DsRNA pesticides field trials in Slovenia

Julia Thibord made this acceso a documentos request to Medio Ambiente

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Medio Ambiente no tenía la información solicitada.

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

Under the right of access to documents and to environmental information, as guaranteed by Regulation 1049/2001 and Regulation 1367/2006 and by Article 15 TFEU and Article 42 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights , I am requesting access to information and documents on the following subject-matters:

According to a study published in 2020 (M. Petek et al., Validating the Potential of Double-Stranded RNA Targeting Colorado Potato Beetle Mesh Gene in Laboratory and Field Trials, Frontiers, in Plants Science, 19 August 2020: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.01250), a field trial of ds-RNA pesticides was conducted in June and July 2019 on three locations near Ljubljana, in Slovenia. As part of this trial, DsRNA pesticides were sprayed on fields of potato plants infested by Colorado potato beetle (CPB) larvae, thus resulting in the release of GMOs into the environment.

Please confirm whether these trials have been notified and/or authorised under Directive 2001/18/EC of 12 March 2001 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms. If not, please indicate which legislation is relevant and/or applicable for such field trials.

Please provide all documents (within the meaning of Regulation 1049/2001) and/or all environmental information (within the meaning of Regulation 1367/2006), in relation to these trials and their notification/authorisation process.

Yours sincerely,

Julia Thibord
10 rue Saint Marc
75002 Paris


Dear Sir or Madam,

We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your request for access to documents
sent on 25/11/2022 and registered on 25/11/2022 under the case number

We will handle your request within 15 working days as of the date of
registration. The time-limit expires on 16/12/2022. We will let you know
if we need to extend this time limit for additional 15 working days.

To find more information on how we process your personal data, please see
[1]the privacy statement.

Yours faithfully,

Directorate-General for Environment - Access to Documents
European Commission


Visible links
1. https://ec.europa.eu/info/principles-and...


1 Adjuntos


Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2022/6872.

Kind regards,

Unit B.2 Safe and Sustainable Chemicals


European Commission


1 Adjuntos


Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2022/6872.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this message by return email.

Kind regards,

Unit B.2 Safe and Sustainable Chemicals


European Commission