Detailed data used in chapter 5 of Annual Safety Review 2019, covering 2008-2018

La solicitud fue rechazada por Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea.

Dear European Aviation Safety Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Detailed data on accidents (both fatal and non-fatal) and serious incidents for sailplanes/gliders/motorgliders for the period 2008-2018, as used to compile the aggregated data shown in chapter 5 of EASA's Annual Safety Review 2019, on pages 109 to 119:

The data should at least offer the granularity:
by year
by flight-phase
by operations
by fatalities
by safety issue
by source (see below)
and have the complete data available to the agency about each accident and serious incident (including date, location, country).

Preferably, the data is as granular as provided by the used sources (page 15)
- EASA’s Occurrence Database
- European Central Repository (ECR)

We prefer to receive the data in a machine-readable format (csv, xlsx) rather than a scan or PDF, to compare it with our own statistics.

The context is related to a meeting at EASA Köln on Nov 13, 2019 on the topic of sailplane mid-air collisions. Insofar we welcome your feedback before.

Thank you and best regards

Andrea Schlapbach

FLARM Technology Ltd
Hinterbergstrasse 15
CH-6330 Cham

info, Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea

Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your email.
We will forward your request to our experts and do our best to reply as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we invite you to visit our website and the related FAQs section at
You can also subscribe to EASA Updates at
Kind regards,
Communication Department
European Union Aviation Safety Agency<>


Tel.: +49 221 8999 000
Postal: Postfach 10 12 53, 50452 Cologne, Germany
An agency of the European Union [cid:image006.jpg@01CF962A.8EC93EA0]

You can subscribe to EASA Updates at

info, Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email.
We have forwarded your request to our experts and we will do our best to reply as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we invite you to visit our website and the related FAQs section at
You can also subscribe to EASA Updates at

Kind regards,

Communication and Quality Department
European Aviation Safety Agency<>

Tel.: +49 221 8999 000
Postal: Postfach 10 12 53, 50452 Cologne, Germany
An agency of the European Union

info, Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea

3 Adjuntos

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email.

We have forwarded your request to our experts and we will do our best to reply as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we invite you to visit our website and the related FAQs section at
You can also subscribe to EASA Updates at

Kind regards,
Communication Department
European Aviation Safety Agency<>


Tel.: +49 221 8999 000
Postal: Postfach 10 12 53, 50452 Cologne, Germany
An agency of the European Union [cid:image003.jpg@01D0B4E4.E347EFB0]

ROSTREN Stephanie(EASA), Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea

1 Adjuntos

Dear Mr Schlapbach,

On behalf of Ms Stephanie ROSTREN, Chief Legal Adviser at EASA, please find attached a response to your access to documents request of 30 October 2019.

Best regards,
Orna Cosgrove

Please find attached document Ares(2019)7196612 from ROSTREN Stephanie (EASA.ED.2) dated 21/11/2019.

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2019)7196612 de ROSTREN Stephanie (EASA.ED.2) daté du 21/11/2019.

Dear Stephanie,

Thank you and your team for the detailed response sent Nov 21 regarding my request from Oct 30.

We are aware of ECR, its regulation and access via the national point of contact. In fact, we have requested such data at Swiss FOCA in Sep, and have received such in Oct.

ECR data is a conglomerate sourced by various national sources with various depth, quality, coverage, and more. E.g.
- several events are duplicated due to overlapping sources (accident location, aircraft registration, pilot domicile),
- classification fields may be empty or ‘unknown’, and
- UK-sourced data may contain neither date nor location (making the elimination of duplicates from other sources a non-trivial task).

The data EASA presents in its annual report 2018 covers the years 2008-2018 (not just the past 3 years, as you write) and is the result of selecting, correcting, completing, amending and aggregating ECR (and other) raw data so the analysis is useful. E.g.
- the “safety issue” classification applied does not exist as a such in the ECR data but may be derived reasonably from ECR’s “Occurrence category”, “Event type” and “Operation type”, and
- the raw data numbers from ECR are inconsistent with the accident numbers shown in your annual report, likely the consequence of reasonable selection and aggregation processes done by EASA, and by using a secondary data source (as the annual report says on page 15, also EASA’s Occurrence Database in addition to ECR).

Insofar, the reference to ECR alone and the 3-year period is incomplete, due to:
- a larger period covered in the report (2008-2018)
- a secondary source being used (EASA’s Occurrence Database), not accessible to the public
- data compilation and analysis work performed (on the raw data from the 2 sources), not accessible to the public

I kindly ask you and your team to reconsider your answer in the context of above considerations as we do have the interest to understand the complete and consistent data EASA has based its valuable analysis and conclusions from.

Thank you and best regards
Andrea Schlapbach

Dear ROSTREN Stephanie(EASA),

I have not heard back from you. When can I expect your reply?

Yours sincerely,
Andrea Schlapbach

COSGROVE Orna(EASA), Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea

2 Adjuntos

Please find attached document Ares(2019)7679448 from KY Patrick (EASA.ED.0) dated 13/12/2019.

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2019)7679448 de KY Patrick (EASA.ED.0) daté du 13/12/2019.