Get the complete information from the MEPs again
Dear European Parliament,
Congratulations for the new look of your website.
Unfortunately on that process, you didn't only improve how it look, but as well removed vital information:
It seems that none of the twitter and facebook links are there anymore.
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information in a computer readable format:
- list of all the twitter accounts of the MEPs
- list of all the Facebook accounts of the MEPs
I am aware of another website epnewshub, but sadly loosing a single point with all the information is there makes it harder to mix informations of committees or delegations with their social media presence.
Ideally, the list exists already in a computer readable format and is updated automatically, please do send me the link if it were the case.
Yours faithfully,
xavier dutoit
Dear Mr Dutoit,
Many thanks for your email.
Concerning the information about the MEPs, on the "Full list page" (top
right), you will find a downloadable XML file with a set of MEPs data :
name, country, national political group, id, etc. ; the social media
information is currently tested in preproduction, it will be available
with the next release (early January)
Kind regards
European Parliament
Directorate-General for the
Interinstitutional Affairs and
Legislative Coordination
[3][European Parliament request email]
Dear AccesDocs,
I would love to be included in the testing of the pre-production feature, would it be possible to share the testing url or have more information about the schema of the xml?
Yours sincerely,
xavier dutoit
Dear Mr Dutoit
Many thanks for your kind offer, however the European Parliament works
with its own in-house testers. We have nevertheless transmitted your
proposal to the IT team.
As for the schema of the xml, you should contact DG ITEC (Transparency
Unit deals only with documents).
Kind regards
European Parliament
Directorate-General for the
Interinstitutional Affairs and
Legislative Coordination
[2][European Parliament request email]
Dear European Parliament,
I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my access to documents request 'Get the complete information from the MEPs again'.
In november 2018, you wrote.
"You will find a downloadable XML file with a set of MEPs data :
name, country, national political group, id, etc. ; the social media
information is currently tested in preproduction, it will be available
with the next release (early January)"
As of january (2021), the list still doesn't include the social media accounts.
Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications.
A full history of my request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
xavier dutoit