Costs for financial consultancy

Asuntos Económicos y Financieros no tenía la información solicitada.

Dear Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN),

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

1) A breakdown of all consultancy costs paid by ECFIN/Commission to third party financial consultancy firms for advice in relation to bailout programmes, including but not limited to, the names of the firms, the date of payments, the amount of payment, and in relation to which country the advice was given (Ireland, Portugal etc)

Yours faithfully,

Gavin Sheridan

Asuntos Económicos y Financieros

Dear Mr Sheridan,

Thank you for your e-mail of 21 September 2013.

According to our understanding, your request is not a request for access to documents in the meaning of the Regulation (EC) 1049/2001. Information you request is not included in one or several specific documents, but it has to be prepared from various sources.

We transferred your request to the unit responsible in DG ECFIN for consultancy contracts. They will reply directly to you.

Yours faithfully,

J. Lotarski
Legal officer
European Commission
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
R.3: Evaluation, internal control, business continuity and document management

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Asuntos Económicos y Financieros

Dear Mr Sheridan,

We refer to your e-mail of 21/09/2013 in which you make a request for information about a "breakdown of all consultancy costs paid by ECFIN/Commission to third party financial consultancy firms for advice in relation to bailout programmes".

Please be informed that DG ECFIN has not contracted financial consultancy firms for advice in relation to bailout programmes and their set-up.

Yours faithfully,

J. Lotarski
Legal officer

European Commission
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
R.3: Evaluation, internal control, business continuity and document management

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