Ethics guide for staff

La solicitud fue exitosa.

Dear European External Action Service,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting any guidance note, briefing paper etc issued to EEAS staff which advises on how to improve ethics and/ or deal with potential conflicts of interest within the DG.

Yours faithfully,

Vicky Cann

EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS, Servicio europeo de acción exterior

Dear Madam,

Your request for access to documents has been registered. This message
is an acknowledgement of receipt.

In accordance with Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (that the EEAS is
also respecting), you should receive a reply within 15 working days.

Yours faithfully,


mailto:[email address]

SG3 - Corporate Board Secretariat (AD)

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EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS, Servicio europeo de acción exterior

1 Adjuntos

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 02/04/2012, registered on 02/04/2012,
requesting access to documents under Regulation No 1049/2001[1]
regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission
documentst (that the EEAS is also respecting).

We enclose a copy of the document which we hope will meet your needs. I
must however, remind you that they cannot be reproduced or disseminated
for commercial purposes unless the European External Action Service has
first been consulted.[2]

Should you have any other request for accessing a document belonging to
the European External Action Service (which is a body distinct from the
European Comission), you can address yourself directly to our
department: [email address].

Yours faithfully,

[email address]
SG3 - Corporate Board Secretariat (AD)


[1] OJ L145, 31.05.2001, page 43.

[2] In the case of a study, please use the following
disclaimer" I would point out that this study has been carried out by
independent experts and does not necessarily represent the European
External Action Service's views. I would draw your attention to the fact
that it can in no way be reproduced or disseminated for commercial
purposes unless we have first been consulted."

mostrar partes citadas


Thanks for your reply but please note that in the attachment you sent I am unable to access any of the hyperlinks and thus to understand this document in its entirety. Please could you send in a different format or separately attach each of the hyperlinked documents?


Yours sincerely,

Vicky Cann

EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS, Servicio europeo de acción exterior

1 Adjuntos

Dear Ms Cann,

Please find attached the Staff Regulations which is the public document.
We would like to inform you also that all the other documents (gudelines
on gifts and hospitality; case study on gift and hospitality; code of
conduct of Commissionaires etc.) are all documents of the European
Commission and we will ask them on the basis of the Memorandum of
Understanding to give you an access to these documents.

However we have to treat your enquiry as a new request for access to
documents which has been registered. This message is an acknowledgement of

In accordance with Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (that the EEAS is
also respecting), you should receive a reply within 15 working days from

Yours faithfully,


[1][email address]

SG3 - Corporate Board Secretariat (AD)


mostrar partes citadas

EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS, Servicio europeo de acción exterior

2 Adjuntos

Dear Ms Cann,


Thank you for your e-mail dated 16/04/2012, registered on 16/04/2012,
requesting access to documents under Regulation No 1049/2001[1][1]
regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission
documentst (that the EEAS is also respecting).   


We enclose a copy of the documents which are public and we hope will meet
your needs.


Should you have any other request for accessing a document belonging to
the European External Action Service (which is a body distinct from the
European Comission), you can address yourself directly to our department:
[2][email address].



Yours faithfully, 



[3][email address]

SG3 - Corporate Board Secretariat (AD) 



Visible links
1. outbind://296/#_ftn1
2. mailto:[email address]
mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]
blocked::mailto:[email address]
mailto:[email address]
mailto:[email address]

EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS, Servicio europeo de acción exterior

Dear Ms Cann,
Our services are still examining your request for access to the rest of
documents and, exceptionally, we need to extend the deadline for reply by
additional 15 working days in accordance with Article 8.2 of Regulation
1049/2001 for the reply to be adequately validated. 
Thank you for your understanding,

Yours faithfully,



[1]mailto:[email address]

SG3 - Corporate Board Secretariat (AD) 


Sent: vendredi 20 avril 2012 12:32
To: 'Vicky Cann'
Subject: Request Under Regulation 1049 (2012/25)
Dear Ms Cann,


Thank you for your e-mail dated 16/04/2012, registered on 16/04/2012,
requesting access to documents under Regulation No 1049/2001[2][1]
regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission
documentst (that the EEAS is also respecting).   


We enclose a copy of the documents which are public and we hope will meet
your needs.


Should you have any other request for accessing a document belonging to
the European External Action Service (which is a body distinct from the
European Comission), you can address yourself directly to our department:
[3][email address].



Yours faithfully, 



[4][email address]

SG3 - Corporate Board Secretariat (AD) 



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
file:///tmp/blocked::mailto:[email address]
2. outbind://296/#_ftn1
3. mailto:[email address]
mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[email address]
blocked::mailto:[email address]
mailto:[email address]
mailto:[email address]

EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS, Servicio europeo de acción exterior

10 Adjuntos

  • Attachment

    case studies gifts en.pdf

    26K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    Personnel Administration Informations Administratives.html

    40K Download

  • Attachment

    Personnel Administration Informations Administratives.gif

    21K Download

  • Attachment

    Personnel Administration Informations Administratives.gif

    0K Download

  • Attachment

    Personnel Administration Informations Administratives.gif

    0K Download

  • Attachment

    Personnel Administration Informations Administratives.gif

    0K Download

  • Attachment

    Personnel Administration Informations Administratives.gif

    0K Download

  • Attachment

    Personnel Administration Informations Administratives.gif

    0K Download

  • Attachment

    Personnel Administration Informations Administratives.bin

    9K Download

  • Attachment

    declaration confidentialite.tif

    232K Download View as HTML

Dear Ms Cann,


Thank you for your e-mail dated 16/04/2012, registered on 16/04/2012,
requesting access to documents under Regulation No 1049/2001[1][1]
regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission
documentst (that the EEAS is also respecting).   


We enclose a copy of the documents which are public and we hope will meet
your needs.


Should you have any other request for accessing a document belonging to
the European External Action Service (which is a body distinct from the
European Comission), you can address yourself directly to our department:
[2][email address].



Yours faithfully, 



[3][email address]

SG3 - Corporate Board Secretariat (AD) 



Visible links
1. outbind://296/#_ftn1
2. mailto:[email address]
mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]
blocked::mailto:[email address]
mailto:[email address]
mailto:[email address]