Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude

Un Servicio de la Comisión Europea, también conocido como OLAF

101 solicitudes
Dear Mr Prill, Please see in attachment, as requested, a courtesy translation into German of OLAF's reply of 20 September 2024 to your application for...
Report Neelie Kroes
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a Peter el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Mr Teffer, It has come to our attention there was a technical issue when applying the redactions to the document that was sent to you on 4 April i...
Dear Ms Gennet,   A kind reminder to acknowledge safe receipt of the reply sent to you on 24 May 2024.   Kind regards,   EUROPEAN COMMISSI...
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Shows
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a Peter el .

Información no disponible.

Hello, Please find attached the reply to your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/2248. Please...
Cher Monsieur,   Veuillez trouver ci-joint la réponse à votre demande d’accès aux échanges du Parlement européen avec l’OLAF.   Nous vous prio...
EU-JTI, EU-BAT & EU-ITL agreements
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a Peter el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Mr Teffer,   Please find enclosed the reply to your application for public access to documents.   We would kindly ask you to acknowledge...
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a Bjarke Smith-Meyer el .

Éxito parcial.

Dear Mr Smith-Meyer, Please find enclosed the reply to your request for public access to documents. We would kindly ask you to acknowledge safe recei...
I did and I think you for your answer. Apologies that I initially missed it. Thanks, Corinne
Work with Palantir
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a Mathias Schindler el .

Esperando clasificación.

Hi ,  other mass media in blind carbon copy.  We would appreciate to have an answer on the investigation of these crimes Far away from control, the...
Dear Ms Møller Schilder   Please find enclosed the reply to your application for public access to documents.   We would kindly ask you to ackn...
Dear Ms Møller Schilder   Please find enclosed the reply to your application for public access to documents.   We would kindly ask you to ackn...
Misuse of EU funds to Moldova
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a Lise Møller Schilder el .

Esperando clasificación.

Dear Ms Møller Schilder   Please find enclosed the reply to your application for public access to documents.   We would kindly ask you to ackn...
Dear Ms Katz-Duchowski, Please find attached OLAF's reply your initial application for access to documents. We would kindly ask you to acknowledge sa...
Dear Mr Fanta,   Thank you for your email dated 02/02/2022, by which you made an electronic confirmatory application. We note that you sent the sa...
IBF international consulting EDES
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a Jasper Roorda el .


Dear Mr Jasper Roorda,   Unless we are mistaken, and while checking our records, we have not received your confirmation of receipt regarding the m...
Dear Mr Henning, Please find attached OLAF's reply your initial application for access to documents. Yours sincerely, EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROPEAN A...
Case OC/2018/0656
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a Digital Armenia el .

Esperando clasificación.

Dear Digital Armenia, Thank you for your message. Please, note that according to Article 9b of Regulation No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and o...
Dear Mr Henning, Please find attached the reply of OLAF’s Director General to your confirmatory application. Yours sincerely, EUROPEAN COMMISSION EU...
Dear Mr Henning, Please find enclosed a reply to your application for public access to documents. Please be informed that the document sent to you on...
Dear Mr Bogatyr, Please find attached the reply from OLAF to your request for access to documents of 29 November 2021. Kind regards, EUROPEAN COMMIS...
withdrawal of Court case OLAF DG Vs European Commission
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a Fleur Cruz el .

Esperando clasificación.

Dear Ms Cruz,   We refer to your request of 25 August 2020 for public access to documents containing information about the “withdrawal of Court ca...
Dear Mr Fifield, For any question regarding the request handled by DG GROW you should contact the following email address: [email address] . Yours f...
Belgium FEDER funds MFF 2014-2020
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a elodie lamer el .

Esperando clasificación.

Dear Ms Lamer,   Please find attached a reply to your emails of 4 May and 6 May 2021.   Due to the current exceptional circumstances, OLAF will...
Dear Ms Belanova, Thank you for your clarification. There are three possible options for reporting suspicions of fraud to OLAF: 1) Anonymously throug...
Reports of missions to Taiwan and Malaysia
Respuesta por Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude a Siem Eikelenboom el .

Esperando clasificación.

Dear Mr Eikelenboom, We refer to your e-mail of 12 May 2021 by which you inform us that you are filing the following confirmatory application with reg...

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