Ref. Ares(2021)542318 - 22/01/2021
Mr Nik Völker
MiningWatch Portugal
sent by email only
Ref: 03-2021, 04-2021, 05-2021, 06-2021, 07-2021
Subject: Acknowledgement of receipt, access to documents requests from 12/1/2021 and 13/1/2021
Dear Mr Nik Völker,
We acknowledge receipt of your following requests for documents:
Access to documents request dated 12/1/2021 with subject “Projects with DMT Group 2016-2020”,
registered under reference number Ref.: 3-2021, requesting access to the following documents:
List of projects initiated, supported or funded by the EIT with the participation of "DMT
GmbH & Co. KG" or "DMT Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH" in the period from 2016 to 2020,
stating the project title, project duration, and, if applicable, listing the corresponding funding
agreements (Grant Agreement or similar), project objectives ("Deliverables"), project
consortium partners, and project reports already prepared or agreed for delivery.
Access to documents request dated 12/1/2021 with subject “Gateway-1 and Gateway-2 interactive
maps of mining projects”, registered under reference number Ref.: 4/2021, requesting access to the
following documents:
informations elaborated within or defining the scope of the EIT financed projects Gateway-1
(or "GATEWAY"), Gateway-2, and Mineral Resource Assessment Platform ("MAP"); especially
lists of project deliverables, the projects Grant Agreements, final reports, and the main
"interactive map" deliverables of each project (e.g. MapWizard including gathered
information, EIT Raw Materials Gateway, Raw Materials Activities, GATEWAYcommodities,
GATEWAYprojects, etc.). In case the interactive map tools are not accessible, a machine-
readable standard format representation of their contents (e.g. tabular or markup).
Access to documents request dated 12/1/2021 with subject “WinSmart RM project”, registered
under reference number Ref.: 5/2021, requesting access to the following documents:
informations elaborated within or defining the scope of the EIT financed project WinSmart
RM; especially lists of project deliverables, the projects Grant Agreement, final reports, and
workshop reports.
Access to documents request dated 13/1/2021 with subject “Grant Agreement of LiRef: Multi-feed
Lithium Technology”, registered under reference number Ref.: 6/2021, requesting access to the
following documents:
Grant Agreement of the EIT funded project "LiRef" or similar contractual information,
including any existing addenda, annexes, or subcontracts,
documents that hold information on the projects' relevant administrative committees (e.g.
Advisory Board, Steering Group), as long as they are not documented in the aforementioned
Grant Agreement,
a list of the projects' deliverables or equivalent objectives per funding agreement, including
their classification (e.g. public, confidential for partners only, etc.),
reports or already available deliverables from the project branches or Work Packages on
"social viability".
Access to documents request dated 13/1/2021 with subject “EIT RawMaterials projects on social
acceptance or targeting schools and society”, registered under reference number Ref.: 7/2021,
requesting access to the following documents:
a list of projects implemented in response to the EIT RawMaterials KAVA 6 call branch on
"Sourcing Raw Materials and Social License to Operate (SLO)"
a list of projects implemented in response to the EIT RawMaterials KAVA 7 call branch on
"Wider Society Learning"
a list of projects implemented in response to earlier EIT RawMaterials calls branches
focussing either on "Wider Society Learning (WSL)", "Social/Public Acceptance", "Social
License to Operate (SLO)", or "importance of raw materials in society", or whose deliverables
include objectives such as material aimed at the wider society/NGO's/decision-
makers/schools/etc., popular science material, development of WSL events or related
activities, development of material addressing career opportunities in the raw materials
sectors, development of awareness-raising training tools, development of input to
organizations, or translation deliverables of materials targeting schools.
In accordance with your request, the list of the above identified projects should contain at least
the projects partners, the duration of the action, and the EIT KAVA funding percentage and
The reference numbers indicated above will be used for all correspondence related to your requests.
We will deal with your requests in accordance with the principles and limits established in Regulation (EC)
1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents ('the
Regulation'), as applicable to the EIT pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 294/2008.
In accordance with the Regulation, you will receive a reply within 15 working days. The EIT may extend
this period by a further 15 working days in exceptional circumstances in accordance with the Regulation.
Should such an extension be applied, you will be informed of the extension and the related reasons in due
Yours sincerely,
Tzvetan Zafirov
Head of EIT Finance & Services Unit
Electronically signed on 22/01/2021 14:55 (UTC+01) in accordance with article 11 of Commission Decision C(2020) 4482