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Printed from on December 14, 2024 17:21
There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. Search for other users named "[redundant account]"
Freedom of Information requests made by this person
This person has made no Freedom of Information requests using this site.
This person's 7 annotations
So Mrs Francoise LeBail has left the position on 20.06.2014 and retired officially on 01.10.2014.
It seems there was no official Good Bye Event whic...
In several countries the Farmsubsidy Data - for all recipients - is published again (currectly with Data from 2014). It seems several countries are not...
The FOI was answered very well.
Unfortunately as European Citizen I am not happy about such a situation where
- people have to trust that the EU l...
Direct Email received today:
¿į*v. Directorate C - Smart Regulationand Work Programme The D...
As a personal opinion:
There would be he possibility to request a review from the EU Ombudsman.
But because the current EU Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly...
The procedure for Infringement proceedings is decribed here:
Hello, we are not talking about a few public holidays. Please answer the questions ASAP !