Documents about reunions of parlament mentioned Venezuela

La solicitud fue parcialmente exitosa.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Any documents in the last 12 months that the parliament had mentioned in they reunions topics about Venezuelas situation and Nicolas Maduro as president

Yours faithfully,

lorena rojas paz

Calle Diego de Leon 58
2 piso, escalera B

AccesDocs, Parlamento Europeo

2 Adjuntos

OUR RED A(2019)1093


Dear Mrs Rojas Paz,


Regarding your request concerning European Parliament's documents
mentioning Venezuela or Nicolas Maduro in the past 12 months, and without
any other specification, we suggest you to go to
and proceed as shown below.



On the left side of screen you will find several criteria to help you
filter  the results (document type, authority,...).

Remember to use "quotation marks" when searching with several keywords,
like  "Nicolas Maduro" or "President Nicolas Maduro" .

See also our reply to your request A(2019)474 (


Kind regards



European Parliament
Directorate-General for the
Interinstitutional Affairs and
Legislative Coordination

[4][European Parliament request email]








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