Horizon 2020 guidance documents

La solicitud fue exitosa.

Nik Völker, MiningWatch Portugal

Dear European Research Council Executive Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- FP8/Horizon 2020 "The Regulation" or equivalent
- FP8/Horizon 2020 "Audit Manual" and "Audit Process Handbook (APH)" or equivalent, including annexes, templates, and "Audit Process Checklists" or equivalent
- FP8/Horizon 2020 "The Guide on Certificates" or equivalent
- FP8/Horizon 2020 "Guide to Intellectual Property Rules" or equivalent
-FP8/Horizon 2020 "Guide to Financial Issues" or equivalent
-FP8/Horizon 2020 "Guidance notes for beneficiaries and auditors" or equivalent
-FP8/Horizon 2020 "Audit Work Programme" or equivalent
-FP8/Horizon 2020 "Beneficiary’s (internal) guidelines" or equivalent

Yours faithfully,

Nik Völker, MiningWatch Portugal

ve_ercea.acctodoc (ERCEA), Agencia Ejecutiva del Consejo Europeo de Investigación

[1]Ares(2020)5226346 - FW: access to documents request - Horizon 2020
guidance documents

Sent by ve_ercea.acctodoc (ERCEA) <[ERCEA request email]>.
All responses have to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_ercea.acctodoc (ERCEA)
<[ERCEA request email]>. Toutes les réponses doivent être
effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr Völker,

Thank you for your message addressed to the ERCEA access to documents

You request access to the H2020 guidance documents which are under the
responsibility of the European Commission. Therefore, please note that the
DG RTD (the European Commission) in copy of this message will handle your

With best regards,

ERCEA Access to documents team

European Research Council Executive Agency
Place Rogier, 16 - BE 1210 Saint-Josse,
E [email address] 
W [2]http://erc.europa.eu 

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Agencia Ejecutiva del Consejo Europeo de Investigación

1 Adjuntos

Dear Mr Völker,


Thank you for your request for access to documents in subject.


Unfortunately, you have not indicated your postal address. Your address is
necessary  for registering and handling your request in line with the
procedural requirements.


Please send us your full postal address at your earliest convenience.
Pending your reply, we reserve the right to refuse the registration of
your request.


Alternatively, you may use directly the electronic form available on the
Europa website:


Yours sincerely,



RTD Access to documents



European Commission

DG Research and Innovation

Common Legal Support Service



1049 Brussels/Belgium

[3][email address]





From: ve_ercea.acctodoc (ERCEA) <[ERCEA request email]>
Sent: Monday, 5 October, 2020 15:50
To: [FOI #8602 email]
Cc: ERCEA ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS <[email address]>; RTD
ACCESS DOCUMENTS <[email address]>
Subject: Ares(2020)5226346 - FW: access to documents request - Horizon
2020 guidance documents


[5]Ares(2020)5226346 - FW: access to documents request - Horizon 2020
guidance documents


Sent by ve_ercea.acctodoc (ERCEA)
<[6][ERCEA request email]>. All responses have to be sent
to this email address.

Envoyé par ve_ercea.acctodoc (ERCEA)
<[7][ERCEA request email]>. Toutes les réponses doivent
être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr Völker,

Thank you for your message addressed to the ERCEA access to documents

You request access to the H2020 guidance documents which are under the
responsibility of the European Commission. Therefore, please note that the
DG RTD (the European Commission) in copy of this message will handle your

With best regards,

ERCEA Access to documents team

European Research Council Executive Agency
Place Rogier, 16 - BE 1210 Saint-Josse,
E [8][email address] 
W [9]http://erc.europa.eu 

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Nik Völker, MiningWatch Portugal

Dear European Research Council Executive Agency,

Thanks for getting in touch. We have supplied the requested data through the form indicated.

Yours faithfully,

Nik Völker, MiningWatch Portugal

Nik Völker, MiningWatch Portugal

Dear European Research Council Executive Agency,

Could you add the response, sent October the 23rd by email, to this service so that the response may be available to the public? I'd only ask you to redact the following personal data in the response: postal address.
We'll then close this request formally.

Thanks and best regards,

Nik Völker, MiningWatch Portugal

ve_ercea.acctodoc (ERCEA), Agencia Ejecutiva del Consejo Europeo de Investigación

[1]Ares(2020)6340690 - RE: access to documents request - Horizon 2020
guidance documents

Sent by ve_ercea.acctodoc (ERCEA) <[ERCEA request email]>.
All responses have to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_ercea.acctodoc (ERCEA)
<[ERCEA request email]>. Toutes les réponses doivent être
effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr. Völker,

Please note that we have transferred your e-mail of 4 November 2020 for
follow-up to the competent service of the European Commission.

Kind regards,

ERCEA Access to documents team

European Research Council Executive Agency
Place Rogier, 16 - BE 1210 Saint-Josse,
E [email address]    
W [2]http://erc.europa.eu  

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Agencia Ejecutiva del Consejo Europeo de Investigación

2 Adjuntos

Dear Mr Völker,


Please find attached a copy of the reply to your access to documents
request in subject, first transmitted to you on 23 October 2020.


Yours sincerely,


RTD Access to documents



European Commission

DG Research and Innovation

Common Legal Support Service



1049 Brussels/Belgium

[2][email address]




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