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Access to the transcripts of the tripartite dialogues in the legislative discussions on the Artificial Intelligence Act

Estamos a la espera de que Emiliano Collado lea una respuesta reciente y de que actualice el estado.

Dear European Parliament,

Pursuant to the right of access to documents under the EU Treaties, as developed in Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, I would like to respectfully request access to all the transcripts of the tripartite dialogues in the legislative discussions on the Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence ( “ Artificial Intelligence Act”), which would facilitate me, as a lawyer, to understand and interpret its content in a wider context. This is also in the public interest, as the legislative process for this law has attracted a lot of public attention and will certainly have a lasting impact on all European citizens.

Yours faithfully,

Parlamento Europeo

Our reference: 2024-0745

Dear Mr Collado,

Thank you for contacting the European Parliament, Transparency Unit. We
have registered your request today, 30 September 2024, under the above
mentioned reference.

Further to this request seeking access to “all transcripts of the
tripartite dialogues in the legislative discussions on the Regulation (EU)
2024/1689 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024
laying down harmonized rules on artificial intelligence (“Artificial
Intelligence Act”),

we would like to inform you that these pertain to the legislative
procedure 2021/0106(COD) and you may find all trilogue/tripartite
documents (negotiation tables - 4-column documents, trilogue agendas)
regarding this procedure under the Public Register of Documents of the
European Parliament here: [1]NEGO_CT(2021)0106

European Parliament legislative resolution of 13 March 2024 on the
proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on
laying down harmonized rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial
Intelligence Act) and amending certain Union Legislative Acts (the adopted
text) can be accessed [2]here , available in all linguistic versions:

The Regulation in the Official Journal of the European Union (also
available in all linguistic versions): [4]here

Further information is on the Legislative Observatory (OEIL):

and Legislative Train Schedule for this procedure:

On this basis, Parliament considers your application handled and the file
closed. Should you wish to submit any new requests for specific Parliament
documents, [7]please do not hesitate to come back to us.

Kind regards, 

European Parliament
Directorate-General for the Presidency
Directorate-General for Interinstitutional Affairs and Legislative
[8][European Parliament request email]


Visible links
8. mailto:[European Parliament request email]

No sabemos si la última respuesta a esta solicitud contiene información o no – si eres Emiliano Collado por favor abre una sesión y háznoslo saber.