Autoridad Bancaria Europea

Un Organismo de supervisión financiera, también conocido como ABE

41 solicitudes
EBA Regular Use Dear Mr Fanta, We refer to your communication dated 25 April 2022 in which you make a request for access to documents pursuant to Reg...
Equivalence Decisions - Withdrawal
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Pedro Carvalho el .


EBA Regular Use Dear Mr Carvalho, Thank you for your communication of 21 February 2022, which we acknowledge receipt of. We will be reverting to you...
Equivalence Decisions
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Pedro Carvalho el .


EBA Regular Use   Dear Mr Carvalho   Many thanks for your response and engagement in this process for a fair solution.   We would be pleas...
Documents Pertaining to PETI Petition 1088/2016
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Nicholas Lee el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Mr Lee, Thank you for your communication, which we acknowledge receipt of. We will be reverting within due course, pursuant to Regulation (EC) 10...
Documents pertaining to PETI Petition 0323/2021
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Nicholas Lee el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Mr Lee, Thank you for your communication, which we acknowledge receipt of. We will be reverting within due course, pursuant to Regulation (EC) 10...
Documents Pertaining to PETI Petition 1470/2020
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Nicholas Lee el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Mr Lee, Thank you for your communication, which we acknowledge receipt of. We will be reverting within due course, pursuant to Regulation (EC) 10...
Documents Pertaining to PETI Petition 0394/2021
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Nicholas Lee el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Mr Lee, Thank you for your communication, which we acknowledge receipt of. We will be reverting within due course, pursuant to Regulation (EC) 10...
List of all documents pertaining to FATCA
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Nicholas Lee el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Mr Lee, We are following up on your confirmatory application pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, asking the European Banking Authority (EBA...
Documents responsive to this request are fully equivalent to documents in this response:
Dear Mr Giegold, In response to your request the EBA is providing you with the attached documentation. Subject to limited redactions mentioned belo...
Dear Mr Haar, Thank you for your email requesting access to documents pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001. The European Banking Authority (‘EBA’)...
Thank you for your fast reply. Yours sincerely, Mathias Schindler
Documents on two revolving doors cases
Seguimiento enviado a Autoridad Bancaria Europea por Kenneth Haar el .

Éxito parcial.

To whom it may concern at the EBA, to the Ethics Officer, to mr. Cilan Carroll and to the officer responsible for access-to-documents requests at the E...
Dear Mr Sweeney, Thank you very much for your follow-up query. We apologise for the delay. We confirm that no other data was evaluated to arrive at t...
Travel expenses of EBA Director
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Helen Darbishire el .


Dear Ms Darbishire, We refer to your communication below of 5 July 2019 in which you lodged a request for access to documents pursuant to Regulation (...
Dear Sir/Madam,   Thank you for your communication. To increase transparency within the European Single market, the European Banking Authority (EBA)...
Travel expenses of EBA Director
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Luisa Izuzquiza el .


Dear Ms Izuzquiza, We refer to your e-mail 16/01/2018 in which you lodged a request for access to documents pursuant to Regulation (EC) 1049/2001 wher...
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Peter el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Mr Teffer,   Thank you for your email dated 8^th September 2017 requesting access to documents pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1049/2001. The...
Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your communication. Regarding your request, please find the link to the document in question, which is published and re...
Adam Farkas
Respuesta por Autoridad Bancaria Europea a Ester Araúzo el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Ester Arauzo, In reply to your question concerning the appointment of Mr. Adam Farkas to the position of Executive Director at the European Ba...

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