Background information for research regarding EU tax law

La solicitud fue parcialmente exitosa.

Anne Mieke Vandekerkhove

Dear Taxation and Customs Union,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

1. Commission Services (2013), Room Document # 1, Working Party on Tax Questions - Direct Taxation, Proposal for a CCCTB of 15 January 2013,

2. EC Parliament, Question No. 224182, Mrs. Theobald-Paoli, 15 April 1982. answer by Mr. Tugendhat. O.J. No. C 4 156, 21 June 1982

Yours faithfully,

Anne Mieke Vandekerkhove, Fiscalidad y Unión Aduanera

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your request for access to documents.

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Access to Documents Team

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