EU Ratification of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

La solicitud fue exitosa.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting access to:

1) List of the main evaluations and analyses by the European Commission of the legal and practical implications for the Union and/or Member States of the EU's ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities prepared prior to the ratification of that Convention, including but not limited to opinion(s) of the Commission's Legal Services.

2) Copies of the above documents.

I would prefer to receive these documents in electronic, machine-readable format to the extent that the documents exist in that format.

Yours faithfully,

Helen Darbishire

Secretaría General de la Comisión Europea

Dear Mrs Darbishire,
I hereby acknowledge receipt of your request for access to
documents dated 29/11/2012, registered on 30/11/2012 under the reference
GESTDEM 2012/5558.
In accordance with Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, you will receive a
response to your request within 15 working days (21/12/2012).

Yours sincerely,
Cellule 'Accès aux documents'
European Commission
SG/B/5 - Transparence

BERL 05/330
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 296 09 97
[1][email address]

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Secretaría General de la Comisión Europea

2 Adjuntos

To the attention of Ms Darbishire
Dear Madam,
We refer to your e-mail dated 29/11/2012 in which you make a request for
access to documents, registered on 30/11/2012 under the above mentioned
reference number.
The main analysis by the European Commission of the legal and practical
implications of the EU's ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities is based on the "Study on challenges and good
practices in the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities" (VC/2008/1214).
The study was carried out, on behalf of the Commission, by the European
Foundation Centre (EFC) representing the European Consortium of
Foundations on Human Rights, during the period January 2009 to February
2010. The final report was received in October 2010.
We enclose a copy of the Study and its annex with a brief overview of
several EU legislative instruments listed in the Council Decision
2010/48/EC on the conclusion of the UN CRPD by the EU.
The objective of the study was to analyse in detail the obligations set
out by the UN Convention and in particular to gather information about the
various practices in the implementation of the Convention, from a legal
and practical point of view, identifying challenges and measures to
facilitate the achievement of the UN Convention objectives. The intention
was to produce a compendium of good practices of implementation of the UN
Convention, identifying challenges and measures to facilitate the
achievement of the UN Convention objectives in all the Member States in
order to provide guidance for Member States, the European Union and
various stakeholders.
Furthermore, on the basis of available data obtained from the national
screening exercises, the study aimed to give an overview of legislation
(national as well as European) that needed/needs to be adjusted in order
to comply with the UN Convention.
Please note that this document is a study carried out by external experts
and does not reflect the position of the Commission. It cannot be quoted
as reflecting the Commission's position and cannot be reproduced or
disseminated for commercial purposes without prior consent given by the
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact
us again.
Yours faithfully,
Johan ten Geuzendam
Head of Unit
Rights of persons with disabilities

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