Data on migrant returns

La solicitud fue parcialmente exitosa.

Dear Eurostat,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

-the total number of return operations conducted by EU Member States in 2017 and 2018, per year and per month, and the total number of migrants returned from Europe in 2017 and 2018, per year and per month;

-how many third-country nationals have been ordered to leave Europe in 2017 and 2018, per year and per month;

-which bilateral, return and readmission agreements (which kind, with which country, date) Europe has to return migrants to third countries;

-data on return operations carried out in 2017 and 2018 from EU Member States to third countries. For each operation:
-which countries are participating in the operation
-whether it is a national or joint, voluntary assisted, or readmission operation
-destination and date
-total number of migrants returned and their gender, age, country of origin
-costs covered by Member States or Frontex
-information on the flight (number of monitors, observers and staff on board)

I understand I am asking for a considerable amount of information. I would be grateful if you could provide any information that you have regarding the data I am looking for and expressively state which information you do not hold.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any question concerning my request.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Martina Tombini
Access Info Europe
Calle Cava de San Miguel 8, 4c
28005 Madrid, Spain

Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to documents are treated on the basis of
[1]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
The Secretariat-General will reply to your request within 15 working days
upon registration of your request and will duly inform you of the
registration of the request (or of any additional information to be
provided in view of its registration and/or treatment).
L’unité «Transparence» du secrétariat général de la Commission européenne
a bien reçu votre message.
Les demandes d’accès du public aux documents sont traitées sur la base du
[2]règlement (CE) n° 1049/2001 du 30 mai 2001 relatif à l’accès du public
aux documents du Parlement européen, du Conseil et de la Commission.
Le secrétariat général répondra à votre demande dans un délai de 15 jours
ouvrables à compter de la date d’enregistrement de votre demande, et vous
informera de cet enregistrement (ou vous indiquera toute information
supplémentaire à fournir en vue de l'enregistrement et/ou du traitement de
votre demande).
Ihre Nachricht ist beim Referat „Transparenz“ des Generalsekretariats der
Europäischen Kommission eingegangen.
Anträge auf Zugang zu Dokumenten werden auf der Grundlage der
[3]Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1049/2001 vom 30. Mai 2001 über den Zugang der
Öffentlichkeit zu Dokumenten des Europäischen Parlaments, des Rates und
der Kommission behandelt.
Das Generalsekretariat beantwortet Ihre Anfrage innerhalb von
15 Arbeitstagen nach deren Registrierung und wird Sie über die
Registrierung Ihres Antrags (oder die Notwendigkeit weiterer Informationen
im Hinblick auf dessen Registrierung und/oder Bearbeitung) unterrichten.


Visible links

JACOB Lynda, Eurostat

1 Adjuntos

Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping

[5]Ares(2019)4856210 - Your access to documents request - Data on migrant

Sent by JACOB Lynda (ESTAT) <[email address]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par JACOB Lynda (ESTAT) <[email address]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Ms Tombini,


Further to your request for data on migrant returns, I should like to
inform you that as this is a request for information rather than for a
specific document (as under Regulation 1049/2001), you will receive a
reply shortly from the DG ESTAT User Support Department.


Kind regards,


DG ESTAT ACCESS to Documents Team

European Commission

Eurostat Unit A5
Bech Building F2/929

L-2920 Luxembourg



Further correspondence: [6][email address]




mostrar partes citadas

Dear Eurostat,

Thank you for your message.

Although I do appreciate your suggestion, I would like my application to be treated as a request for access to documents, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.

I am indeed interested to know whether Eurostat holds any document containing the information I am looking for.

Please also note that Regulation 1049/2001 applies to information recorded in any format ("any content whatever its medium"), so data contained inside electronic system also falls within the definition of documents for the purposes of the regulation.

I would be grateful if you could reply at your soonest convenience to confirm that this will be treated as an access to documents request and that you will respect the original timeframe (you acknowledged receipt of the request on 24 July 2019). Hence a reply should be provided within a maximum of 15 working days from the date of receipt of the request.

I remain at your disposal should you have any questions or clarifications.

Yours faithfully,

Martina Tombini
Access Info Europe

Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to documents are treated on the basis of
[1]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
The Secretariat-General will reply to your request within 15 working days
upon registration of your request and will duly inform you of the
registration of the request (or of any additional information to be
provided in view of its registration and/or treatment).
L’unité «Transparence» du secrétariat général de la Commission européenne
a bien reçu votre message.
Les demandes d’accès du public aux documents sont traitées sur la base du
[2]règlement (CE) n° 1049/2001 du 30 mai 2001 relatif à l’accès du public
aux documents du Parlement européen, du Conseil et de la Commission.
Le secrétariat général répondra à votre demande dans un délai de 15 jours
ouvrables à compter de la date d’enregistrement de votre demande, et vous
informera de cet enregistrement (ou vous indiquera toute information
supplémentaire à fournir en vue de l'enregistrement et/ou du traitement de
votre demande).
Ihre Nachricht ist beim Referat „Transparenz“ des Generalsekretariats der
Europäischen Kommission eingegangen.
Anträge auf Zugang zu Dokumenten werden auf der Grundlage der
[3]Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1049/2001 vom 30. Mai 2001 über den Zugang der
Öffentlichkeit zu Dokumenten des Europäischen Parlaments, des Rates und
der Kommission behandelt.
Das Generalsekretariat beantwortet Ihre Anfrage innerhalb von
15 Arbeitstagen nach deren Registrierung und wird Sie über die
Registrierung Ihres Antrags (oder die Notwendigkeit weiterer Informationen
im Hinblick auf dessen Registrierung und/oder Bearbeitung) unterrichten.


Visible links

Eurostat Helpdesk_EN,

10 Adjuntos

Dear Martina,


Thank you for your message and for visiting Eurostat at


All the information on Enforcement of immigration legislation (EIL)
statistics is available in the following database


Here you can consult data on the number of third-country nationals refused
at the entry of external borders, found to be illegally present in the
territory of the Member States, subject to the obligations to leave the
territory of the Member State or having actually left the Member States
territory after being subject to an obligation to leave:




When you click on [3]cid:image006.png@01D0DA75.2F70BA10 the dataset will
open. You can modify the dataset by clicking on the
[4]cid:_4_09D41F2009D41A3C005505EC80257DCD sign which you find attributed
to every variable.

Using the option [5]cid:_4_09D4242009D421B4005505EC80257DCD at the upper
right hand side you can download the selected statistics in Excel format.

In order to clearly assess the meaning of the indicators, it is strongly
recommended to study the Metadata (statistical methodologies), which are
attached to most data-tables. Use the metadata icon.


Please note that our service cannot provide tailor-made extractions for
the users since this is above our resources and our aim is to help users
to be independent using Eurostat database.

However, please find below the direct links to the closest data you can
find at Eurostat’s database:

·         [7]the total number of migrants returned from Europe in 2017 and
2018, per year

·         the total number of migrants returned from Europe in 2017 and
2018, per month à Most similar data: [8]Third country nationals returned
following an order to leave by citizenship age and sex - quarterly data
(rounded) [migr_eirtn1]


·         [9]how many third-country nationals have been ordered to leave
Europe in 2017 and 2018, per year how many third-country nationals have
been ordered to leave Europe in 2017 and 2018, per month à closest data:
[10]Third country nationals ordered to leave by citizenship, age and sex -
quarterly data (rounded) (migr_eiord1)


·         which bilateral, return and readmission agreements (which kind,
with which country, date) Europe has to return migrants to third
countries: [11]Third-country nationals who have left the territory to a
third country by type of agreement procedure and citizenship


·         the total number of return operations conducted by EU Member
States in 2017 and 2018, per year  à see above

·         the total number of return operations conducted by EU Member
States in 2017 and 2018, per month à see above

·         -data on return operations carried out in 2017 and 2018 from EU
Member States to third countries. For each operation:

-which countries are participating in the operation

-whether it is a national or joint, voluntary assisted, or readmission
operation à The closest data are:

·               [12]Third-country nationals who have left the territory by
type of return and citizenship [migr_eirt_vol]

·                [13]Third-country nationals who have left the territory
by type of assistance received and citizenship (migr_eirt_ass)


-destination and date

-total number of migrants returned and their gender, age, country of
origin à most similar: [14]Third country nationals returned following an
order to leave by citizenship age and sex - quarterly data (rounded)

-costs covered by Member States or Frontex

-information on the flight (number of monitors, observers and staff on


If you are not familiar with Eurostat's databases, please take a look at
the following short video tutorial:



We trust you find this information useful. Should you have any further
requests, please do not hesitate to open a new ticket.


To send a request please choose an appropriate User Support centre from
the list and use the subsequent registration form:


Kind Regards,


Laia Guinovart

Eurostat User Support – English Language 
Website: [17]   
Email: [18][Emailadresse]


Ireland: +353 151 33080

Malta: +356 277 803 07

United Kingdom: +44 20 300 63103


You can reach us from Mo-Fr, 09:30 - 16:00 (CET)

Legal Notice/Disclaimer: [19]

Copyright notice and free re-use of data:


Help us to get better! Please take the satisfaction survey, it will only
take 1-2 minutes maximum – Thank you!




[25]email signature_people on the move-01





mostrar partes citadas

JACOB Lynda, Eurostat

1 Adjuntos

Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping

[5]Ares(2019)5112243 - GESTDEM 2019/4566 - Ms Tombini - access to
documents request - Data on migrant returns - Deadline 28/08/2019

Sent by JACOB Lynda (ESTAT) <[email address]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par JACOB Lynda (ESTAT) <[email address]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Ms Tombini,


We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents,
registered under reference number 2019/4566. 


In accordance with Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, you will receive a
reply within 15 working days (28/08/2019).


In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due



Kind regards,


DG ESTAT ACCESS to Documents Team

European Commission

Eurostat Unit A5
Bech Building F2/929

L-2920 Luxembourg



Further correspondence: [6][email address]




mostrar partes citadas

14 Adjuntos

[1]Ares(2019)5172831 - ES - out - Your application for access to documents
- No documents held - Ref GESTDEM 2019/4566

Dear Ms Tombini,

Please find attached document Ares(2019)5172831 from Mariana Kotzeva
(Director General of Eurostat), dated 09/08/2019.
The letter has also been sent by registered mail.

Kind regards,


EUROSTAT Access to Documents Team

European Commission

Eurostat - Unit A5
Bech Building F2/929

L-2920 Luxembourg
[2][email address]





Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]