Documents regarding the financial contribution to the European Youth Forum

La solicitud fue exitosa.

Dear Education and Culture (EAC),

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Objectives, work plans, budgets, guidelines and evaluations of the financial support from the European Commission to the European Youth Forum for the period 2007 - 2012. In particular:

European Youth Forum Operating Grant Agreement 2007 and amendment (inc. work programme, operating budget and activity reports).
European Youth Forum Operating Grant Agreement 2008 and amendment (inc. work programme, operating budget and activity reports).
European Youth Forum Operating Grant Agreement 2009 and amendment (inc. work programme, operating budget and activity reports).
European Youth Forum Operating Grant Agreement 2010 and amendment (inc. work programme, operating budget and activity reports).
European Youth Forum Operating Grant Agreement 2011 and amendment if they exist (inc. work programme, operating budget and activity reports).
European Youth Forum Operating Grant Agreement 2012 and amendment if they exist (inc. work programme, operating budget and activity reports).
Final reports of the European Youth Forum 2007-2012
Strategic priorities of the European Youth Forum 2007-2012
European Youth Forum Statutes
Evaluation of the European Commission - European Youth Forum Operating Grant Agreements 2007-2011/12 Final report and Annexes to the final report (note that the links from your website are not working)
Youth in Action Programme Guide 2007 (and other years under which funds were granted to the organisation for the period 2007-2012)

Should my request be denied wholly or partially, please explain the denial or all deletions referring to specific exemptions in the regulation. Also I expect the partial release of documents, in case of partial exemption according to article 4.6.

Do not hesitate to get back to me should you need any further information which could facilitate your research.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Fabio Bauer

Educación, Juventud, Deporte y Cultura

Brussels, 17/02/2014

Dear Mr Bauer,

We refer to your e-mail dated 28/01/2014 in which you make a request for access to documents, registered on 28/01/2014.

Your application is currently being handled. However, we will not be in a position to complete the handling of your application within the time limit of 15 working days, which expires on 18/02/2014.
An extended time limit is needed as part of the documents requested originate from a third party which has to be consulted.
Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents. The new time limit expires on 11/03/2014.

We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.

Yours faithfully,

Pascal Lejeune
Head of Unit
Pascal Lejeune
Commission européenne - Direction générale de l'éducation et de la culture
Direction D – Jeunesse et Sport
Unité D.1 - Jeunesse
 +32-2-295.08.83 (direct phone)
 +32-2-299.41.58 (fax)

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Dear Education and Culture (EAC),

Thank you for your kind reply.

I look forward to the new deadline, which expires on 11/03/2014, in order to access the requested documents.

Yours faithfully,

Fabio Bauer

Educación, Juventud, Deporte y Cultura

Brussels, 11/03/2014

Dear Mr Bauer,

We refer to your email dated 28/01/2014 in which you make a request for access to documents, registered on 28/01/2014 and the email message we sent you on 17 February 2014 indicating that part of the documents requested originate from a third party which had to be consulted.

As regards the first part of your request, we would like to ask you to indicate more clearly what document you wish to receive as "activity reports" linked to the European Youth Forum Operating Grant Agreements 2007-2012, as there seems to be some overlap with the next point, where you request to receive the "Final reports" of the European Youth Forum 2007-2012.

Your application is currently being handled. As the application concerns a large number of documents, we will not be in a position to complete the handling of your application within the time limit which expires on 11 March 2014. An extended time limit is needed.

Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents. The new time limit expires on 1 April 2014.

We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.

Yours faithfully,

Signed p.o. Astrid Brey, Head of Sector

Pascal Lejeune
Head of Unit
Pascal Lejeune
Commission européenne - Direction générale de l'éducation et de la culture
Direction D – Jeunesse et Sport
Unité D.1 - Jeunesse
 +32-2-295.08.83 (direct phone)
 +32-2-299.41.58 (fax)

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Dear Ms Brey,

First of all, thank you for the time you have invested in my request.

In order to confirm what we discussed earlier over the telephone, I would like to narrow down my request in the following way:

(a) Regarding the European Youth Forum Operating Grant Agreements from 2007 to 2012, I request annexes only related to the work programme and the operating budget. Other annexes are not needed.

(b) Regarding the Final Reports of the European Youth Forum from 2007 to 2012, I request the narrative report and only annexes related to the final budget execution and the co-funding of their budget. Other annexes are not needed.

Finally, I confirm that the Evaluation of the European Commission - European Youth Forum
 Operating Grant Agreements 2007-2011/12 (Final Report and Annexes) is now available at:

I wish this clarification will contribute to the completion of my request within the shortest delay.

Yours faithfully,

Fabio Bauer

Educación, Juventud, Deporte y Cultura

7 Adjuntos

Dear Mr Bauer,


Please find attached a letter from our Director as well as the requested


We are sending you the documents in separate emails, due to the high
number of files.


Best regards,


ASSISTANT – Dissemination sector
European Commission
Directorate-General for Education and Culture
Erasmus+; Youth

J70  3/280
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 229-50727
[1][email address]





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Educación, Juventud, Deporte y Cultura

6 Adjuntos

Sending 2


Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:32 PM
To: '[FOI #1164 email]'
Subject: Access to information request - Documents regarding the financial
contribution to the European Youth Forum - sending 1


Dear Mr Bauer,


Please find attached a letter from our Director as well as the requested


We are sending you the documents in separate emails, due to the high
number of files.


Best regards,


ASSISTANT – Dissemination sector
European Commission
Directorate-General for Education and Culture
Erasmus+; Youth

J70  3/280
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 229-50727
[1][email address]





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Educación, Juventud, Deporte y Cultura

7 Adjuntos


Sending 3


Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:32 PM
To: '[FOI #1164 email]'
Subject: Access to information request - Documents regarding the financial
contribution to the European Youth Forum - sending 1


Dear Mr Bauer,


Please find attached a letter from our Director as well as the requested


We are sending you the documents in separate emails, due to the high
number of files.


Best regards,


ASSISTANT – Dissemination sector
European Commission
Directorate-General for Education and Culture
Erasmus+; Youth

J70  3/280
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 229-50727
[1][email address]





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Educación, Juventud, Deporte y Cultura

3 Adjuntos

Sending 4


Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:32 PM
To: '[FOI #1164 email]'
Subject: Access to information request - Documents regarding the financial
contribution to the European Youth Forum - sending 1


Dear Mr Bauer,


Please find attached a letter from our Director as well as the requested


We are sending you the documents in separate emails, due to the high
number of files.


Best regards,


ASSISTANT – Dissemination sector
European Commission
Directorate-General for Education and Culture
Erasmus+; Youth

J70  3/280
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 229-50727
[1][email address]





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Dear Ms Gariazzo,

Thank you for making available all the documentation that I requested. I know that your time is valuable, and I appreciate your willingness to assist me.

In particular, I would like to thank the Head of Sector, Ms Brey, for all the time she devoted to collect and consolidate the information. I had the opportunity to discuss my request directly with her and she was very kind and helpful.

Yours faithfully,

Fabio Bauer