"CT CLOSE" project
Dear Foreign Policy Instruments,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
- Description of the "CT CLOSE" counter-terrorism project funded by the European Commission, including the expected outcomes, implementing modalities, funding available;
- List of implementing partners/entities;
- List of beneficiaries.
Yours faithfully,
Jeroen 1050
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your request for access to documents.
Unfortunately, you have not indicated your postal address . This is
necessary for registering and handling your request in line with the
procedural requirements.
Please send us your full postal address at your earliest convenience.
Pending your reply, we reserve the right to refuse the registration of
your request.
Alternatively, you may use directly the electronic form available on the
Europa website:
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
SG.C1 (Transparency, Document Management and Access to Documents)
[7][email address]
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your request for access to documents.
Unfortunately, you have not indicated your full identity and your postal
address. This is necessary for registering and handling your request in
line with the procedural requirements.
Please send us this information at your earliest convenience. Pending your
reply, we reserve the right to refuse the registration of your request.
Alternatively, you may use directly the electronic form available on the
Europa website:
Best regards,
HOME Access to Documents Team
Visible links
1. http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/...
Dear Sir,
Last reminder before we proceed with the refusal of handling your request.
From: HOME ACCESS DOCUMENTS <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 12:37 PM
To: [FOI #10929 email]
Cc: HOME ACCESS DOCUMENTS <[email address]>
Subject: Your request for access to documents - GESTDEM 2022/1929 - full
identity and postal address request
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your request for access to documents.
Unfortunately, you have not indicated your full identity and your postal
address. This is necessary for registering and handling your request in
line with the procedural requirements.
Please send us this information at your earliest convenience. Pending your
reply, we reserve the right to refuse the registration of your request.
Alternatively, you may use directly the electronic form available on the
Europa website:
Best regards,
HOME Access to Documents Team
Visible links
1. http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/...
Dear [email address],
My full name is Jeroen Lenaert, residing in Brussels 1050, Belgium.
Please note that my request was addressed to FPI and not to DG HOME, since the CT CLOSE project referred is funded by FPI.
Yours sincerely,
Jeroen 1050
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your message.
Unfortunately, you still have not indicated your full postal address. This is necessary for registering and handling your request in line with the procedural requirements.
Please send us this information by Tuesday, 12 April COB. Pending your reply, we reserve the right to close your request.
Best regards,
HOME Access to Documents Team
Dear [email address],
The full postal address is
Jeroen Lenaert
Fernand Cocqplein 3
B-1050 Brussels
Yours sincerely,
Jeroen 1050
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your e-mail of 31 March 2022. We hereby acknowledge receipt
of your application for access to documents, which was registered on
12/04/2022 under reference number GESTDEM 2022/1929.
In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application
will be handled within 15 working days.
The time limit will expire on 6 May 2022. In case this time limit needs to
be extended, you will be informed in due course.
You have lodged your application via a private third-party website, which
has no link with any institution of the European Union.
Therefore, the European Commission cannot be held accountable for any
technical issues or problems linked to the use of this system.
Please note that the private third party running the AsktheEU.org website
is responsible and accountable for the processing of your personal data
via that website, and not the Commission.
For further information on your rights, please refer to the third party’s
privacy policy.
We understand that the third party running the AsktheEU.org website
usually publishes the content of applicants’ correspondence with the
Commission on that website. This includes the personal data that you may
have communicated to the Commission (e.g. your private postal address).
Similarly, the third party publishes on that website any reply that the
Commission will send to the email address of the applicants generated by
the AsktheEU.org website.
If you do not wish that your correspondence with the Commission is
published on a private third-party website such as AsktheEU.org, you can
provide us with an alternative, private e-mail address for further
correspondence. In that case, the Commission will send all future
electronic correspondence addressed to you only to that private address,
and it will use only that private address to reply to your request. You
should still remain responsible to inform the private third-party website
about this change of how you wish to communicate with, and receive a reply
from, the Commission.
For information on how we process your personal data visit our page
[5]Privacy statement - access to documents.
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
SG.C1 (Transparency, Document Management and Access to Documents)
[7][email address]
Subject: Your application for access to documents – Ref GestDem No
Dear Sir,
We refer to your request for access to documents dated 12/04/2022 and
registered on the same day under the above mentioned reference number.
Please note that your application is currently being handled. However, we
will not be in a position to complete the handling of your application
within the time limit of 15 working days, which expires on 06/05/2022.
An extended time limit is needed as the application concerns documents
which require duly examination.
Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in
accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding
public access to documents. The new time limit expires on 01/06/2022.
We apologize for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI)
Access to Documents
From: [email address]
<[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 4:30 PM
TO DOCUMENTS <[email address]>
<[email address]>
Subject: Access request GESTDEM 2022/1929 - Re-attribution
• This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply • Ceci est un
email automatique, merci de ne pas y répondre •
Dear Colleagues,
The request for access to documents of Mr. / Ms Lenaert Jeroen -
[1]GESTDEM 2022/1929 (previoulsy attributed to DG HOME) - has been
re-attributed to DG FPI.
The Ares document of the initial request is registered with number
Could you please take care of this request?
The deadline is set on the 06/05/2022.
If you are not able to answer before deadline, we suggest you to send a
letter to the applicant informing him/her of the need to extend the
SG.C1 - Transparency, Document Management & Access to Documents
"Access to documents" team
Chers Collègues,
La demande d'accès aux documents de M/Mme Lenaert Jeroen - [4]GESTDEM
2022/1929 (précédemment attribuée à la DG HOME) - a été ré-attribuée à la
Le document Ares de la demande initiale est enregistré sous le numéro
Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir prendre en charge cette demande.
La date limite de réponse est fixée au 06/05/2022.
Si vous n'êtes pas en mesure de répondre avant cette date, nous vous
suggérons de faire parvenir au demandeur un courrier l'informant de la
nécessité de prolonger le délai.
SG.C1 - Transparence, Gestion documentaire & Accès aux documents
Cellule "Accès aux documents"
Visible links
1. http://cc.cec/gestdem/demandes/viewDeman...
2. http://cc.cec/Ares/documentDirectAccess....
3. mailto:[email address]
4. http://cc.cec/gestdem/demandes/viewDeman...
5. http://cc.cec/Ares/documentDirectAccess....
6. mailto:[email address]
Subject: Your application for access to document – Ref. GestDem No
Dear Sir,
We refer to your request for access to document registered under the
above-mentioned reference number.
You will find attached a letter signed by our Acting Director and Head of
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI)
Access to Documents
From: [email address]
<[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 4:30 PM
TO DOCUMENTS <[email address]>
<[email address]>
Subject: Access request GESTDEM 2022/1929 - Re-attribution
• This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply • Ceci est un
email automatique, merci de ne pas y répondre •
Dear Colleagues,
The request for access to documents of Mr. / Ms Lenaert Jeroen -
[2]GESTDEM 2022/1929 (previoulsy attributed to DG HOME) - has been
re-attributed to DG FPI.
The Ares document of the initial request is registered with number
Could you please take care of this request?
The deadline is set on the 06/05/2022.
If you are not able to answer before deadline, we suggest you to send a
letter to the applicant informing him/her of the need to extend the
SG.C1 - Transparency, Document Management & Access to Documents
"Access to documents" team
Chers Collègues,
La demande d'accès aux documents de M/Mme Lenaert Jeroen - [5]GESTDEM
2022/1929 (précédemment attribuée à la DG HOME) - a été ré-attribuée à la
Le document Ares de la demande initiale est enregistré sous le numéro
Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir prendre en charge cette demande.
La date limite de réponse est fixée au 06/05/2022.
Si vous n'êtes pas en mesure de répondre avant cette date, nous vous
suggérons de faire parvenir au demandeur un courrier l'informant de la
nécessité de prolonger le délai.
SG.C1 - Transparence, Gestion documentaire & Accès aux documents
Cellule "Accès aux documents"
Visible links
2. http://cc.cec/gestdem/demandes/viewDeman...
3. http://cc.cec/Ares/documentDirectAccess....
4. mailto:[email address]
5. http://cc.cec/gestdem/demandes/viewDeman...
6. http://cc.cec/Ares/documentDirectAccess....
7. mailto:[email address]
Dear Foreign Policy Instruments,
Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications.
I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my access to documents request '"CT CLOSE" project'.
The reply considered that the information requested could not be disclosed because its disclosure would undermine the protection of the public interest as regards the public security of the partner countries in
which the programme CT CLOSE works. In fact, putting this information in the public
domain could threaten the safety and security of several participating entities and partners as
well as it would affect the implementation and outcome of the programme.
FPI also refused to grant a partial access to the documents.
I find it extremely worrying that the European Commission can not disclose ANY document / information on a programme it funds in the field of counter-terrorism. Publicly available information (on the Commission website) indicate that the 2nd phase of CT CLOSE received 3 Million EUR.
I do believe the European Commission can disclose relevant information regarding the project (notably its description, expected outcome, implementing modalities, funding and the geographic scope) without compromising the security of the EU or its international partners / beneficiaries.
A full history of my request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: http://www.asktheeu.org/en/request/ct_cl...
Yours faithfully,
Jeroen 1050
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email dated 26/05/2022 by which you request, pursuant
to Regulation No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament,
Council and Commission documents, a review of the position taken by FPI in
reply to your initial application GESTDEM 2022/1929.
We hereby acknowledge receipt of your confirmatory application for access
to documents which was registered on 30/05/2022 (Ares(2022)3996717).
Your application will be handled within 15 working days (21/06/2022). In
case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due
Please be informed that the answer to your confirmatory application is a
formal Commission decision that will be notified to you by express
delivery. Thank you for providing your contact phone number, so that the
external delivery service can contact you in case of absence.
Please note that the Commission will not use your phone number for any
other purpose than for informing the delivery service, and that it will
delete it immediately thereafter.
Yours faithfully,
Access to documents team (cr)
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]GESTDEM 2022/1929 - 1st holding reply - Ares(2022)4579360 (Please use
this link only if you are an Ares user – Svp, utilisez ce lien
exclusivement si vous êtes un(e) utilisateur d’Ares)
Dear Mr Lenaert,
I refer to your email of 26/05/2022, registered on 30/05/2022, by which
you submit a confirmatory application in accordance with Article 7(2) of
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European
Parliament, Council and Commission documents (‘Regulation 1049/2001’).
Your confirmatory application is currently being handled. Unfortunately,
we have not yet been able to gather all the elements needed to carry out a
full analysis of your request and to take a final decision.
Therefore, we are not in a position to reply to your confirmatory request
within the prescribed time limit expiring on 21/06/2022.
Consequently, we have to extend this period by another 15 working days in
accordance with Article 8(2) of Regulation 1049/2001. The new deadline
expires on 12 July 2022.
Yours sincerely,
Mariusz Daca, Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Unit
European Commission
Secretariat General
Unit C.1 (Transparency, Document Management and Access to Documents)
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D88620.62821F80
2. file:///tmp/cid:editdata.mso
3. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
4. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
5. https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/documen...
Dear Mr Jeroen Lenaert,
Please find attached the electronic version of Commission Decision
C(2022)5889 as adopted by the European Commission on 10.8.2022.
The formal notification of the decision under Article 297 TFEU is being
made only in electronic form.
Could you please confirm receipt of the attached document by return
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Secrétariat général de la Commission
SG B2 - Procédures écrites, habilitation, délégation
BERL 5/155
' +32-2-299.59.48
Visible links
Dear Mr Jeroen Lenaert,
Please, could you please acknowledge the receipt of the document enclosed
in the message addressed to you?
It is very important for us.
Kind regards,
SG.B2 Procédures écrites, habilitation, délégation
European Commission
BERL 005/155
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tél: (+32) 2 29 56750
From: SG GREFFE CERTIFICATION <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:32 PM
To: [FOI #10929 email]
Cc: CORINALDESI Lorenza (SG) <[email address]>
Subject: C (2022) 5889 final addressed to Jeroen Lenaert
Dear Mr Jeroen Lenaert,
Please find attached the electronic version of Commission Decision
C(2022)5889 as adopted by the European Commission on 10.8.2022.
The formal notification of the decision under Article 297 TFEU is being
made only in electronic form.
Could you please confirm receipt of the attached document by return
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Secrétariat général de la Commission
SG B2 - Procédures écrites, habilitation, délégation
BERL 5/155
' +32-2-299.59.48
Visible links
Dear Mr Jeroen Lenaert,
Please, could you please acknowledge the receipt of the document enclosed
in the message addressed to you?
It is very important for us.
Kind regards,
SG.B2 Procédures écrites, habilitation, délégation
European Commission
BERL 005/155
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tél: (+32) 2 29 56750
From: SG GREFFE CERTIFICATION <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 5:22 PM
To: [FOI #10929 email]
Subject: C (2022) 5889 final addressed to Jeroen Lenaert
Dear Mr Jeroen Lenaert,
Please, could you please acknowledge the receipt of the document enclosed
in the message addressed to you?
It is very important for us.
Kind regards,
SG.B2 Procédures écrites, habilitation, délégation
European Commission
BERL 005/155
B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Tél: (+32) 2 29 56750
From: SG GREFFE CERTIFICATION <[3][email address]>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:32 PM
To: [4][FOI #10929 email]
Cc: CORINALDESI Lorenza (SG) <[5][email address]>
Subject: C (2022) 5889 final addressed to Jeroen Lenaert
Dear Mr Jeroen Lenaert,
Please find attached the electronic version of Commission Decision
C(2022)5889 as adopted by the European Commission on 10.8.2022.
The formal notification of the decision under Article 297 TFEU is being
made only in electronic form.
Could you please confirm receipt of the attached document by return
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Secrétariat général de la Commission
SG B2 - Procédures écrites, habilitation, délégation
BERL 5/155
' +32-2-299.59.48
Visible links
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[FOI #10929 email]
5. mailto:[email address]