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Ref. Ares(2019)5590792 - 05/09/2019
  Health and food audits and analysis 

Council Decision 2006/778/EC concerning minimum requirements for the collection of 
information during the inspections of production sites on which certain animals are kept for 
farming purposes1 provides in Article 8 that Member States shall submit to the Commission a 
report concerning the information collected and recorded in accordance with this Decision, 
during inspections carried out during the previous calendar year on farm animal welfare 
requirements. The report shall be accompanied by an analysis of the major deficiencies 
detected and an action plan to address them. 
I regret to note that a check of our records indicates that we did not receive a report of the 
inspections of farm animal welfare carried out in your country in 2018. The deadline for 
submission of this report was 30 June 2019. You are kindly requested therefore to forward the 
report, once completed, to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxx.xx.  
As you are aware, the above Decision will be replaced by Commission Implementing 
Regulation (EU) 2019/7232 after this year. The Directorate-General for Health and Food 
Safety, Unit F2 is planning to hold a meeting on 4 and 5 December 2019 in Grange with 
Member State representatives to discuss the organisation of official controls of farm animal 
welfare, including the reporting requirements.  
In order to help prepare the agenda for this meeting I would also be grateful if you could, in 
addition to providing the report for 2018 inspections, indicate: 
1.  any strategic and operational objectives in your multi-annual national control plan 
(MANCP) relevant to farm animal welfare and how well these objectives were 
1   Commission Decision of 14 November 2006 concerning minimum requirements for the collection of 
information during the inspections of production sites on which certain animals are kept for farming 
purposes (OJ L 314, 15.11.2006, p. 39) 
2   Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/723 laying down rules for the application of Regulation 
(EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the standard model form to be used 
in the annual reports submitted by Member States was published today in the Official Journal L 124 
Dirección General de Sanidad de la Producción Agraria 
Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente  
Madrid, Spain 
European Commission, Grange, Dunsany, Co. Meath, Ireland, C15 DA39 - Office: GRAN 
Tel.: direct line +
 internal n°: 
, switchboard: 

achieved in 2018. Please explain also any deviations by regional authorities from the 
relevant objectives in the MANCP; 
2.  the extent to which animal welfare indicators are included in your official controls for 
assessing legal requirements for animal welfare such as the general requirement that 
animals "are not caused any unnecessary pain, suffering or injury"
 Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety is responsible for 
preparing an agenda for the meeting on 4 and 5 December and can be contacted for any 
further clarification needed (Tel.: 
, e-mail: 
Paola Colombo  