Derogation for GAEC 7 and 8 in 2023 and 2024
Dear Sir/Madam,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, and Regulation 1367/2006, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
All documents held by the Commission on the derogation for GAEC 7 and GAEC 8 for the years 2023 and 2024.
The documents I'm interested in include but are not limited to, are:
* The annual performance reports of all member states, referred to in Article 134 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 due on 15 February 2024, including draft versions and attachments;
* The assessments by all member states of the effects of the application of such derogations on global food security, on the preservation of the environment and the fight against climate change;
* Communication, including draft versions, such as: exchanges via e-mail, including attachments, letter, text messages, or phone call notes within the Commission and between the Commission and member states about these performance reports and assessments. In case a Member State did not notify the Commission, I would also like to receive all other data and communication;
* Meeting notes, powerpoints, presentations;
Since the information might at least partly also concern "activities affecting or likely to affect" the "state of the elements of the environment", I believe Regulation 1367/2006 applies.
Should you encounter any difficulties in interpreting or processing my request, I am ready to discuss ways to clarify or amend it to keep the effort required on your part to the necessary minimum.
I understand you may need to consult individual Member States that applied for the derogation and that this may take a while. I kindly request you to send me all the information you have found after 30 working days have elapsed. Afterwards you may send additional information in batches.
Please send me an acknowledgement of receipt for this request, as foreseen by Article 7 (1) of Regulation 1049/2001. I would appreciate it if you could send a list of documents that correspond to my request. Please note I prefer to receive the documents in digital format, not by physical mail. I also kindly request you make and digital files searchable using OCR.
Yours faithfully,
Jan Daalder
Follow the Money
Overtoom 197-1
1054HT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Dear Sir or Madam,
We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your request for access to documents
sent on 04/03/2024 and registered on 04/03/2024 under the case number
We will handle your request within 15 working days as of the date of
registration. The time-limit expires on 25/03/2024. We will let you know
if we need to extend this time limit for additional 15 working days.
To find more information on how we process your personal data, please see
[1]the privacy statement.
Yours faithfully,
Secretariat-General - Access to Documents
European Commission
Visible links
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/1214.
Kind regards,
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]themeData
Link: [3]colorSchemeMapping
[4]a little extra EXTENSION OF THE TIME LIMIT: Access request - Case
2024/1214 attributed to DG AGRI - Ares(2024)2868577 (Please use this link
only if you are an Ares user – Svp, utilisez ce lien exclusivement si vous
êtes un(e) utilisateur d’Ares)
Dear Sir,
Subject: Your application for access to documents – Case 2024/1214
We refer to your request for access to documents, registered under the
above mentioned reference number.
Your application is currently being handled. However, we will not be able
to complete the handling of your application within the time limit of 15
additionally working days, which expires on 18 April 2024.
An extended time limit is needed for the administrative reasons.
However, we would like to inform you that our response letter is about to
be signed and you will receive a reply in the coming days.
We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.
Yours faithfully,
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01DA91BD.FAD7BCE0
2. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
3. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
Thank you for your reply. An extension is of course possible, I would however like a new deadline, given the fact that the official deadline expired a week ago already. When can you send me the documents?
For the record: I will be on leave until May 6th, so I would be okay if I receive the documents by that week.
Yours sincerely,
Jan Daalder
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/1214.
Please acknowledge the receipt of this message by return email.
Kind regards,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/1214.
Please acknowledge the receipt of this message by return email.
Kind regards,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/1214.
Please acknowledge the receipt of this message by return email.
Kind regards,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/1214.
Please acknowledge the receipt of this message by return email.
Kind regards,
Dear Secretariat General of the European Commission,
Thank you for the documents registered under case number 2024/1214. I have used them for a short story for Follow the Money:
I consider this request closed.
Yours faithfully,
Jan Daalder