No sabemos si la última respuesta a esta solicitud contiene información o no – si eres Tim Maidstone por favor abre una sesión y háznoslo saber.

Dear European Aviation Safety Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

I understand that EASA recently conducted an audit of Air Arabia Maroc and that this audit uncovered serious deficiencies, including level 1 finding(s).

I request a copy of this report as its contents are undoubtedly in the public interest to allow EU citizens to make an informed choice with regards to the safety of air travel. I accept that some parts may need to be redacted.

Yours faithfully,

Tim Maidstone

info, Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea

3 Adjuntos

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email.

We have forwarded your request to our experts and we will do our best to reply as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we invite you to visit our website and the related FAQs section at
You can also subscribe to EASA Updates at

Kind regards,
Communication Department
European Aviation Safety Agency<>


Tel.: +49 221 8999 000
Postal: Postfach 10 12 53, 50452 Cologne, Germany
An agency of the European Union [cid:image003.jpg@01D0B4E4.E347EFB0]

info, Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email.
We invite you to visit our website and the related FAQs section at and send your queries to the relevant experts directly using our Contact us form

Additionally, if you wish to apply for a position at EASA, please visit our Careers page EASA Careers (<> and complete an online application for any listed post that interests you and matches your skills and qualifications. EASA does not consider open, unsolicited, or spontaneous applications. All vacancies are published on our Careers page, and only applications submitted via the online application form will be considered.

Kind regards,
Communications Department
European Union Aviation Safety Agency<>

PELLANDER Erik (EXT), Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea

Dear Mr Maidstone,

Thank you for your e-mail of 02 October 2024. We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents. Please note that, under Article 2(1) of Regulation (EC) 1049/2001, "[a]ny citizen of the Union, and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State, has a right of access to documents of the institutions, subject to the principles, conditions and limits defined in this Regulation".

As it was not clarified in your request whether you are a citizen of the Union or are residing in a Member State, we kindly ask you to provide us a proof of eligibility.

Kind regards,

Erik Pellander

Legal & Procurement Department

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I do confirm I am a Citizen of the European Union, and I reside in Germany.

Yours sincerely,

Tim Maidstone

PELLANDER Erik (EXT), Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea

Dear Mr Maidstone,

Many thanks for your e-mail.

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents which is applicable to the documents held by EASA under Article 119 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, your application will be handled within 15 working days from the date of registration. The time-limit will expire on 31 October 2024. In case this time-limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course.

For information on how we process your personal data visit our page Privacy statement – access to documents.

Yours faithfully,

European Union Aviation Safety Agency

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PELLANDER Erik (EASA), Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea

2 Adjuntos


On behalf of Mr Mikolaj RATAJCZYK, I'm sending you the attached reply to your request for access to documents.

Kind regards,

Erik Pellander

Legal & Procurement Department

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