler,


We refer to your request for access to documents, registered under the
abovementioned reference number. 


Unfortunately, we are not able to send the reply to your application
within the given time limit, which expires today.


You will receive the answer to your application as soon as possible. 


We apologize for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause. 


 Yours faithfully,  


DG CONNECT Access to Documents Team




European Commission


BU25 – Avenue de Beaulieu 25

B-1160 Brussels/Belgium





Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D6604B.5E54AE70
2. file:///tmp/cid:editdata.mso
3. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
4. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
5. https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/documen...

Communications Networks, Content and Technology

3 Attachments

Advance copy by e-mail and registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt
Dear Mr Schindler,
Please find attached document Ares(2020)4105307 regarding "Your
application for access to documents- GestDem 2020/3485" sent by Mr Roberto
Viola, General Director of DG CONNECT on 04/08/2020.
Best regards,
European Commission
Avenue de Beaulieu, 25
B-1160 Brussels/Belgium

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mathias Schindler please sign in and let everyone know.