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Printed from on December 09, 2024 12:02
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 9)
Dear Ms Sitkowski,
Further to your request regarding documents relating to the drafting of
Commission Regulation (EU) N°1067/2010, please note t...
Dear Mrs Sitkowski,
We thank you for your request.
Please find herewith our reply.
Best regards,
Sabine Verleysen
European Commission
Dear Mrs Sitkowski,
Please find herewith our reply to your request dated 10/12/2013.
Best regards,
p.o. Sabine Verleysen
Valérie Gattegno
Dear Mrs Sitkowski,
We thank you for your requests.
Please find herewith our reply.
Best regards,
Sabine Verleysen
European Commission
I would like an official copy and any background information you can provide concerning BTI Reference PLPL-WIT-2013-01604 (start date of validity...
I would like an official copy and any background information you can provide concerning BTI Reference PLPL-WIT-2011-00210 (start date of validity...
I would like an official copy and any background information you can provide concerning BTI Reference PLPL-WIT-2013-01197 (start date of validity...
I would like an official copy and any background information you can provide concerning BTI Reference DE6212/13-1 (start date of validity 26/4/13...
I would like an official copy and any background information you can provide concerning BTI Reference DE1365/13-1(start date of validity 26/3/13...
This person's annotations
None made.