
Una Dirección General de la Comisión Europea, también conocido como DG SCIC

8 solicitudes
Memos, guidance and guidelines on record creation
Solicitud enviada a Interpretación por Alexander Fanta el .

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Greetings, 1. Memos, guidance, guidelines, or training material (or any other document) for staff on record creation and/or record keeping. I am p...
Work with Palantir
Solicitud enviada a Interpretación por Mathias Schindler el .

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Palantir Technologies, Inc. is a private company supplying products and services. I am asking for any information related to palantir and its pro...
Refused registration to Access to Documents requests
Solicitud enviada a Interpretación por Mathias Schindler el .

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I am requesting a copy of each Access to Documents request from 2018 and 2019 that was refused registration because the requesting person did not pr...
Meetings between SCIC and churches
Solicitud enviada a Interpretación por Josefina Martí el .

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A complete of list of all meetings held by any member of your team/staff with churches, religious associations or communities, as well as with ph...
Meetings with Facebook
Solicitud enviada a Interpretación por Margarida da Silva el .

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- a list of lobby meetings held by DG Interpretation with Facebook or its intermediaries. The list should include: date, individuals attending +...
Memos, guidance and guidelines on record creation
Solicitud enviada a Interpretación por Mireia Crespo Castellano el .

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1. Memos, guidance, guidelines, or training material (or any other document) for DG staff on record creation and/or record keeping . I am particu...
External consultant spending...
Respuesta por Interpretación a Chris Harris el .

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Dear Mr Harris,   We have received your request for information dated 13/12/14, and have forwarded it to our colleagues in the Directorate General...

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