Access to the amendments xml documents in the Akoma Ntoso format
Dear European Parliament,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
I have recently made aware that the european parliament is publishing xml documents (amendments, amendment list, bills, proposals, consolidated version of those documents)
using the "Akoma Ntoso" standard.
Could you provide me the amendment list and amendments for the current session under this xml format?
If you have started to use this Akoma Ntoso format during the previous session, could you alternatively send me these documents since you started using it instead of the complete session?
Yours faithfully,
Xavier Dutoit
Ref : A(2014)1143
Dear Mr Dutoit,
We acknowledge receipt of your request. You will receive a reply within
15 working days.
Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit
Directorate B - DG EPRS
European Parliament
Dear Sir,
The European Parliament is currently finalizing the first of a number of
projects with the objective of producing main legislative texts and
documents (amendments, amendment list, bills, proposals, consolidated
version of those documents) in XML using the Akoma Ntoso XML format.
This first project aims to produce the XML Akoma Ntoso version of the
multilingual amendment document (AM document) produced at Committee level
(not in Plenary sittings); these multilingual amendment documents are not
published. Subsequent phases of this project regard the translated
monolingual AM documents at both Committee and Plenary level.
As soon as the system will be fully operational, those documents will be
available online via europarl, Oeil and Register.
Kind regards
Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit
[1]cid:398064113@29012014-0A07 Directorate B - DG
Parliamentary Research
European Parliament
[2]Public Register
[3][email address]
Visible links
3. mailto:[email address]
Dear Registre,
> This first project aims to produce the XML Akoma Ntoso version of the multilingual amendment document (AM document) produced at Committee level
(not in Plenary sittings);
>these multilingual amendment documents are not published
Do you mean they are not currently published but will be when that first project is completed?
What is the timeline for this project, and are they same examples already published?
> Subsequent phases of this project regard the translated monolingual AM documents at both Committee and Plenary level.
What is the expected delivery date for the plenary level AM?
Yours sincerely,
xavier dutoit
Elias Baixas dejó un comentario ()
Its July/2020 and there's no trace of Akoma Ntoso XML format anywhere in the EU Parliament websites, some of the ones I've tried: (no option to download XML nor any xml/akn reference)
the only "xml" formats available, are actually HTML, so no Akoma Ntoso to be seen.
I'd just ask for a sample of AKN implementation in EU, but can't find one.
Csaba Madarász dejó un comentario ()
I would like the European Parliament, to answer to this question. This is not a good mark, when simple questions like this has a long overdue.
What is the reason for this?
I DEMAND an answer quick!
An EU citizen.