Correspondence with DG ENER

La solicitud fue parcialmente exitosa.

Dear Energy,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain all correspondance (including emails), agendas, minutes of meetings and any other reports of such meetings between officials/representatives/Commissioner/cabinet member of DG ENER and ENTSOG.

Do not hesitate to get back to me should you need any further information which could facilitate your research.

Kind regards,

Myriam Douo
Friends of the Earth Europe
Mundo B Building
Rue D'Edimbourg 26
1050 Brussels,

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 16/12/2016. We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents, which was registered on 16/12/2016 under reference number GestDem 2016/7101.

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application will be handled within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on 16/01/2017.

In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Carlos Remis
Berl. 05/315

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1 Adjuntos

Dear Ms Douo,


Your application for access to documents, registered under the above
mentioned reference number, is currently being handled. However, we are
not in a position to complete the handling of your application within the
time limit of 15 working days, which expires on 16/01/2017.


An extended time limit is needed for thorough analysis as to the
availability of the documents requested.


Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in
accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding
public access to documents. The new time limit expires on 06/02/2017.


We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.


Yours faithfully,


European Commission
Unit A.1

DM24 08/046
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 298 17 47



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1 Adjuntos

Dear Ms Douo,


We've just realised that you hadn't specified the timeframe in your
request. Could you please indicate the period during which the requested
documents would have been produced?


Many thanks in advance for your prompt reply!


Kind regards,


European Commission
Unit A.1

DM24 08/046
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 295 62 44






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Dear Access to document team,

True! I seem to have forgotten that.
I am looking for the correspondence over the past year.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Myriam Douo

1 Adjuntos

Dear Ms Douo,


We have received your access to documents request and are working on it.


As you can imagine, your request is likely to entail a substantial number
of documents which need to be assessed individually.  In order to speed up
the process so that the request can be answered timely and, in view of the
fact that we will have to consult ENTSOG on all documents and
correspondence  emanating from them, we would like to respectfully ask
whether you could clarify your request and specify the issue or the
subject matter of interest to you as regards the correspondence between DG
ENERGY and ENTSOG. This will enable us to better and swifter treat your


In order to enable us to respect the time-limits of Regulation 1049/2001,
we would ask you for a swift reply to our request for clarification,
within five working days form the date of this email.


Should you wish to discuss by telephone please feel free to call me at the
number provided in my signature or address them to us by email.



Kind regards,



[name] [name]

Policy Officer

Unit B1 - Internal Market I: Networks & Regional Initiatives

European Commission
Directorate General for Energy

24, Rue (Jean-André) De Mot, B-1040 Brussels

Office DM24 06/127

Tel: +32 (0)2- 29-58699

Email: [2][email address]

Web: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


"The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of DG ENERGY or
of the European Commission."





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3 Adjuntos

Dear Ms Douo,


I refer to your Access to documents request below registered as  Gestdem
2016/7101 which has been further clarified as regards temporal and
material scope to regard: documents which contain all correspondence
(including emails), agendas, minutes of meetings and any other reports of
such meetings between officials/representatives/Commissioner/cabinet
member of DG ENER and ENTSOG dating from 2016 and which concern the PCI
selection process and the involvement of ENTSOG in this process.


Firstly, as explained by telephone, please note that the PCI selection
process for the 3^rd Union list of PCIs will mainly take place in 2017.
Work undertaken in 2016 concerns mostly preparatory aspects. Furthermore,
Friends of the Earth Europe are part of the Regional Groups in charge with
PCI selection and actively participated in the meetings from 2016. We
assume that you have consulted all documents and exchanges that have taken
place with these occasions in this context.


In addition to this, please note that, given the nature of your request,
we have had to consult ENTSOG as regards the correspondence and documents
emanating from them. We are still awaiting their reply and will inform you
of the result as soon as possible.


Please also note that no correspondence identified as falling within the
scope of your request was identified between Commission representatives,
the  Commissioner  and/or a cabinet member and ENTSOG.


In view of the above, please find attached the correspondence identified
as falling within the scope of your request and which does not require
ENTSOG consultation with the personal data removed (blackened).



Please note that the Commission internal correspondence attached is
composed of preliminary drafts which do not reflect the position of the
Commission. They cannot be quoted as reflecting the Commission's position
and cannot be reproduced or disseminated for commercial purposes without
prior consent given by the Commission.

As regards the Terms of Reference attached  which is in final version,
please note that you may reuse the document  requested free of charge for
non-commercial and commercial purposes provided that the source is
acknowledged, and that you do not distort the original meaning or message
of the document. Please note that the Commission does not assume liability
stemming from the reuse.

As regards the emails from ENTSOG attached, please note that this document
was received by the Commission from ENTSOG. It is disclosed for
information only and cannot be re-used without the agreement of the
originator, who holds a copyright on it. It does not reflect the position
of the Commission and cannot be quoted as such.



Best regards,





[name] [name]

Policy Officer

Unit B1 - Internal Market I: Networks & Regional Initiatives

European Commission
Directorate General for Energy

24, Rue (Jean-André) De Mot, B-1040 Brussels

Office DM24 06/127

Tel: +32 (0)2- 29-58699

Email: [2][email address]

Web: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


"The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of DG ENERGY or
of the European Commission."








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6 Adjuntos

Dear Ms Douo,


Please be aware that we have received the reply of ENTSOG as regards the
rest of the correspondence identified as falling within the scope of your
request which required their input. They agreed to full disclosure of all
correspondence less the personal data.


You will receive several emails in this regard, due to the size of the


Please note that the disclaimers below remain valid for this part of the
documents released.


In addition to this ENSOG wished to point out the following aspects as
regards your request:


- ENTSOG / DG-ENER cooperation takes place in a frame defined by DG-ENER;

-  TYNDP builds on a strong stakeholder engagement: For TYNDP17, ENTSOG
organized numerous public possibilities for stakeholders to engage:

o   at an early stage of the process: 2 TYNDP workshops + 5 stakeholder
joint working sessions (SJWS) + 1 event in July-16 to present the TYNDP
input data (incl. scenario data) + interaction with project promoters

o   a public TYNDP presentation on 23 January

o   a public consultation on TYNDP17 from 20 Dec to 3 Feb

-          As far as ENTSOG knows, Friends of the Earth have not
participated either to the early stakeholder engagement, or to the TYNDP

-          Friends of the Earth is welcome to further engage in the TYNDP
stakeholder engagement process.


Best regards,







From: [name] [name] (ENER)
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 7:15 PM
To: '[FOI #3632 email]'; '[email address]'
Subject: Access to documents request - Correspondence with DG ENER -
ENTSOG - Ref. Gestdem 2016/7101


Dear Ms Douo,


I refer to your Access to documents request below registered as  Gestdem
2016/7101 which has been further clarified as regards temporal and
material scope to regard: documents which contain all correspondence
(including emails), agendas, minutes of meetings and any other reports of
such meetings between officials/representatives/Commissioner/cabinet
member of DG ENER and ENTSOG dating from 2016 and which concern the PCI
selection process and the involvement of ENTSOG in this process.


Firstly, as explained by telephone, please note that the PCI selection
process for the 3^rd Union list of PCIs will mainly take place in 2017.
Work undertaken in 2016 concerns mostly preparatory aspects. Furthermore,
Friends of the Earth Europe are part of the Regional Groups in charge with
PCI selection and actively participated in the meetings from 2016. We
assume that you have consulted all documents and exchanges that have taken
place with these occasions in this context.


In addition to this, please note that, given the nature of your request,
we have had to consult ENTSOG as regards the correspondence and documents
emanating from them. We are still awaiting their reply and will inform you
of the result as soon as possible.


Please also note that no correspondence identified as falling within the
scope of your request was identified between Commission representatives,
the  Commissioner  and/or a cabinet member and ENTSOG.


In view of the above, please find attached the correspondence identified
as falling within the scope of your request and which does not require
ENTSOG consultation with the personal data removed (blackened).



Please note that the Commission internal correspondence attached is
composed of preliminary drafts which do not reflect the position of the
Commission. They cannot be quoted as reflecting the Commission's position
and cannot be reproduced or disseminated for commercial purposes without
prior consent given by the Commission.

As regards the Terms of Reference attached  which is in final version,
please note that you may reuse the document  requested free of charge for
non-commercial and commercial purposes provided that the source is
acknowledged, and that you do not distort the original meaning or message
of the document. Please note that the Commission does not assume liability
stemming from the reuse.

As regards the emails from ENTSOG attached, please note that this document
was received by the Commission from ENTSOG. It is disclosed for
information only and cannot be re-used without the agreement of the
originator, who holds a copyright on it. It does not reflect the position
of the Commission and cannot be quoted as such.



Best regards,





[name] [name]

Policy Officer

Unit B1 - Internal Market I: Networks & Regional Initiatives

European Commission
Directorate General for Energy

24, Rue (Jean-André) De Mot, B-1040 Brussels

Office DM24 06/127

Tel: +32 (0)2- 29-58699

Email: [2][email address]

Web: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


"The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of DG ENERGY or
of the European Commission."








mostrar partes citadas

3 Adjuntos



From: [name] [name] (ENER)
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 7:15 PM
To: '[FOI #3632 email]'; '[email address]'
Subject: Access to documents request - Correspondence with DG ENER -
ENTSOG - Ref. Gestdem 2016/7101


Dear Ms Douo,


I refer to your Access to documents request below registered as  Gestdem
2016/7101 which has been further clarified as regards temporal and
material scope to regard: documents which contain all correspondence
(including emails), agendas, minutes of meetings and any other reports of
such meetings between officials/representatives/Commissioner/cabinet
member of DG ENER and ENTSOG dating from 2016 and which concern the PCI
selection process and the involvement of ENTSOG in this process.


Firstly, as explained by telephone, please note that the PCI selection
process for the 3^rd Union list of PCIs will mainly take place in 2017.
Work undertaken in 2016 concerns mostly preparatory aspects. Furthermore,
Friends of the Earth Europe are part of the Regional Groups in charge with
PCI selection and actively participated in the meetings from 2016. We
assume that you have consulted all documents and exchanges that have taken
place with these occasions in this context.


In addition to this, please note that, given the nature of your request,
we have had to consult ENTSOG as regards the correspondence and documents
emanating from them. We are still awaiting their reply and will inform you
of the result as soon as possible.


Please also note that no correspondence identified as falling within the
scope of your request was identified between Commission representatives,
the  Commissioner  and/or a cabinet member and ENTSOG.


In view of the above, please find attached the correspondence identified
as falling within the scope of your request and which does not require
ENTSOG consultation with the personal data removed (blackened).



Please note that the Commission internal correspondence attached is
composed of preliminary drafts which do not reflect the position of the
Commission. They cannot be quoted as reflecting the Commission's position
and cannot be reproduced or disseminated for commercial purposes without
prior consent given by the Commission.

As regards the Terms of Reference attached  which is in final version,
please note that you may reuse the document  requested free of charge for
non-commercial and commercial purposes provided that the source is
acknowledged, and that you do not distort the original meaning or message
of the document. Please note that the Commission does not assume liability
stemming from the reuse.

As regards the emails from ENTSOG attached, please note that this document
was received by the Commission from ENTSOG. It is disclosed for
information only and cannot be re-used without the agreement of the
originator, who holds a copyright on it. It does not reflect the position
of the Commission and cannot be quoted as such.



Best regards,





[name] [name]

Policy Officer

Unit B1 - Internal Market I: Networks & Regional Initiatives

European Commission
Directorate General for Energy

24, Rue (Jean-André) De Mot, B-1040 Brussels

Office DM24 06/127

Tel: +32 (0)2- 29-58699

Email: [2][email address]

Web: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


"The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of DG ENERGY or
of the European Commission."








mostrar partes citadas

2 Adjuntos



From: [name] [name] (ENER)
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 7:15 PM
To: '[FOI #3632 email]'; '[email address]'
Subject: Access to documents request - Correspondence with DG ENER -
ENTSOG - Ref. Gestdem 2016/7101


Dear Ms Douo,


I refer to your Access to documents request below registered as  Gestdem
2016/7101 which has been further clarified as regards temporal and
material scope to regard: documents which contain all correspondence
(including emails), agendas, minutes of meetings and any other reports of
such meetings between officials/representatives/Commissioner/cabinet
member of DG ENER and ENTSOG dating from 2016 and which concern the PCI
selection process and the involvement of ENTSOG in this process.


Firstly, as explained by telephone, please note that the PCI selection
process for the 3^rd Union list of PCIs will mainly take place in 2017.
Work undertaken in 2016 concerns mostly preparatory aspects. Furthermore,
Friends of the Earth Europe are part of the Regional Groups in charge with
PCI selection and actively participated in the meetings from 2016. We
assume that you have consulted all documents and exchanges that have taken
place with these occasions in this context.


In addition to this, please note that, given the nature of your request,
we have had to consult ENTSOG as regards the correspondence and documents
emanating from them. We are still awaiting their reply and will inform you
of the result as soon as possible.


Please also note that no correspondence identified as falling within the
scope of your request was identified between Commission representatives,
the  Commissioner  and/or a cabinet member and ENTSOG.


In view of the above, please find attached the correspondence identified
as falling within the scope of your request and which does not require
ENTSOG consultation with the personal data removed (blackened).



Please note that the Commission internal correspondence attached is
composed of preliminary drafts which do not reflect the position of the
Commission. They cannot be quoted as reflecting the Commission's position
and cannot be reproduced or disseminated for commercial purposes without
prior consent given by the Commission.

As regards the Terms of Reference attached  which is in final version,
please note that you may reuse the document  requested free of charge for
non-commercial and commercial purposes provided that the source is
acknowledged, and that you do not distort the original meaning or message
of the document. Please note that the Commission does not assume liability
stemming from the reuse.

As regards the emails from ENTSOG attached, please note that this document
was received by the Commission from ENTSOG. It is disclosed for
information only and cannot be re-used without the agreement of the
originator, who holds a copyright on it. It does not reflect the position
of the Commission and cannot be quoted as such.



Best regards,





[name] [name]

Policy Officer

Unit B1 - Internal Market I: Networks & Regional Initiatives

European Commission
Directorate General for Energy

24, Rue (Jean-André) De Mot, B-1040 Brussels

Office DM24 06/127

Tel: +32 (0)2- 29-58699

Email: [2][email address]

Web: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


"The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of DG ENERGY or
of the European Commission."








mostrar partes citadas

2 Adjuntos



From: [name] [name] (ENER)
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 7:15 PM
To: '[FOI #3632 email]'; '[email address]'
Subject: Access to documents request - Correspondence with DG ENER -
ENTSOG - Ref. Gestdem 2016/7101


Dear Ms Douo,


I refer to your Access to documents request below registered as  Gestdem
2016/7101 which has been further clarified as regards temporal and
material scope to regard: documents which contain all correspondence
(including emails), agendas, minutes of meetings and any other reports of
such meetings between officials/representatives/Commissioner/cabinet
member of DG ENER and ENTSOG dating from 2016 and which concern the PCI
selection process and the involvement of ENTSOG in this process.


Firstly, as explained by telephone, please note that the PCI selection
process for the 3^rd Union list of PCIs will mainly take place in 2017.
Work undertaken in 2016 concerns mostly preparatory aspects. Furthermore,
Friends of the Earth Europe are part of the Regional Groups in charge with
PCI selection and actively participated in the meetings from 2016. We
assume that you have consulted all documents and exchanges that have taken
place with these occasions in this context.


In addition to this, please note that, given the nature of your request,
we have had to consult ENTSOG as regards the correspondence and documents
emanating from them. We are still awaiting their reply and will inform you
of the result as soon as possible.


Please also note that no correspondence identified as falling within the
scope of your request was identified between Commission representatives,
the  Commissioner  and/or a cabinet member and ENTSOG.


In view of the above, please find attached the correspondence identified
as falling within the scope of your request and which does not require
ENTSOG consultation with the personal data removed (blackened).



Please note that the Commission internal correspondence attached is
composed of preliminary drafts which do not reflect the position of the
Commission. They cannot be quoted as reflecting the Commission's position
and cannot be reproduced or disseminated for commercial purposes without
prior consent given by the Commission.

As regards the Terms of Reference attached  which is in final version,
please note that you may reuse the document  requested free of charge for
non-commercial and commercial purposes provided that the source is
acknowledged, and that you do not distort the original meaning or message
of the document. Please note that the Commission does not assume liability
stemming from the reuse.

As regards the emails from ENTSOG attached, please note that this document
was received by the Commission from ENTSOG. It is disclosed for
information only and cannot be re-used without the agreement of the
originator, who holds a copyright on it. It does not reflect the position
of the Commission and cannot be quoted as such.



Best regards,





[name] [name]

Policy Officer

Unit B1 - Internal Market I: Networks & Regional Initiatives

European Commission
Directorate General for Energy

24, Rue (Jean-André) De Mot, B-1040 Brussels

Office DM24 06/127

Tel: +32 (0)2- 29-58699

Email: [2][email address]

Web: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


"The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of DG ENERGY or
of the European Commission."








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