Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural

Una Dirección General de la Comisión Europea, también conocido como DG AGRI

207 solicitudes
Food Information to Consumers - DG Agri
Respuesta por Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural a Suzy Sumner el .

Éxito parcial.

Hello, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/5624....
Dear applicant, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 202...
Hello, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/3796....
Hello, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/2476....
I hereby acknowledge the receipt of the documents. Thank you for supporting me in their retrieval. Yours faithfully, Elisa Bordin
Hello, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/1472....
Hello, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/1926....
Dear VAN KESSEL, Daniël , Please find attached the electronic version of European Commission Decision C(2024)2622 as adopted by the European Commiss...
Dear Madam, Please find attached a message about your request for access to Commission documents registered under case number 2024/0793. Please confi...
Dear Ms Roxburgh, Please kindly note that the minutes of the meeting with Copa-Cogeca on animal welfare, 13 November 2023 - have been sent to you with...
CAP inquiry AA/2020/009/NL
Respuesta por Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural a Daniël van Kessel el .


Hello, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2023/7253....
Dear Mr Daalder, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 20...
Dear Ms Verheecke, Thank you for your message. I sent you once again our response's letter and the disclosed documents. Kind regards, AGRI ATD Team...
Thank you! Best, Daniël van Kessel
CAP enquiry no. AA/2017/012/NL
Seguimiento enviado a Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural por Daniël van Kessel el .


Thank you for the quick and complete handling of my request! Yours faithfully, Daniël van Kessel
Thank you very much. Yours faithfully, Lora Verheecke
Dear Ms Roxburgh, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2...
Meeting between AGRI and Arla
Respuesta por Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural a Venetia Roxburgh el .


Dear Ms Roxburgh, We apologies for the caused inconveniences! We will alert our IT support and resolve the issue as soon as possible. Please, in the...
Meeting between BASF and DG AGRI
Respuesta por Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural a Laura Döring el .


Dear Ms Döring, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 202...
Meeting between Pierre BASCOU and CDPF
Seguimiento enviado a Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural por Lora Verheecke el .


Thank you very much. Yours sincerely, Lora Verheecke
Meetings with US Officials on Farm to Fork
Respuesta por Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural a Clare Carlile el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Mr Carlile, Thank you for your message. Kind regards, AGRI Access Documents Team
Dear Ms Gullery, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 20...
Access to meeting response
Respuesta por Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural a Marie Milet el .


Hello, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2023/2315....
Hello, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2023/2981....
Request for minutes of meetings
Respuesta por Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural a Elaine Girvan el .


Dear Ms Girvan, Thank you for your message. Please find attached the mentioned documents, included the document 15.1. We apologise for any inconveni...

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