High Value Dataset Impact Analysis: Company and Company Ownership Data
Dear Communications Networks, Content and Technology,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am submitting the following access to documents request.
I would like to request all documents relating to the impact assessment carried out on the classification of company and company ownership data as a high value data set under the Open Data Directive, including:
1. All documents relating to the cost-benefit analysis (including the impact assessment study on high value datasets by Deloitte et al);
2. All documents, including emails, relating to the methodology of the above-mentioned impact assessment study;
3. All documents relating to the impact on personal data and balance with the GDPR, including any legal opinions.
Yours faithfully,
Rachel Hanna
Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to documents are treated on the basis of
[1]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
The Secretariat-General will reply to your request within 15 working days
upon registration of your request and will duly inform you of the
registration of the request (or of any additional information to be
provided in view of its registration and/or treatment).
L’unité «Transparence» du secrétariat général de la Commission européenne
a bien reçu votre message.
Les demandes d’accès du public aux documents sont traitées sur la base du
[2]règlement (CE) n° 1049/2001 du 30 mai 2001 relatif à l’accès du public
aux documents du Parlement européen, du Conseil et de la Commission.
Le secrétariat général répondra à votre demande dans un délai de 15 jours
ouvrables à compter de la date d’enregistrement de votre demande, et vous
informera de cet enregistrement (ou vous indiquera toute information
supplémentaire à fournir en vue de l'enregistrement et/ou du traitement de
votre demande).
Ihre Nachricht ist beim Referat „Transparenz“ des Generalsekretariats der
Europäischen Kommission eingegangen.
Anträge auf Zugang zu Dokumenten werden auf der Grundlage der
[3]Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1049/2001 vom 30. Mai 2001 über den Zugang der
Öffentlichkeit zu Dokumenten des Europäischen Parlaments, des Rates und
der Kommission behandelt.
Das Generalsekretariat beantwortet Ihre Anfrage innerhalb von
15 Arbeitstagen nach deren Registrierung und wird Sie über die
Registrierung Ihres Antrags (oder die Notwendigkeit weiterer Informationen
im Hinblick auf dessen Registrierung und/oder Bearbeitung) unterrichten.
Visible links
1. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
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3. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]Ares(2021)448714 - RE: access to documents request - High Value Dataset
Impact Analysis: Company and Company Ownership Data - Gestdem 2021/0347
Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.
Dear Madam,
Thank you for your request for access to documents.
Unfortunately, you have not indicated your postal address. This is
necessary for registering and handling your request in line with the
procedural requirements.
Please send us your full postal address at your earliest convenience.
Pending your reply, we reserve the right to refuse the registration of
your request.
Alternatively, you may use directly the electronic form available on the
Europa website:
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
SG C.1
[8][email address]
Dear Access to Documents team,
My postal address is:
Yours sincerely,
Rachel Hanna
Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to documents are treated on the basis of
[1]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
The Secretariat-General will reply to your request within 15 working days
upon registration of your request and will duly inform you of the
registration of the request (or of any additional information to be
provided in view of its registration and/or treatment).
L’unité «Transparence» du secrétariat général de la Commission européenne
a bien reçu votre message.
Les demandes d’accès du public aux documents sont traitées sur la base du
[2]règlement (CE) n° 1049/2001 du 30 mai 2001 relatif à l’accès du public
aux documents du Parlement européen, du Conseil et de la Commission.
Le secrétariat général répondra à votre demande dans un délai de 15 jours
ouvrables à compter de la date d’enregistrement de votre demande, et vous
informera de cet enregistrement (ou vous indiquera toute information
supplémentaire à fournir en vue de l'enregistrement et/ou du traitement de
votre demande).
Ihre Nachricht ist beim Referat „Transparenz“ des Generalsekretariats der
Europäischen Kommission eingegangen.
Anträge auf Zugang zu Dokumenten werden auf der Grundlage der
[3]Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1049/2001 vom 30. Mai 2001 über den Zugang der
Öffentlichkeit zu Dokumenten des Europäischen Parlaments, des Rates und
der Kommission behandelt.
Das Generalsekretariat beantwortet Ihre Anfrage innerhalb von
15 Arbeitstagen nach deren Registrierung und wird Sie über die
Registrierung Ihres Antrags (oder die Notwendigkeit weiterer Informationen
im Hinblick auf dessen Registrierung und/oder Bearbeitung) unterrichten.
Visible links
1. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
2. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
3. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]Ares(2021)585595 - RE: Ares(2021)448714 - RE: access to documents
request - High Value Dataset Impact Analysis: Company and Company
Ownership Data - Gestdem 2021/0347
Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.
Dear Madam,
We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents,
which was registered on 25 January 2021 under reference number GESTDEM
In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application
will be handled within 15 working days.
The time limit will expire on 15 February 2021. In case this time limit
needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course.
You have lodged your application via a private third-party website, which
has no link with any institution of the European Union.
Therefore, the European Commission cannot be held accountable for any
technical issues or problems linked to the use of this system.
Please note that the private third party running the AsktheEU.org website
is responsible and accountable for the processing of your personal data
via that website, and not the Commission.
For further information on your rights, please refer to the third party’s
privacy policy.
We understand that the third party running the AsktheEU.org website
usually publishes the content of applicants’ correspondence with the
Commission on that website. This includes the personal data that you may
have communicated to the Commission (e.g. your private postal address).
Similarly, the third party publishes on that website any reply that the
Commission will send to the email address of the applicants generated by
the AsktheEU.org website.
If you do not wish that your correspondence with the Commission is
published on a private third-party website such as AsktheEU.org, you can
provide us with an alternative, private e-mail address for further
correspondence. In that case, the Commission will send all future
electronic correspondence addressed to you only to that private address,
and it will use only that private address to reply to your request. You
should still remain responsible to inform the private third-party website
about this change of how you wish to communicate with, and receive a reply
from, the Commission.
For information on how we process your personal data visit our page
[6]Privacy statement – access to documents.
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
SG C.1
[8][email address]
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]Ares(2021)1130611 - Your application for access to documents RefGestDem
Sent by ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be
sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses
doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.
Dear Ms Hanna,
We refer to your e-mail of 20 January 2021 wherein you make a request for
access to documents pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public
access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents
(‘Regulation 1049/2001’), registered on 25 January 2021 under the
above-mentioned reference number.
Your application reads as follows:
΄΄Dear Communications Networks, Content and Technology,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in
Regulation 1049/2001, I am submitting the following access to documents
I would like to request all documents relating to the impact assessment
carried out on the classification of company and company ownership data as
a high value data set under the Open Data Directive, including:
1. All documents relating to the cost-benefit analysis (including the
impact assessment study on high value datasets by Deloitte et al);
2. All documents, including emails, relating to the methodology of the
above-mentioned impact assessment study;
3. All documents relating to the impact on personal data and balance with
the GDPR, including any legal opinions. […]΄΄
Your application concerns a very large number of documents. At this stage,
according to our estimate more than 600 documents would fall within the
scope of your request.
Due to the scope of your request, the work needed to deal with your
application would cover the following steps:
- Individual analysis of the documents and establishment of the final
and complete list of the documents falling under the scope of your
- Scanning of the documents which are not in pdf format,
- Preliminary individual assessment of the content of the documents in
light of the exceptions contained in Article 4 of Regulation 1049/2001,
- For many of the documents, third party consultations under Article 4(4)
and/or 4(5) of Regulation 1049/2001,
- Final assessment of the documents in light of the comments received,
- Redaction of those parts of the documents to which one or several
exceptions apply,
- Preparation and finalisation of the reply for the request,
- Preparation of the reply and the documents for dispatch.
It follows from the above that the work needed for the treatment of your
request cannot expected to be completed within the normal time limit set
out in Article 7 of Regulation 1049/2001.
Article 6(3) of the Regulation 1049/2001 provides that, in the event of an
application relating to a very long or a very large number of documents,
the institution concerned may confer with the applicant informally with a
view to finding a fair solution. In accordance with the case law of the
Union Courts, the proposal for a fair solution aims to balance the
interest of the applicant against the workload resulting from the
processing of the application in order to safeguard the interests of good
administration (Judgments of 6 December 2001, Council v Hautala, Case C
353/99 P, EU:C:2001: 661, para. 30, and of 2 October 2014, Strack v
Commission, Case C 127/13 P, EU:C:2014:2250, para.27). Such solution can
only concern the content or the number of documents applied for, not the
deadline for replying (Judgment of the Court of Justice of 2 October 2014
in case C- 127/13, Guido Strack v Commission, paragraphs 26-28). This
means that the scope of the request must be reduced in a way that would
enable its treatment within the extended deadline of 15 + 15 working days.
Taking this into account and based on the above-mentioned provision, we
would kindly ask you to specify the objective of your request, your
specific interest in the requested documents and whether you could narrow
down the scope of your request, so as to reduce it to a more manageable
amount of documents.
In order to help you narrow down your wide scope request please note that
the following documents per requested category of documents have been
1. All documents relating to the cost-benefit analysis (including the
impact assessment study on high value datasets by Deloitte et al):
approximately 560 documents
2. All documents, including emails, relating to the methodology of the
above-mentioned impact assessment study: approximately 30 documents
3. All documents relating to the impact on personal data and balance with
the GDPR, including any legal opinions: approximately 15 documents
Taking into account the other ‘access to documents’ requests being handled
within DG CONNECT at the same time, including also the other access to
documents request that you have submitted in parallel (GestDem 2021/0349),
the global workload of the concerned staff during the same period, the
human resources available and the need to safeguard good administration,
we consider that in the remaining timeframe we would be able to deal with
a maximum of 20 documents.
In order to enable us to respect the time limits of Regulation 1049/2001,
we would ask you for a swift response to our proposal for a fair solution.
Please respond within three working days, i.e. by 12 February 2021 eob, at
the latest. Please send your response by email to the following
address: [6][email address]
In the absence of a reply within three working days, we will unilaterally
restrict the scope of your application to those parts that can be dealt
with within the extended deadline of 30 working days counting from the
date of registration of your application.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The DG CONNECT Access to Documents Team
European Commission
BU25 – Avenue de Beaulieu 25
B-1160 Brussels/Belgium
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D6FF00.AA2877B0
2. file:///tmp/cid:editdata.mso
3. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
4. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
5. https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/documen...
6. mailto:[email address]
Dear DG CONNECT Access to Documents Team,
Thank you for your reply.
I understand that due to the large number of documents that fall under my request, it is necessary for the scope to be refined. Before I refine my request, however, please provide clarification on the following.
In your reply, you mentioned my other access to documents request submitted in parallel (GestDem 2021/0349).
Are both of these requests being handled separately?
If not, in refining the scope of my current request (Gestdem 2021/0347) will I also be refining the scope of the other? (GestDem 2021/0349)
If this is indeed the case, please list the documents that fall under the scope of the other request.
Many thanks
[1]Ares(2021)1161698 - RE: access to documents request - High Value
Dataset Impact Analysis: Company and Company Ownership Data
Sent by ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be
sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses
doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.
Dear Ms Hanna,
Thank you for your email.
Please note that the two access to documents requests that you have
submitted, registered under RefGestDem 2021/0347 and RefGestDem 2021/0349,
respectively, are being treated separately.
Our invitation to narrow down the scope of your request that was sent to
you yesterday concerns only the request RefGestDem 2021/0347 and not the
other request RefGestDem 2021/0349.
We hope this clarifies the matter.
Your faithfully,
DG CONNECT Access to Documents Team
European Commission
BU25 – Avenue de Beaulieu 25
B-1160 Brussels/Belgium
Dear DG CONNECT Access to Documents Team,
Thank you for your clarification.
Regarding my request for documents relating to the impact assessment carried out on the classification of company and company ownership data as a high value data set under the Open Data Directive, I would to refine my request to the below:
• The Impact Assessment Study on High Value Datasets by Deloitte et al.
• All documents relating to the impact on personal data and balance with the GDPR, including any legal opinions: (approximately 15 documents)
Yours faithfully,
Rachel Hanna
Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to documents are treated on the basis of
[1]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
The Secretariat-General will reply to your request within 15 working days
upon registration of your request and will duly inform you of the
registration of the request (or of any additional information to be
provided in view of its registration and/or treatment).
L’unité «Transparence» du secrétariat général de la Commission européenne
a bien reçu votre message.
Les demandes d’accès du public aux documents sont traitées sur la base du
[2]règlement (CE) n° 1049/2001 du 30 mai 2001 relatif à l’accès du public
aux documents du Parlement européen, du Conseil et de la Commission.
Le secrétariat général répondra à votre demande dans un délai de 15 jours
ouvrables à compter de la date d’enregistrement de votre demande, et vous
informera de cet enregistrement (ou vous indiquera toute information
supplémentaire à fournir en vue de l'enregistrement et/ou du traitement de
votre demande).
Ihre Nachricht ist beim Referat „Transparenz“ des Generalsekretariats der
Europäischen Kommission eingegangen.
Anträge auf Zugang zu Dokumenten werden auf der Grundlage der
[3]Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1049/2001 vom 30. Mai 2001 über den Zugang der
Öffentlichkeit zu Dokumenten des Europäischen Parlaments, des Rates und
der Kommission behandelt.
Das Generalsekretariat beantwortet Ihre Anfrage innerhalb von
15 Arbeitstagen nach deren Registrierung und wird Sie über die
Registrierung Ihres Antrags (oder die Notwendigkeit weiterer Informationen
im Hinblick auf dessen Registrierung und/oder Bearbeitung) unterrichten.
Visible links
1. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
2. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
3. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]Ares(2021)1262746 - Holding reply-Your application for access to
documents RefGestDem 2021/0347
Sent by ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be
sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses
doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.
Dear Ms Hanna,
We refer to your request for access to documents, registered under the
abovementioned reference number.
Your application is currently being handled. However, we will not be in a
position to complete the handling of your application within the time
limit of 15 working days, which expires today.
An extended time limit is needed as part of the documents requested
originate from third parties which need to be consulted.
Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in
accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding
public access to documents. The new time limit expires on 8 March 2021.
We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.
Yours faithfully,
DG CONNECT Access to Documents Team
European Commission
BU25 – Avenue de Beaulieu 25
B-1160 Brussels/Belgium
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D7039A.919B9B20
2. file:///tmp/cid:editdata.mso
3. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
4. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
5. https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/documen...
Advance copy by e-mail and registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt
Dear Ms Hanna,
Please find attached document Ares(2021)1687946 regarding "Your
application for access to documents- GestDem 2021/0347" sent by Mr Roberto
Viola, General Director of DG CONNECT on 08/03/2021.
Best regards,
European Commission
Avenue de Beaulieu, 25
B-1160 Brussels/Belgium
Dear Communications Networks, Content and Technology,
Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications.
I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my access to documents request 'High Value Dataset Impact Analysis: Company and Company Ownership Data'.
It was correctly summarised that after narrowing the scope of my request, I requested
• The Impact Assessment Study on High Value Datasets by Deloitte et al.
• All documents relating to the impact on personal data and balance with the GDPR, including any legal opinions
It was stated that full disclosure of relevant documents is prevented under the exception of protection of privacy (Article 4(1)(b) Regulation 1049/2001), and protection of the decision-making process (Article 4(3) of Regulation 1049/2001)
In accordance with Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, I would like to submit a confirmatory application. In reviewing this, I ask the Commission to take into consideration the following points:
1. In relying on Article 4(3), protection of the decision-making process, it was not sufficiently demonstrated that disclosure of the documents would cause a reasonable foreseeable, non-hypothetical harm, nor was the public interest properly considered.
2. Regulation No 1049/2001 is designed – as is stated in recital 4 and reflected in Article 1 – to confer on the public as wide a right of access as possible to documents of the institutions. Under Recital 6, an even wider access should be granted to institutions acting in a legislative capacity.
I elaborate on these arguments in the following points:
1. In relying on Article 4(3) Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, it was not demonstrated that disclosure of the documents would cause a reasonable foreseeable, non-hypothetical harm, nor was the public interest properly considered.
Regarding the partially disclosed documents It was stated that:
“Part of Document 5 is covered by the above-mentioned exception as it contains information related to the views and activity of certain Member States which would undermine the ongoing decision-making process related to the adoption of the Implementing Act defining a list of high-value public sector datasets (HVDs), if publicly released.”
In terms of this exception being applied to the documents for which disclosure was refused, it was stated that:
“We regret to inform you that access to Documents 3-4 and 8-9 cannot be granted as disclosure is prevented by the above-mentioned exception to the right of access laid down in Article 4(3) first subparagraph of Regulation 1049/2001, with regard to the protection of the ongoing decision-making process.
These documents contain information related to the views and positions of the certain Member States on the relevant topic, in the context of the ongoing discussions and decision-making process with regard to the adoption of the Implementing Act defining a list of high-value public sector datasets (HVDs), as mentioned above.
This information would undermine the ongoing decision-making process, if publicly released.”
In simply stating that release of part of document 5, and documents 3-4 and 8-9 would “undermine the ongoing decision-making process” as they contain “the views and positions of the certain Member States” is not fully demonstrating that disclosure of the documents would cause a reasonable foreseeable, non-hypothetical harm.
In Case T 233/09 Access Info Europe v Council, the General Court confirmed that the mere fact that a document concerns an interest protected by an exception to disclosure is not sufficient to justify the application of that exception.
Such application may be justified only if access to that document could specifically and effectively undermine the protected interest. Moreover, the risk of the protected interest being undermined must not be purely hypothetical and must be reasonably foreseeable. It is up to the institution concerned to weigh the specific interest which must be protected through non-disclosure of part of the requested document in the circumstances against the general interest in the entire document being made accessible. (Case T 233/09 Access Info Europe v Council)
In merely claiming that the disclosure of the requested documents would seriously undermine the decision making-process, the Commission has not sufficiently demonstrated a non-hypothetical and reasonably foreseeable risk in order to rely on Article 4(3).
In terms of the public interest applicable to this exception, it was stated that:
“The exception laid down in Article 4(3) of Regulation 1049/2001 applies, unless there is an overriding public interest in the disclosure of documents. Such an interest must, firstly, be a public interest and, secondly, outweigh the harm caused by disclosure. We have examined whether there could be an overriding public interest in the disclosure of the aforementioned documents but we have not been able to identify such an interest.”
I instead, argue that there is indeed a huge public interest in knowing the views, activity and positions of Members States on this topic. Civil society, business and investigative journalist have a huge interest in following this decision-making process and having a full understanding of what decisions are being taken, by whom and the reasons behind those decisions.
Knowing what decisions are being taken our behalf, and what Member States are influencing those decision, is of extreme public importance for citizens to properly follow and participate in the decision-making process.
Civil society and investigative journalists have stated that high-quality, readily-accessible public company ownership information is essential to carry out proper due diligence on potential fraudulent or false companies. We have seen time and time again, through investigative journalism, how valuable public and open company ownership data is in uncovering shell companies and corrupt actors, in turn alerting law enforcement authorities and generating the evidence that can help them prosecute wrongdoing. The decisions being taken at the moment will directly affect how much company ownership information is made public across the EU, which in turn will directly affect the work of civil society and journalists in their fight against hidden corruption; this in turn is of benefit to all European citizens as it will ensure that public funds are not lost to corruption, something essential as we recover from the pandemic. Being excluded from a fact-based debate using the specific proposals being discussed in the Committee prevents civil society making these arguments to policy makers and to the public as effectively as it otherwise could.
Given the importance of public participation in EU decision-making and the treaty obligation imposed upon the EU to take decisions as closely as possible to the citizens, the public interest test in being granted access to these documents has not been correctly considered.
Article 15 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union states:
“In order to promote good governance and ensure the participation of civil society, the Union's institutions, bodies, offices and agencies shall conduct their work as openly as possible.”
As stated in Case C‑280/11 P, the Court lays out the “advantage” of increased openness is that it enables citizens to participate more closely in the decision-making process and guarantees that the administration enjoys greater legitimacy and is more effective and more accountable to the citizen in a democratic system.
“Openness in that respect contributes to strengthening democracy by enabling citizens to scrutinise all the information which has formed the basis for a legislative act. The possibility for citizens to find out the considerations underpinning legislative action is a precondition for the effective exercise of their democratic rights.” (Case C‑280/11 P Council v Access Info Europe, para 33)
In order for the public to fully participate in Commission decision-making, citizens must be able to follow decisions as they are happening, and understand the reason behind why they are being taken:
“If citizens are to be able to exercise their democratic rights, they must be in a position to follow in detail the decision-making process within the institutions taking part in the legislative procedures and to have access to all relevant information.” (Case T 233/09 Access Info Europe v Council, para 69)
Indeed, opening up these documents at a time when decision-making process is still ongoing, enables citizens to understand the options envisaged and the choices made by that institution and, thus, to be aware of the considerations underlying the action of the European Union. In addition, that disclosure puts those citizens in a position effectively to make their views known regarding those choices before those choices have been definitively adopted.
“it is rather a lack of public information and debate which is likely to give rise to doubts as to whether that institution has fulfilled its tasks in a fully independent manner and exclusively in the general interest.” (Case C-57/16P ClientEarth v Commission para 104)
2. Regulation No 1049/2001 is designed – as is stated in recital 4 and reflected in Article 1 – to confer on the public as wide a right of access as possible to documents of the institutions. Under Recital 6, an even wider access should be granted to institutions acting in a legislative capacity.
Recital 4 in the preamble to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 states:
“The purpose of this Regulation is to give the fullest possible effect to the right of public access to documents”
Article 1 of Regulation 1049/2001 states:
“The purpose of this Regulation is:
(a) to define the principles, conditions and limits on grounds of public or private interest governing the right of access to European Parliament, Council and Commission … documents … in such a way as to ensure the widest possible access to documents.”
In addition to this, the Regulation also states that a wider access should be granted to documents in cases where the institutions are acting in their legislative capacity. Recital 6 in the preamble to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 states:
“Wider access should be granted to documents in cases where the institutions are acting in their legislative capacity, including under delegated powers, while at the same time preserving the effectiveness of the institutions’ decision-making process. Such documents should be made directly accessible to the greatest possible extent.”
Given the arguments laid out above, I ask the Commission to review its previous decision to withhold documents.
A full history of my request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.asktheeu.org/en/request/high...
Yours faithfully,
Rachel Hanna
Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to documents are treated on the basis of
[1]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
The Secretariat-General will reply to your request within 15 working days
upon registration of your request and will duly inform you of the
registration of the request (or of any additional information to be
provided in view of its registration and/or treatment).
L’unité «Transparence» du secrétariat général de la Commission européenne
a bien reçu votre message.
Les demandes d’accès du public aux documents sont traitées sur la base du
[2]règlement (CE) n° 1049/2001 du 30 mai 2001 relatif à l’accès du public
aux documents du Parlement européen, du Conseil et de la Commission.
Le secrétariat général répondra à votre demande dans un délai de 15 jours
ouvrables à compter de la date d’enregistrement de votre demande, et vous
informera de cet enregistrement (ou vous indiquera toute information
supplémentaire à fournir en vue de l'enregistrement et/ou du traitement de
votre demande).
Ihre Nachricht ist beim Referat „Transparenz“ des Generalsekretariats der
Europäischen Kommission eingegangen.
Anträge auf Zugang zu Dokumenten werden auf der Grundlage der
[3]Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1049/2001 vom 30. Mai 2001 über den Zugang der
Öffentlichkeit zu Dokumenten des Europäischen Parlaments, des Rates und
der Kommission behandelt.
Das Generalsekretariat beantwortet Ihre Anfrage innerhalb von
15 Arbeitstagen nach deren Registrierung und wird Sie über die
Registrierung Ihres Antrags (oder die Notwendigkeit weiterer Informationen
im Hinblick auf dessen Registrierung und/oder Bearbeitung) unterrichten.
Visible links
1. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
2. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
3. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]Ares(2021)2170878 - Your confirmatory request - High Value Dataset
Impact Analysis: Company and Company Ownership Data - GESTDEM 2021/0347
Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.
Dear Madam,
Thank you for your email dated 28/03/2021 by which you request, pursuant
to Regulation No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament,
Council and Commission documents, a review of the position taken by DG
CNECT in reply to your initial application GESTDEM 2021/0347.
We hereby acknowledge receipt of your confirmatory application for access
to documents which was registered on 29/03/2021 (Ares(2021)2170434).
Your application will be handled within 15 working days (22/04/2021). In
case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due
Please be informed that the answer to your confirmatory application is a
formal Commission decision that will be notified to you by express
delivery. Thank you for providing your contact phone number, so that the
external delivery service can contact you in case of absence.
Please note that the Commission will not use your phone number for any
other purpose than for informing the delivery service, and that it will
delete it immediately thereafter.
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
[email address]
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]Ares(2021)2704422 - Your confirmatory application for access to
documents under Regulation (EC) 1049/2001 - GESTDEM 2021/347 - 1st holding
Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.
Dear Ms Hanna,
I refer to your email of 28 March 2021, registered on 29 March 2021, by
which you submit a confirmatory application in accordance with Article
7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European
Parliament, Council and Commission documents ("Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001"), registered under reference number above.
Your confirmatory application is currently being handled. Unfortunately,
we have not yet been able to gather all the elements needed to carry out a
full analysis of your request and to take a final decision. Therefore, we
are not in a position to reply to your confirmatory request within the
prescribed time limit which expires on 22 April 2021.
Consequently, we have to extend this period by another 15 working days in
accordance with Article 8(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001. The new
deadline expires on 17 May 2021.
However, I can assure you that we are doing our utmost to provide you with
a final reply within the next 15 working days.
I regret this additional delay and sincerely apologise for any
inconvenience this may cause.
Yours sincerely,
Head of Unit
European Commission
Secretariat General
SG.C.1 (Transparency, Document Management and Access to Documents)
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D73787.1E1ABB60
2. file:///tmp/cid:editdata.mso
3. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
4. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
5. https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/documen...
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]Your confirmatory application for access to documents under Regulation
(EC) 1049/2001 - GESTDEM 2021/347 - 2nd holding letter - Ares(2021)3254098
Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.
Dear Ms Hanna,
I refer to your email of 28 March 2021, registered on 29 March 2021, by
which you submit a confirmatory application in accordance with Article
7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European
Parliament, Council and Commission documents ("Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001"), registered under reference number above.
I also refer to our holding reply of 22 April 2021, by which the time
limit for replying to your confirmatory application was extended by 15
working days, pursuant to Article 8(2) of Regulation 1049/2001. This
extended time limit expires on 17 May 2021.
I regret to have to inform you that we were not able to respond within the
extended time-limit, as we have not yet finalised internal consultations.
I can assure you that we are doing our utmost to provide you with a final
reply as soon as possible.
I regret this additional delay and sincerely apologise for any
inconvenience this may cause.
Yours sincerely,
Head of Unit
European Commission
Secretariat General
SG.C.1 (Transparency, Document Management and Access to Documents)
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D74B2E.F033BBA0
2. file:///tmp/cid:editdata.mso
3. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
4. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
5. https://webgate.ec.testa.eu/Ares/documen...
Dear Ms Oliván Avilés,
Please kindly provide me with an update on my request.
Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Rachel Hanna
Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to documents are treated on the basis of
[1]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
The Secretariat-General will reply to your request within 15 working days
upon registration of your request and will duly inform you of the
registration of the request (or of any additional information to be
provided in view of its registration and/or treatment).
L’unité «Transparence» du secrétariat général de la Commission européenne
a bien reçu votre message.
Les demandes d’accès du public aux documents sont traitées sur la base du
[2]règlement (CE) n° 1049/2001 du 30 mai 2001 relatif à l’accès du public
aux documents du Parlement européen, du Conseil et de la Commission.
Le secrétariat général répondra à votre demande dans un délai de 15 jours
ouvrables à compter de la date d’enregistrement de votre demande, et vous
informera de cet enregistrement (ou vous indiquera toute information
supplémentaire à fournir en vue de l'enregistrement et/ou du traitement de
votre demande).
Ihre Nachricht ist beim Referat „Transparenz“ des Generalsekretariats der
Europäischen Kommission eingegangen.
Anträge auf Zugang zu Dokumenten werden auf der Grundlage der
[3]Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1049/2001 vom 30. Mai 2001 über den Zugang der
Öffentlichkeit zu Dokumenten des Europäischen Parlaments, des Rates und
der Kommission behandelt.
Das Generalsekretariat beantwortet Ihre Anfrage innerhalb von
15 Arbeitstagen nach deren Registrierung und wird Sie über die
Registrierung Ihres Antrags (oder die Notwendigkeit weiterer Informationen
im Hinblick auf dessen Registrierung und/oder Bearbeitung) unterrichten.
Visible links
1. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
2. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
3. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/...
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
Dear Ms Hanna,
Thank you for your e-mail.
I would like to apologise for the delay in the handling of your request. I
can confirm that your application is currently being handled and we are
currently consulting third-parties (Member States) for documents
originating from them in accordance with Article 4(4) and 4(5) of
Regulation 1049/2001.
Once we receive their replies, we will continue our assessment and
initiate the next steps in the procedure (internal consultation and
We would also like to assure you that we are doing our utmost to provide
you with a reply as soon as possible.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this delay may
cause to you and thank you for your understanding.
Kind regards,
Head of Unit
European Commission
Secretariat General
Unit C.1 (Transparency, Document Management and Access to Documents)
Dear Ms Rachel Hanna,
Please find attached the electronic version of Commission Decision
C(2022)1467 as adopted by the European Commission on 4.3.2022.
Given the exceptional circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the
formal notification of the decision under Article 297 TFEU is being made
only in electronic form.
Please confirm receipt of the attached document by return e-mail.
Kind regards,
European Commission
Secrétariat général de la Commission – Greffe B-2
Procédures écrites, habilitations, délégations et transmissions externes
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2-295.77.42
[1][email address]
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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. https://intragate.ec.europa.eu/decide/sep
4. https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis...